Planeamiento estratégico para la Clínica Maisón de Santé del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente documento se basa en la elaboración del “Plan Estratégico en la
Clínica Maison de Santé del Perú”, con una propuesta de cinco años (2020 – 2025),
estableciendo mejoras en su competitividad, para posicionarla entre los dos primeros
lugares de las clínicas del Perú de su categoría, con mayor participación en
especialidades, además permitirá mejorar el ambiente de trabajo, en beneficio de sus
colaboradores y de la empresa.
Se considera que la empresa obtendrá una mejora sustancial en la prestación de
los servicios de salud y gestión de sus actividades económicas. El plan a ejecutar se
desarrolla utilizando el Modelo Secuencial de Planeamiento Estratégico elaborado por
el Profesor Fernando D’Alessio.
Los cinco objetivos de largo plazo alineados en la visión de la clínica son: (a)
contar con cincuenta (50) especialidades médicas, (b) ampliar por lo menos en 50% la
infraestructura de las áreas de emergencia, hospitalización y consulta ambulatoria (c)
obtener 80 puntos en los factores seguridad y dignidad, experiencia del paciente y
capital humano, en el Ranking de América Economía Intelligence (d) reducir la
siniestralidad de los planes de salud a 60%, y (e) alcanzar 20,000 consultas mensuales
en el servicio de consulta ambulatoria.
El cumplimiento de estos objetivos a largo plazo (OLP) será a través de la
realización de 16 subobjetivos a corto plazo (OCP).
Los resultados obtenidos indican que, a pesar de las adversidades del entorno, la
Clínica Maison de Santé cuenta con el suficiente potencial para ser una empresa bastante
competitiva y capaz de brindar bienestar a un segmento del mercado limeño en
sus tres sedes de atención. Para ello, requiere seguir un proceso estratégico que agregará
valor a sus ventajas comparativas, transformándolas en ventajas competitivas.
This document is based on the elaboration of the “Strategic Plan at the Maison de Santé del Perú Clinic”, with a five-year proposal (2020 - 2025), establishing improvements in its competitiveness, to place at the two first places of the clinics of Peru of its category, with a greater participation in medical specialties, it will also improve the work environment for the benefit of its employees and the company. It is considered, that the company will obtain a substantial improvement in the provision of health services and management of its economic activities. The plan to be executed is developed using the Sequential Strategic Planning Model prepared by Professor Fernando D’Alessio. The five long-term objectives aligned with the vision of the clinic are: (a) have fifty (50) medical specialties, (b) expand the infrastructure of emergency areas, hospitalization and outpatient consultation at least 50% (c) obtain eighty (80) points in the factors security and dignity, patient experience and human capital, in the Ranking of América Economic Intelligence (d) reduce the accident rate of health plans to 60%, and (e) reach twenty thousand (20,000) monthly consultations in the outpatient consultation service. The fulfillment of these long-term objectives (LTO) will be through the realization of sixteen (16) short-term sub-objectives (STSO). The results obtained indicate that, despite the adversities of the environment, the Maison de Santé Clinic has enough potential to be a competitive company and capable of providing well-being to a segment of the Lima market in its three service centers. To do this, it requires following a strategic process that will add value to its comparative advantages, transforming them into competitive advantages.
This document is based on the elaboration of the “Strategic Plan at the Maison de Santé del Perú Clinic”, with a five-year proposal (2020 - 2025), establishing improvements in its competitiveness, to place at the two first places of the clinics of Peru of its category, with a greater participation in medical specialties, it will also improve the work environment for the benefit of its employees and the company. It is considered, that the company will obtain a substantial improvement in the provision of health services and management of its economic activities. The plan to be executed is developed using the Sequential Strategic Planning Model prepared by Professor Fernando D’Alessio. The five long-term objectives aligned with the vision of the clinic are: (a) have fifty (50) medical specialties, (b) expand the infrastructure of emergency areas, hospitalization and outpatient consultation at least 50% (c) obtain eighty (80) points in the factors security and dignity, patient experience and human capital, in the Ranking of América Economic Intelligence (d) reduce the accident rate of health plans to 60%, and (e) reach twenty thousand (20,000) monthly consultations in the outpatient consultation service. The fulfillment of these long-term objectives (LTO) will be through the realization of sixteen (16) short-term sub-objectives (STSO). The results obtained indicate that, despite the adversities of the environment, the Maison de Santé Clinic has enough potential to be a competitive company and capable of providing well-being to a segment of the Lima market in its three service centers. To do this, it requires following a strategic process that will add value to its comparative advantages, transforming them into competitive advantages.
Servicios de salud--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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