Nivel de afectación de la contaminación atmosférica y sus efectos en la infraestructura del campus universitario debido a la emisión de partículas PM10 y CO
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta tesis presenta los efectos de la contaminación atmosférica debido a emisiones de
compuestos ocasionados por el parque automotor. Específicamente, se refiere al impacto
producido por el Monóxido de Carbono (CO) y las partículas en suspensión menores a 10
micras (PM10). Para ello se escogió un área de muestra en la Pontificia Universidad
Católica del Perú. El campus universitario cuenta con vida silvestre, áreas verdes, tráfico
de personas y vehículos, del mismo modo la infraestructura tiene gran contraste entre
edificaciones nuevas y algunas que ya tienen muchos años bajo servicio, lo cual resultó
idóneo por la forma en que se representa una sociedad real con actividad constante.
La importancia de éste tema radica en que, para evaluar el grado de afectación de éstos
contaminantes, se necesita utilizar estándares de calidad internacionales (EPA) cómo
parámetro de referencia de cómo nos encontramos en la actualidad y que problemas
podrían ocasionar las cifras halladas. De la misma manera se elaboraron índices de
calidad de aire (ICA) para daños en la infraestructura, no existentes en éste país, que nos
muestran el grado de daño que se produce o existe en los distintos materiales
involucrados en el campus y que tan graves son. Como materiales, se entiende al
concreto armado, el acero y la mampostería.
El estudio realizado en ésta investigación es transversal, lo que significa que se debió
escoger una muestra del universo a analizar y donde lo importante es demostrar su
representatividad, la que se evalúa en el desarrollo de éste documento con ayuda de
herramientas estadísticas. La metodología de toma de muestras se conoce como
monitoreo densiométrico pasivo de la calidad del aire.
El resultado obtenido es que la contaminación existe, más por el lado de las partículas en
suspensión que por las de monóxido ya que éste resultó por debajo de los estándares
permitidos, por lo que se optó por utilizar datos vigentes de otro compuesto, SO2 y de ésta
manera poder desarrollar ecuaciones que nos expliquen la presencia de ciertos
fenómenos y cuantificarlos. Las soluciones presentadas son conocidas como barreras
verdes, las que debido a sus características propias, funcionan como filtros naturales para
corregir o disminuir el efecto de las emisiones en los materiales estudiados.
This thesis presents the effects of air pollution due to compound emissions caused by motor vehicles, referred specifically to the impact produced by the carbon monoxide (CO) and suspended particulate matter less than 10 micrometers (PM10). For this, a sample area at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú was chosen. The campus has wildlife, green areas, traffic of people and vehicles, the infrastructure also shows great contrast between new buildings and some others that have many years in service, which was suitable for the way it represents a real society in constant change. The importance of this issue is that, to assess the degree of impact of these pollutants, it’s required to use international quality standards as a benchmark of the pollution status nowadays and the problems these ciphers could cause. Similarly, air quality indexes (AQI) not available in this country were prepared. They show the level of damage that occurs or exists in the different materials involved in campus and how severe they are. As materials, we refer to concrete, steel and masonry. The study in this research is transverse, which means choosing a sample to analyze the universe, and where the important fact is to demonstrate its representativeness, which is evaluated in the development of this document using statistical tools. The sampling methodology is called densitometric passive monitoring of air quality. The final result is that contamination exists, more on the side of the suspended particles than monoxide because it was below the allowable standards, so the use of existing data from another compound, SO2, was required. This way equations that explain the presence of certain phenomena and quantify them can be developed. The solutions presented here are known as green barriers that due to their characteristics act as natural filters to correct or lessen the effect of emissions in the materials studied.
This thesis presents the effects of air pollution due to compound emissions caused by motor vehicles, referred specifically to the impact produced by the carbon monoxide (CO) and suspended particulate matter less than 10 micrometers (PM10). For this, a sample area at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú was chosen. The campus has wildlife, green areas, traffic of people and vehicles, the infrastructure also shows great contrast between new buildings and some others that have many years in service, which was suitable for the way it represents a real society in constant change. The importance of this issue is that, to assess the degree of impact of these pollutants, it’s required to use international quality standards as a benchmark of the pollution status nowadays and the problems these ciphers could cause. Similarly, air quality indexes (AQI) not available in this country were prepared. They show the level of damage that occurs or exists in the different materials involved in campus and how severe they are. As materials, we refer to concrete, steel and masonry. The study in this research is transverse, which means choosing a sample to analyze the universe, and where the important fact is to demonstrate its representativeness, which is evaluated in the development of this document using statistical tools. The sampling methodology is called densitometric passive monitoring of air quality. The final result is that contamination exists, more on the side of the suspended particles than monoxide because it was below the allowable standards, so the use of existing data from another compound, SO2, was required. This way equations that explain the presence of certain phenomena and quantify them can be developed. The solutions presented here are known as green barriers that due to their characteristics act as natural filters to correct or lessen the effect of emissions in the materials studied.
Aire--Contaminación, Contaminación ambiental, Partículas
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