Business consulting de la empresa distribuidora de bienes y servicios EIRL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Dibiser EIRL es una empresa de alquiler de maquinaria para movimiento de tierras
y transporte de materiales para la construcción con más de diez (10) años de experiencia y
operación en el sector privado, donde ha logrado ubicarse en una posición competitiva y
expectante por la calidad y cumplimiento de los servicios ofertados; sin embargo el análisis
empresarial realizado por el equipo consultor ha identificado la gestión como una empresa
familiar, pero con la implementación de estrategias con enfoque de gestión de procesos
puede lograr sus objetivos de crecimiento en ventas y posicionarse como una empresa
competitiva basada en elevados estándares de calidad. Esto se logrará implementando las
siguientes alternativas de solución: (a) Implementar un modelo de gestión ERP, (b) iniciar
los procesos de certificaciones de calidad, medioambientales, antisoborno y protocolos de
seguridad y salubridad en el trabajo, introduciendo los cambios necesarios en el
organigrama actual, (c) adoptar nuevas tecnologías en los equipos para controlar las
variables con mayor incidencia en costos de operación y (d) preparar todo un equipo de
profesionales abiertos al cambio. Una vez implementada las estrategias, la empresa espera
aumentar sus ventas netas en 3.5 millones de soles en los próximos cinco años de acuerdo
con el flujo de caja proyectado. El análisis empresarial concluye que el problema central de
la empresa radica en una inadecuada gestión empresarial que ha limitado sus expectativas
de crecimiento en el mercado; sin embargo al implementar las alternativas de solución con
una inversión ascendente a S/ 361,600 soles en un plazo de ejecución de ocho (8) meses se
espera obtener un VAN de S/ 5,825,950.26 millones de soles y una TIR de 296 %, con lo
cual se concluye que la propuesta es viable, por lo tanto Dibiser debe implementar las
alternativas de solución para lograr sus objetivos y operar con una gestión empresarial
eficiente basada en procesos integrados a partir del año 2023.
Dibiser EIRL is a machinery rental company for earthmoving and transportation of construction materials with ten (10) years of experience and operation in the private sector, where it has managed to place itself in a competitive and expectant position for quality and compliance. of the services offered; However, the business analysis carried out by the consulting team has identified the management as a family business, but with the implementation of strategies with a process management approach, it can achieve its sales growth objectives and position itself as a competitive company based on high standards of quality. This will be achieved by implementing the following solution alternatives: (a) Implement an ERP management model, (b) initiate the processes of quality, environmental, anti-bribery certifications and safety and health protocols at work, introducing the necessary changes in the current organization chart, c) adopt new technologies in the equipment to control the variables with the greatest incidence in operating costs and (d) prepare a whole team of professionals open to change. Once the strategies are implemented, the company expects to increase its net sales by 3.5 million soles in the next five years according to the projected cash flow. The business analysis concludes that the central problem of the company lies in an inadequate business management that has limited its growth expectations in the market; However, when implementing the solution alternatives with an investment of S / 361,600 soles in an execution period of eight (8) months, it is expected to obtain a VAN of S / 5,825,950.26 million soles and an TIR of 296%, with which It is concluded that the proposal is viable, therefore Dibiser must implement the alternative solutions to achieve its objectives and operate with efficient business management based on integrated processes as of the year 2023.
Dibiser EIRL is a machinery rental company for earthmoving and transportation of construction materials with ten (10) years of experience and operation in the private sector, where it has managed to place itself in a competitive and expectant position for quality and compliance. of the services offered; However, the business analysis carried out by the consulting team has identified the management as a family business, but with the implementation of strategies with a process management approach, it can achieve its sales growth objectives and position itself as a competitive company based on high standards of quality. This will be achieved by implementing the following solution alternatives: (a) Implement an ERP management model, (b) initiate the processes of quality, environmental, anti-bribery certifications and safety and health protocols at work, introducing the necessary changes in the current organization chart, c) adopt new technologies in the equipment to control the variables with the greatest incidence in operating costs and (d) prepare a whole team of professionals open to change. Once the strategies are implemented, the company expects to increase its net sales by 3.5 million soles in the next five years according to the projected cash flow. The business analysis concludes that the central problem of the company lies in an inadequate business management that has limited its growth expectations in the market; However, when implementing the solution alternatives with an investment of S / 361,600 soles in an execution period of eight (8) months, it is expected to obtain a VAN of S / 5,825,950.26 million soles and an TIR of 296%, with which It is concluded that the proposal is viable, therefore Dibiser must implement the alternative solutions to achieve its objectives and operate with efficient business management based on integrated processes as of the year 2023.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Maquinaria--Construcción, Empresas de servicios
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