El servicio de transporte público urbano de pasajeros en el Perú: situación jurídica actual y propuestas de mejora desde la regulación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La deficiente calidad en la prestación del transporte público urbano de pasajeros es uno
de los problemas más graves que se enfrentan en el Perú el día de hoy, y más aún si
se toman en consideración las deficiencias del modelo regulatorio vigente actualmente,
el cual no contribuye en la búsqueda de soluciones sostenibles y pertinentes que
redunden en un mejor servicio para la ciudadanía. En ese sentido, el presente trabajo
de investigación presenta las principales razones tanto jurídicas como ajenas a lo
jurídico que han conducido a la problemática del transporte público; y, a su vez, presenta
una propuesta a partir de la teoría de la regulación que implica la creación de un
organismo regulador de competencias nacionales para el servicio de transporte público
urbano de pasajeros. Para ello, se ha empleado la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas
provenientes de la doctrina jurídica nacional e internacional, a la par que se ha realizado
un análisis de la normativa nacional e internacional y de la jurisprudencia relevante. Las
principales conclusiones a las que se llegó en esta investigación son: (i) que las
municipalidades y la Autoridad de Transporte Urbano para Lima y Callao no han sido
capaces de planificar, fiscalizar y sancionar adecuadamente esta actividad; (ii) que el
gobierno central no ha brindado el marco regulatorio adecuado para que los subsidios
a esta actividad sean efectivos y constantes; (iii) que el transporte se ha convertido en
un asunto político antes que técnico; y (iv) que la creación de un organismo regulador
de alcances nacionales contribuirá en el objetivo de lograr una solución frente a esta
The deficient quality in the provision of urban public passenger transportation is one of the most severe problems being faced in Peru today, and even more so if the deficiencies of the current regulatory model are taken into consideration, which does not contribute to the quest for sustainable and appropriate solutions that result in a better service for the citizens. In this sense, this research paper presents the main legal and non-legal reasons that have led to the problem of public transportation; and, in turn, presents a proposal based on the theory of regulation that implies the establishment of a regulatory agency with national competencies for the urban public passenger transportation service. To this end, a review of bibliographical sources from national and international legal doctrine has been used, alongside an analysis of national and international regulations and relevant jurisprudence. The main conclusions reached in this research are: (i) that the municipalities and the Urban Transportation Authority for Lima and Callao have not been able to properly organize, supervise and sanction this activity; (ii) that the central government has not provided an adequate regulatory framework to ensure that subsidies for this activity are effective and constant; (iii) that transportation has become a political rather than a technical issue; (iv) that the government has not been able to provide the necessary resources to ensure that this activity is effective and constant; (v) that transportation has become a political rather than a technical issue; and (vi) that the creation of a nationwide regulatory agency will contribute to achieving a solution to this problema.
The deficient quality in the provision of urban public passenger transportation is one of the most severe problems being faced in Peru today, and even more so if the deficiencies of the current regulatory model are taken into consideration, which does not contribute to the quest for sustainable and appropriate solutions that result in a better service for the citizens. In this sense, this research paper presents the main legal and non-legal reasons that have led to the problem of public transportation; and, in turn, presents a proposal based on the theory of regulation that implies the establishment of a regulatory agency with national competencies for the urban public passenger transportation service. To this end, a review of bibliographical sources from national and international legal doctrine has been used, alongside an analysis of national and international regulations and relevant jurisprudence. The main conclusions reached in this research are: (i) that the municipalities and the Urban Transportation Authority for Lima and Callao have not been able to properly organize, supervise and sanction this activity; (ii) that the central government has not provided an adequate regulatory framework to ensure that subsidies for this activity are effective and constant; (iii) that transportation has become a political rather than a technical issue; (iv) that the government has not been able to provide the necessary resources to ensure that this activity is effective and constant; (v) that transportation has become a political rather than a technical issue; and (vi) that the creation of a nationwide regulatory agency will contribute to achieving a solution to this problema.
Transporte de pasajeros--Legislación--Perú, Organismos reguladores--Perú, Política de transporte--Perú