La participación ciudadana a través de los comedores populares, clubes de madres y comités de vaso de leche en los programas sociales del centro poblado El Milagro, distrito de Huanchaco, provincia de Trujillo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente tesis describe las formas de participación ciudadana en las organizaciones
sociales de base (comités de vaso de leche, juntas directivas de comedores populares y
clubes de madres) del centro poblado El Milagro, distrito de Huanchaco, provincia de Trujillo,
en relación con los programas sociales implementados por el Estado durante el periodo 2012-
2013. El Estado a través de la Política Nacional de Aumento de capacidades sociales,
promueve e incentiva el ejercicio de los derechos y responsabilidades ciudadanas de parte de
las organizaciones y las poblaciones vulnerables, quienes son atendidos o beneficiados por
los programas y servicios sociales. Para conocer estas formas de participación y ejercicio de
las responsabilidades ciudadanas se ha considerado una metodología cualitativa en estudios
de caso con determinadas integrantes de las organizaciones de base existentes: cinco
comedores populares, diez clubes de madres y dos comités de vaso de leche. Así, se
realizaron cincuenta y dos entrevistas individuales a profundidad, ocho grupos focales, y dos
entrevistas individuales a responsables de programas sociales (vaso de leche y comedores
populares). De esta manera, la investigación busca conocer –prioritariamente desde el punto
de vista subjetivo de las integrantes de las organizaciones de base– la percepción respecto
de la implementación de los programas sociales, la interpretación del ejercicio de sus
responsabilidades y las formas de participación ciudadana en relación con el programa social
dentro del cumplimiento de la política social involucrada. Los hallazgos muestran que existen
formas de participación ciudadana con limitado conocimiento sobre su significado y que
evidencian dependencia de los programas sociales con escasa capacidad de expansión ni
presencia instalada que sea reconocida en las localidades. Finalmente, se plantea una
propuesta fundamentada con acciones que logren una intervención con los programas
sociales durante la fase de la implementación de la política de aumento de capacidades
sociales con el objetivo de lograr un mejor entendimiento de los resultados e impactos
In recent years, the Peruvian government established social policies related to the increase of social capacities and promotion of citizenship, participation, and responsibilities regarding social programs and services implemented. In this sense, people who receive government benefits will be prone to demonstrate genuine participation with social programs and assume responsibilities according to their citizenship’s rights. This thesis describes citizenship and participation of the basic grassroots organizations like vaso de leche committees, comedores populares and clubes de madres in the small city of El Milagro, Huanchaco District, Province of Trujillo, related to Social Programs that have been implemented by the Peruvian government during the period 2012 - 2013. To examine the point of view of the members of the grassroots organizations, their perceptions concerning the implementation of social programs allowing to know the deep thoughts about their responsibilities, participation, and citizenship related to compliance with the related social policy. For that, a qualitative methodology was considered, and field research was conducted with certain members of the grassroots organizations located in the small city El Milagro, these are 5 comedores populares, 10 clubes de madres and 2 vaso de leche, with 52 individual in-depth interviews and 8 focus groups. Some relevant findings of this research demonstrated current performance of participation and citizenship of grassroots organizations is incomplete, misinterpreted, with a strong dependence on the Government and social programs. Finally, with the results of the analysis, the investigation will provide an intervention focus on the social program implementation phase, which provide recommendations for strengthening the capacity of grassroots organization and social programs operators, for a better understanding of social policies and to identify strategies to be the most appropriate for ensuring and encouraging citizenship rights and social participation.
In recent years, the Peruvian government established social policies related to the increase of social capacities and promotion of citizenship, participation, and responsibilities regarding social programs and services implemented. In this sense, people who receive government benefits will be prone to demonstrate genuine participation with social programs and assume responsibilities according to their citizenship’s rights. This thesis describes citizenship and participation of the basic grassroots organizations like vaso de leche committees, comedores populares and clubes de madres in the small city of El Milagro, Huanchaco District, Province of Trujillo, related to Social Programs that have been implemented by the Peruvian government during the period 2012 - 2013. To examine the point of view of the members of the grassroots organizations, their perceptions concerning the implementation of social programs allowing to know the deep thoughts about their responsibilities, participation, and citizenship related to compliance with the related social policy. For that, a qualitative methodology was considered, and field research was conducted with certain members of the grassroots organizations located in the small city El Milagro, these are 5 comedores populares, 10 clubes de madres and 2 vaso de leche, with 52 individual in-depth interviews and 8 focus groups. Some relevant findings of this research demonstrated current performance of participation and citizenship of grassroots organizations is incomplete, misinterpreted, with a strong dependence on the Government and social programs. Finally, with the results of the analysis, the investigation will provide an intervention focus on the social program implementation phase, which provide recommendations for strengthening the capacity of grassroots organization and social programs operators, for a better understanding of social policies and to identify strategies to be the most appropriate for ensuring and encouraging citizenship rights and social participation.
Participación ciudadana--Huanchaco (Trujillo : Distrito), Organizaciones populares--Huanchaco (Trujillo : Distrito), Programas sociales--Perú--Huanchaco (Trujillo : Distrito), Comedores populares, Vaso de leche
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