Modelo ProLab: Earhart Travel, plataforma digital que promueve el turismo seguro para mujeres
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En un contexto en el que cada vez más mujeres optan por emprender viajes
independientes, ya sea solas o en grupos exclusivamente femeninos, se ha observado un
creciente aumento de la preocupación por la seguridad de las turistas. En el contexto Peruano,
este país aparece con frecuencia en las listas de destinos turísticos peligrosos para las mujeres, lo
que ha generado preocupaciones adicionales sobre la seguridad. En este escenario, Earhart
Travel busca abordar dos problemas sociales clave. En primer lugar, la empresa se enfoca en la
creciente preocupación por la seguridad de las mujeres que viajan solas o en grupos
exclusivamente femeninos; en segundo lugar, busca empoderar a las mujeres en la industria
turística peruana, donde la falta de equidad de género y la representación limitada en roles de
liderazgo son preocupaciones relevantes. Para abordar estos problemas, Earhart Travel ha
desarrollado una propuesta de valor enfocada en garantizar experiencias turísticas seguras,
auténticas y empoderadoras, para mujeres que desean viajar de forma independiente dentro del
Perú. Para ello, Earhart Travel proporcionará centrada en la seguridad, el empoderamiento y la
autenticidad. La empresa busca transformar la forma en que las mujeres experimentan el turismo,
ofreciendo experiencias de viaje seguras y enriquecedoras especialmente diseñadas para ellas.
La inversión inicial de 956,880 Soles refleja la cantidad necesaria para poner en marcha
la empresa. Sin embargo, lo más destacado es el Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de 9 ́278,247.29
Soles, que demuestra que el proyecto tiene un valor neto positivo, lo que implica que será
rentable y generará un retorno positivo sobre la inversión. Además, la Tasa Interna de Retorno
(TIR) del 289.45% supera significativamente la tasa de descuento ponderado del Costo de
Capital (WACC) del 30.638% lo que indica que el proyecto no solo es financieramente viable,
sino que también presenta un rendimiento atractivo en comparación con el costo de capital. Estos
indicadores financieros respaldan la solidez del modelo de negocio de Earhart Travel y su
capacidad para generar beneficios sostenibles en el mercado.
En términos de sostenibilidad social, Earhart Travel se alinea estrechamente con los
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas, específicamente con el ODS
5 (Igualdad de Género) y el ODS 8 (Trabajo Decente y Crecimiento Económico). La empresa
busca empoderar a las mujeres y promover el crecimiento económico inclusivo y sostenible, al
mismo tiempo que contribuye a mejorar la percepción de seguridad de las turistas en Perú.
In a context where more women are choosing to undertake independent travel, either alone or in all-female groups, there has been a growing increase in concerns about the safety of female tourists. In the Peruvian context, this country frequently appears on lists of dangerous tourist destinations for women, which has raised additional concerns about safety. In this scenario, Earhart Travel seeks to address two key social issues. Firstly, the company focuses on the growing concern about the safety of women travelling alone or in all-female groups; secondly, it seeks to empower women in the Peruvian tourism industry, where lack of gender equity and limited representation in leadership roles are relevant concerns. To address these issues, Earhart Travel has developed a value proposition focused on ensuring safe, authentic, and empowering tourist experiences for women who wish to travel independently within Peru. To do so, Earhart Travel will provide a service focused on safety, empowerment, and authenticity. The company seeks to transform the way women experience tourism by offering safe and enriching travel experiences specially designed for them. The initial investment of 956,880 Soles reflects the amount needed to start the company. However, the highlight is the Net Present Value (NPV) of 9 ́278,247.29 Soles, which shows that the project has a positive net value, implying that it will be profitable and generate a positive return on investment. In addition, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 289.45% significantly exceeds the Weighted Discount Rate of Capital Cost (WACC) of 30.638% , indicating that the project is not only financially viable, but also presents an attractive return compared to the cost of capital. These financial indicators support the strength of Earhart Travel's business model and its ability to generate sustainable profits in the market. In terms of social sustainability, Earhart Travel closely aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). The company seeks to empower women and promote vii inclusive and sustainable economic growth, while also contributing to improving the perception of safety for female tourists in Peru.
In a context where more women are choosing to undertake independent travel, either alone or in all-female groups, there has been a growing increase in concerns about the safety of female tourists. In the Peruvian context, this country frequently appears on lists of dangerous tourist destinations for women, which has raised additional concerns about safety. In this scenario, Earhart Travel seeks to address two key social issues. Firstly, the company focuses on the growing concern about the safety of women travelling alone or in all-female groups; secondly, it seeks to empower women in the Peruvian tourism industry, where lack of gender equity and limited representation in leadership roles are relevant concerns. To address these issues, Earhart Travel has developed a value proposition focused on ensuring safe, authentic, and empowering tourist experiences for women who wish to travel independently within Peru. To do so, Earhart Travel will provide a service focused on safety, empowerment, and authenticity. The company seeks to transform the way women experience tourism by offering safe and enriching travel experiences specially designed for them. The initial investment of 956,880 Soles reflects the amount needed to start the company. However, the highlight is the Net Present Value (NPV) of 9 ́278,247.29 Soles, which shows that the project has a positive net value, implying that it will be profitable and generate a positive return on investment. In addition, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 289.45% significantly exceeds the Weighted Discount Rate of Capital Cost (WACC) of 30.638% , indicating that the project is not only financially viable, but also presents an attractive return compared to the cost of capital. These financial indicators support the strength of Earhart Travel's business model and its ability to generate sustainable profits in the market. In terms of social sustainability, Earhart Travel closely aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). The company seeks to empower women and promote vii inclusive and sustainable economic growth, while also contributing to improving the perception of safety for female tourists in Peru.
Turismo-- Administración--Perú, Mujeres--Seguridad social
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