Planeamiento estratégico para la región Moquegua
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio desarrolla un plan estratégico para el 2029 de la región Moquegua
de acuerdo al modelo de trabajo planteado por Fernando D’Alessio, con la finalidad de
aprovechar al máximo las fortalezas y oportunidades de la región reduciendo el impacto de
sus debilidades y amenazas con el objetivo de mejorar los indicadores de competitividad
económicos y de desarrollo social en la región.
Según el índice de competitividad regional 2017 Moquegua ocupa el segundo lugar,
donde destacan los pilares de instituciones, entorno económico y salud. Asimismo, en el
índice de progreso social regional del Perú 2017, Moquegua se ubica en el primer puesto
donde predomina la dimensión de oportunidades. Es por ello que Moquegua es uno de los
departamentos con mejor desarrollo económico y social del Perú.
A nivel económico, el siguiente plan estratégico analiza las principales variables que
respaldan estos indicadores y las oportunidades de mejoras existentes para diversificar las
actividades económicas de la región desarrollando otros sectores económicos como la
agricultura, pesca y turismo, a través de una variedad en la oferta, industrialización de
procesos con el uso de tecnología y mejoramiento de la infraestructura. Todo ello sin
descuidar su principal actividad económica y mayor fuente de ingresos que es la minería,
buscando el desarrollo del sector en base a productos con valor agregado.
En consecuencia, estos objetivos económicos permitirán a la región mejorar la
calidad de vida de sus pobladores, a través del respeto de sus derechos, fomento de mayor
empleo, mayor acceso a la salud y educación de calidad. Finalmente, para el logro de los
objetivos propuestos para el 2029 deberá prevalecer la calidad ambiental
The present study develops a strategic plan for 2029 for the region of Moquegua according to the model work by Fernando D'Alessio, in order to attend the most of the strengths and opportunities of the region by reducing the impact of its weaknesses and threats with the purpose of improving the competitiveness economic indicators and social development in the region. According to the regional competitiveness index 2017, Moquegua is in the second position, where the pillars of institutions, the economic environment and health stands out. Also, in the index of regional social progress of Peru 2017, Moquegua is located in the first place where the dimension of opportunities predominates. For those reasons, Moquegua is currently one of the most economically and socially developed departments in Peru. At economic level, the following strategic plan analyzes the main variables that support these indicators to improve even more opportunities based on a diversification of economic activities of the region, developing other economic sectors such as agriculture, fishing and tourism, due to a varied offer, industrialization of processes with use of technology and improvement of infrastructure. All this without neglecting the mining, the main economic activity and greater source of income, seeking the development of the sector based on value added products. Consequently, these economic objectives will allow the region to improve the quality of life of its population, through the respect of their rights, promotion of greater employment, access to health and quality education. Finally, in order to achieve the objectives proposed for 2029, environmental quality must prevail
The present study develops a strategic plan for 2029 for the region of Moquegua according to the model work by Fernando D'Alessio, in order to attend the most of the strengths and opportunities of the region by reducing the impact of its weaknesses and threats with the purpose of improving the competitiveness economic indicators and social development in the region. According to the regional competitiveness index 2017, Moquegua is in the second position, where the pillars of institutions, the economic environment and health stands out. Also, in the index of regional social progress of Peru 2017, Moquegua is located in the first place where the dimension of opportunities predominates. For those reasons, Moquegua is currently one of the most economically and socially developed departments in Peru. At economic level, the following strategic plan analyzes the main variables that support these indicators to improve even more opportunities based on a diversification of economic activities of the region, developing other economic sectors such as agriculture, fishing and tourism, due to a varied offer, industrialization of processes with use of technology and improvement of infrastructure. All this without neglecting the mining, the main economic activity and greater source of income, seeking the development of the sector based on value added products. Consequently, these economic objectives will allow the region to improve the quality of life of its population, through the respect of their rights, promotion of greater employment, access to health and quality education. Finally, in order to achieve the objectives proposed for 2029, environmental quality must prevail
Planificación regional--Perú--Moquegua, Desarrollo regional--Perú--Moquegua, Planificación estratégica
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