Análisis de la ejecución del Programa Presupuestal de Tuberculosis. El caso del primer nivel de atención de la jurisdicción de Lima Centro, 2020-2023
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio realiza un análisis del Programa Presupuestal de Tuberculosis en
los establecimientos de salud del primer nivel de atención en la jurisdicción de
Lima Centro (2020-2023), considerado una preocupación primordial en la salud
pública debido a su complejidad y a las desigualdades sociales en nuestro país,
es así que el programa alineado a los Objetivos del Desarrollo del Milenio (ODS)
para el 2030 , desarrolla diversas estrategias e intervenciones para controlarlas
mediante la Dirección de Prevención de Prevención y Tuberculosis (DPCTB)
dentro del Marco de la Estrategia Nacional de Prevención y Control de
Tuberculosis (ESNPCT); teniendo por finalidad reducir gradual y sostenidamente
la incidencia de tuberculosis en los diversos esquemas de tratamiento como el
sensible y multirresistente.
De esta manera, siendo el primer nivel de atención afectado por la vulnerabilidad
del sector sanitario, social, económica de los últimos tres años, se ha plasmado
diferentes acciones de intervención generando una mayor expectativa hacia este
servicio, a pesar de ello, se identificaron inquietudes entre usuarios y los actores
involucrados, lo que resalta la necesidad de abordar vacíos técnicos que deben
tomarse en consideración, a pesar de existir una reglamentación avalada a
través del marco legal.
Finalmente, es preciso mencionar la alarmante brecha en el objetivo de
proporcionar soporte nutricional a las personas que reciben su tratamiento en un
escenario de creciente inseguridad alimentaria, ello obliga a que el MINSA, en
su rol de rectoría, el gobierno local como los profesionales de salud a generar
espacios de gestión, donde los usuarios sean sujetos de derecho involucrando
su participación como actores involucrados, reduciendo los impactos negativos
para de esta manera mejorar la calidad de atención durante el servicio,
fortaleciendo las nuevas estrategias surgidas durante la pandemia a fin de la
reducción en la incidencia y muertes a causa de la tuberculosis.
This study carries out an analysis of the Tuberculosis Budget Program in health facilities at the first level of care in the jurisdiction of Lima Center (2020-2023), considered a primary concern in public health due to its complexity and social inequalities in our country. country, thus the program aligned with the Millennium Development Goals (SDG) for 2030, develops various strategies and interventions to control them through the Prevention and Tuberculosis Prevention Directorate (DPCTB) within the Framework of the National Prevention Strategy and Tuberculosis Control (ESNPCT); The purpose of which is to gradually and sustainably reduce the incidence of tuberculosis in the various treatment schemes such as sensitive and multi-resistant. In this way, being the first level of care affected by the vulnerability of the health, social, and economic sector in the last three years, different intervention actions have been implemented, generating greater expectations towards this service, despite this, concerns were identified. between users and the actors involved, which highlights the need to address technical gaps that must be taken into consideration, despite the existence of regulations endorsed through the legal framework. Finally, it is necessary to mention the alarming gap in the objective of providing nutritional support to people receiving treatment in a scenario of growing food insecurity, which forces the MINSA, in its role as steward, the local government as well as health professionals. health to generate management spaces, where users are subjects of law, involving their participation as involved actors, reducing negative impacts in order to improve the quality of care during the service, strengthening the new strategies that emerged during the pandemic in order to reduction in incidence and deaths due to tuberculosis.
This study carries out an analysis of the Tuberculosis Budget Program in health facilities at the first level of care in the jurisdiction of Lima Center (2020-2023), considered a primary concern in public health due to its complexity and social inequalities in our country. country, thus the program aligned with the Millennium Development Goals (SDG) for 2030, develops various strategies and interventions to control them through the Prevention and Tuberculosis Prevention Directorate (DPCTB) within the Framework of the National Prevention Strategy and Tuberculosis Control (ESNPCT); The purpose of which is to gradually and sustainably reduce the incidence of tuberculosis in the various treatment schemes such as sensitive and multi-resistant. In this way, being the first level of care affected by the vulnerability of the health, social, and economic sector in the last three years, different intervention actions have been implemented, generating greater expectations towards this service, despite this, concerns were identified. between users and the actors involved, which highlights the need to address technical gaps that must be taken into consideration, despite the existence of regulations endorsed through the legal framework. Finally, it is necessary to mention the alarming gap in the objective of providing nutritional support to people receiving treatment in a scenario of growing food insecurity, which forces the MINSA, in its role as steward, the local government as well as health professionals. health to generate management spaces, where users are subjects of law, involving their participation as involved actors, reducing negative impacts in order to improve the quality of care during the service, strengthening the new strategies that emerged during the pandemic in order to reduction in incidence and deaths due to tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis--Aspectos sociales--Perú--Lima, Salud pública--Aspectos sociales--Perú--Lima, Política de salud--Perú--Lima--Siglo XXI
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