Análisis del Discurso Multimodal de la representación del concepto de género en el programa “Aprendo en Casa”, a partir de la propuesta del Currículo Nacional de Educación Básica con enfoque de igualdad de género, durante el año 2020
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta tesis analiza la representación del concepto de género en el programa televisivo de
educación a distancia "Aprendo en Casa", emitido durante el año 2020, a partir del análisis del
discurso multimodal (ADM), a manera de descubrir los modos de representación
comunicacional y el discurso sobre género construido a partir de estos. Mediante un enfoque
cualitativo se analizan los modos de imagen en movimiento, diálogo, mirada, posición
corporal, gestos y ángulos de cámara; así como, se revisa el proceso de creación, producción y
distribución del programa, y la relación con el enfoque de igualdad de género del Currículo
Nacional de Educación Básica (CNEB), con el objetivo de identificar cómo se construyen y
representan las nociones de género. Los hallazgos revelan que el discurso multimodal
construido sobre género es aún conservador y limitado, en tanto se simplifica las causas de la
desigualdad, se generalizan los actores que participan en los fenómenos de género y, a su vez,
se termina reproduciendo estereotipos en su intento por atender los problemas de estado como
la violencia de género y desigualdad de oportunidades. Sin embargo, se resaltan avances en la
visibilización de problemas de violencia contra la mujer y la introducción de temas que
incorporen el enfoque de Educación Sexual Integral (ESI), así como la erradicación de
estereotipos de género; lo cual indica un avance en la representación del enfoque de igualdad
de género del Currículo Nacional de Educación Básica (CNEB).
Using Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA), this thesis analyzes the representation of gender in the television program "Aprendo en Casa", broadcasted during the year of 2020 in Peru, with the purpose of discovering the modes of communicational representation and the gender discourse constructed from these. Using a qualitative approach, the modes of moving image, dialogue, gaze, body position, gestures and camera angles are analyzed to discover a hidden curriculum present in the gender discourse, as well as to compare it to the gender approach dictated in the National Basic Education Curriculum. The findings reveal that the discourse on gender is still conservative and limited, as the causes of inequality are simplified, the actors who participate in gender phenomena are generalized and, in turn, stereotypes end up being reproduced in the attempt to attend state problems such as gender violence and inequality of opportunities. However, there’s a clear intent to highlight awareness of violence against women and to introduce topics of Sexual Education (SE), as well as to battle gender stereotypes, which signals an advancement in the representation of the gender approach based on the National Basic Education Curriculum.
Using Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA), this thesis analyzes the representation of gender in the television program "Aprendo en Casa", broadcasted during the year of 2020 in Peru, with the purpose of discovering the modes of communicational representation and the gender discourse constructed from these. Using a qualitative approach, the modes of moving image, dialogue, gaze, body position, gestures and camera angles are analyzed to discover a hidden curriculum present in the gender discourse, as well as to compare it to the gender approach dictated in the National Basic Education Curriculum. The findings reveal that the discourse on gender is still conservative and limited, as the causes of inequality are simplified, the actors who participate in gender phenomena are generalized and, in turn, stereotypes end up being reproduced in the attempt to attend state problems such as gender violence and inequality of opportunities. However, there’s a clear intent to highlight awareness of violence against women and to introduce topics of Sexual Education (SE), as well as to battle gender stereotypes, which signals an advancement in the representation of the gender approach based on the National Basic Education Curriculum.
Género--Investigaciones, Métodos de enseñanza--Perú, Análisis del discurso
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