Estrategias para estimular la creación de problemas de adición y sustracción de números naturales con profesores de educación primaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación proporciona conocimientos para la elaboración,
aplicación y análisis de resultados de un taller realizado con profesores de Educación
Primaria de la I.E. N° 20402 Virgen de Fátima de la ciudad de Huaral, en el que se aplicaron
cuatro actividades, con el propósito de estimular su capacidad creadora al formular
problemas de adición y sustracción de números naturales por variación. Vemos que en los
textos escolares que brinda el Gobierno se otorgan pocos espacios para desarrollar estrategias
para la creación de problemas. Así mismo, en el Diseño Curricular de Formación Docente,
tampoco se brindan las estrategias sobre la creación de problemas a los profesores en
formación, a pesar de que en nuestros documentos normativos se hace explícito que los
estudiantes de Educación Primaria deben crear sus problemas. Por ello, se hace necesario un
trabajo que aborde estos temas, preocupación de la presente investigación. Concretamente,
para el desarrollo de los talleres de la investigación nos apoyaremos en las estrategias
Episodio en clase, Problema Pre y problema Pos (Estrategias EPP) de Malaspina, y en la
Metodología Etnográfica de Arnal. El objetivo general de nuestro estudio es analizar el efecto
que tendrá la propuesta EPP, orientada a estimular la capacidad de crear problemas de adición
y sustracción de números naturales en profesores de Educación Primaria a través de Episodios
en clase contextualizados de acuerdo a la realidad en la que ellos laboran. Al concluir nuestro
trabajo de investigación, se apreció que, la capacidad creadora innata que poseían los
participantes, se incrementó con la estrategia EPP, y, además, mejoró su autoconfianza en su
capacidad creadora. Los participantes, después de la aplicación de la estrategia EPP,
opinaron que la creación de problemas por variación es apropiada y pertinente porque los
pasos para crearlos son sencillos y les permiten un acercamiento a las matemáticas con
problemas de acuerdo a las necesidades e inquietudes de sus estudiantes. Asimismo,
manifestaron la intención de usar las estrategias EPP, aprendidas en los talleres, como una
oportunidad para mejorar sus procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, y propiciar que sus
estudiantes elaboren sus propios problemas, como parte de su proceso de aprendizaje.
The present research paper provides knowledge for the elaboration, application and analysis of the results obtained from a workshop carried out with elementary school teachers from I.E. N° 20402 Virgen de Fátima in the city of Huaral, in which four activities where applied with aims to estimulate their creative ability by posing addition and subtraction problems of natural numbers by variation. We see few spaces for developing strategies for problem posing in the school textbooks the government provides. Likewise, in the Curricular Design for Teacher Training, the strategies for problem posing are not provided to teachers in training either, even though the regulatory documents clearly state that elementary school students shall pose their problems. Therefore, a paper addressing these issues is necessary, and that is the concern of the present research. To be precise, we will support the development of the research workshops on Malaspina’s Episode, Pre-problem and Post-problem strategies (EPP strategies) and on Arnal’s Ethnographic Methodology. The general objective of our study is to analyze the effect of the EPP proposal, oriented to stimulate the ability to pose addition and subtraction problems of natural numbers in elementary school teachers through in-class Episodes set in the context of their real job. When our research paper was done, it was perceived that the natural, creative ability the participants possesed increased with the EPP strategy, and the selfconfidence they had on their creative ability also improved. After applying the EPP strategy, the participants thought that problem posing by Variation is appropriate and relevant because the steps to pose them are simple and they allow them to approach mathematics with problems according to students’ needs and concerns. Additionally, they expressed their intention to use the EPP strategies learned in the workshops as an opportunity to improve their teaching and learning processes, as well as a way to contribute so their students can pose their own problems as part of their learning process.
The present research paper provides knowledge for the elaboration, application and analysis of the results obtained from a workshop carried out with elementary school teachers from I.E. N° 20402 Virgen de Fátima in the city of Huaral, in which four activities where applied with aims to estimulate their creative ability by posing addition and subtraction problems of natural numbers by variation. We see few spaces for developing strategies for problem posing in the school textbooks the government provides. Likewise, in the Curricular Design for Teacher Training, the strategies for problem posing are not provided to teachers in training either, even though the regulatory documents clearly state that elementary school students shall pose their problems. Therefore, a paper addressing these issues is necessary, and that is the concern of the present research. To be precise, we will support the development of the research workshops on Malaspina’s Episode, Pre-problem and Post-problem strategies (EPP strategies) and on Arnal’s Ethnographic Methodology. The general objective of our study is to analyze the effect of the EPP proposal, oriented to stimulate the ability to pose addition and subtraction problems of natural numbers in elementary school teachers through in-class Episodes set in the context of their real job. When our research paper was done, it was perceived that the natural, creative ability the participants possesed increased with the EPP strategy, and the selfconfidence they had on their creative ability also improved. After applying the EPP strategy, the participants thought that problem posing by Variation is appropriate and relevant because the steps to pose them are simple and they allow them to approach mathematics with problems according to students’ needs and concerns. Additionally, they expressed their intention to use the EPP strategies learned in the workshops as an opportunity to improve their teaching and learning processes, as well as a way to contribute so their students can pose their own problems as part of their learning process.
Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria).
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