Colusión y gobernanza criminal: La intersección del Estado y la criminalidad en Gamarra, La Victoria (2015-2018)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las organizaciones criminales han establecido regímenes de gobierno criminal de
facto en muchas áreas subnacionales de América Latina y la extorsión forma una parte
crucial de sus actividades. Desde los inicios de la década de 2010, el crimen organizado
ha desarrollado relaciones de colaboración y competencia con el Estado que han
permitido a estas organizaciones reunir una significativa autoridad política. Pese al
reconocimiento público de la influencia del crimen organizado en la política subnacional
peruana, existe una relativa limitación en las investigaciones sobre el tema, y el caso
peruano no suele ser tomado en cuenta a nivel comparado. Esta tesis de licenciatura
ofrece una descripción cualitativa de los procesos que dan lugar al surgimiento de una
gobernanza criminal en el Emporio Comercial de Gamarra, ubicado en el distrito de La
Victoria, en Lima. La investigación está enfocada en el caso de los “Intocables ediles”,
entre los años 2015 y 2018. La tesis argumenta que la combinación de dos factores
permitió que estos actores ilegales influyan de manera directa en la política: 1) la
prevalencia de instituciones informales, producto de la sinergia de intereses entre actores
criminales, sociales y políticos, y 2) el conflicto entre las organizaciones criminales
GREVA y la organización liderada por Alexander Peña, involucradas en el cobro de cupos
y extorsiones en Gamarra. La gobernanza criminal en Gamarra se caracterizó por el
dominio que tuvieron estos actores sobre los mercados y el comercio de la zona, así
como su dominación social, política y económica. Asimismo, la organización criminal
cooptó a autoridades políticas y puestos administrativas municipales, lo que les permitió
dominar el distrito.
La investigación emplea un diseño de investigación observacional, recurriendo al
estudio de caso y la metodología del rastreo de procesos y entrevistas semiestructuradas.
La evidencia empírica proviene también de expedientes fiscales, revisión de archivos
periodísticos, noticias, medios de comunicación y bibliografía secundaria.
Criminal organizations have established governance regimes in many subnational areas of Latin America, and extortion forms a crucial part of their activities. Since the early 2010s, organized crime has developed collaborative and competitive relationships with the state, allowing these organizations to gather significant political authority. Despite public recognition of organized crime's influence on Peruvian subnational politics, there is a relative limitation in research on the topic, and the Peruvian case is often overlooked in comparative studies. This undergraduate thesis presents a qualitative description of the processes leading to the emergence of criminal governance in the Commercial Emporium of Gamarra, situated in the district of La Victoria, Lima. The study focuses on the case of the “Intocables Ediles” between 2015 and 2018. It argues that a combination of factors facilitated the direct influence of these illicit actors on politics: 1) the prevalence of informal institutions, stemming from the convergence of interests among criminal, social, and political actors, and 2) the conflict between the criminal organizations GREVA and the group led by Alexander Peña, both involved in collecting quotas and extortion in Gamarra. Criminal governance in Gamarra was marked by the domination of these actors over the area's markets and commerce, as well as their social, political, and economic control. Furthermore, the criminal organization co-opted political authorities and municipal administrative positions, allowing them to dominate the district. The research employs an observational research design, using case study and process tracing methodology, and semi-structured interviews. Empirical evidence is drawn from prosecutor's investigation file, examination of journalistic archives, mass media, and secondary literature.
Criminal organizations have established governance regimes in many subnational areas of Latin America, and extortion forms a crucial part of their activities. Since the early 2010s, organized crime has developed collaborative and competitive relationships with the state, allowing these organizations to gather significant political authority. Despite public recognition of organized crime's influence on Peruvian subnational politics, there is a relative limitation in research on the topic, and the Peruvian case is often overlooked in comparative studies. This undergraduate thesis presents a qualitative description of the processes leading to the emergence of criminal governance in the Commercial Emporium of Gamarra, situated in the district of La Victoria, Lima. The study focuses on the case of the “Intocables Ediles” between 2015 and 2018. It argues that a combination of factors facilitated the direct influence of these illicit actors on politics: 1) the prevalence of informal institutions, stemming from the convergence of interests among criminal, social, and political actors, and 2) the conflict between the criminal organizations GREVA and the group led by Alexander Peña, both involved in collecting quotas and extortion in Gamarra. Criminal governance in Gamarra was marked by the domination of these actors over the area's markets and commerce, as well as their social, political, and economic control. Furthermore, the criminal organization co-opted political authorities and municipal administrative positions, allowing them to dominate the district. The research employs an observational research design, using case study and process tracing methodology, and semi-structured interviews. Empirical evidence is drawn from prosecutor's investigation file, examination of journalistic archives, mass media, and secondary literature.
Economía informal--Perú--La Victoria (Lima : Distrito), Crimen organizado--Perú--La Victoria (Lima : Distrito), Corrupción política--Perú--La Victoria (Lima : Distrito), Gobierno municipal--Perú--La Victoria (Lima : Distrito)
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