Business Consulting para SERVISEGUR PERU S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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SERVISEGUR PERÚ SAC es una empresa de seguridad y vigilancia con más de
cinco años en el mercado, tiene presencia en Lima Metropolitana y cuenta con alrededor de 7
servicios, según el cliente lo requiera. Dentro de los principales objetivos de la Gerencia
General están lograr el posicionamiento de la compañía, lograr la estabilidad financiera y
contar con las certificaciones internacionales que el sector demanda.
A partir del análisis del entorno y el diagnóstico empresarial realizado por el equipo
consultor, se identificó como problema principal para SERVISEGUR PERÚ SAC la baja
productividad de sus servicios. Se identificaron diversas situaciones negativas como el bajo
margen operativo de la organización, el incumplimiento de sus procesos establecidos en su
sistema de gestión de calidad y la baja capacidad para generar retornos que le permitan
expandirse al ritmo deseado. A partir de dicho análisis, se determinaron las principales causas
raíz del problema principal, las cuales están relacionadas al personal de SERVISEGUR y el
incumplimiento de procesos internos.
Se elaboró la propuesta de solución a las causas raíz principales identificadas, la cual
consiste en la implementación de tres ejes estratégicos: (a) Redefinición de la cultura y
satisfacción laboral; (b) sistema de reclutamiento, selección e inducción del personal y (c)
mejora continua en las operaciones de SERVISEGUR. El plan de implementación
recomendado se gestionará utilizando las buenas prácticas del Project Management Institute
(2021), proponiendo un cronograma, presupuesto, gestión de stakeholders, plan de gestión
del cambio y plan de gestión de riesgos. De la evaluación de la alternativa de solución
presentada se determinaron los resultados que se logran obtener, a nivel cualitativo y
cuantitativo, haciendo énfasis en la contribución a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de la
Organización de las Naciones Unidas. Finalmente se realizó la evaluación económica
financiera, mostrando que resulta viable financieramente al obtener un valor actual neto de S/
768 111,00.
SERVISEGUR PERÚ SAC is a security and surveillance company with more than five years in the market, has presence in Metropolitan Lima and has about 7 services, as required by the client. Among the main objectives of the General Management are to achieve the positioning of the company, achieve financial stability and have the international certifications that the sector demands. Based on the analysis of the environment and the business diagnosis carried out by the consulting team, SERVISEGUR PERÚ SAC identified the low productivity of its operations as the main problem. Several negative situations were identified, such as the organization's low operating margin, noncompliance with the processes established in its quality management system, and the low capacity to generate returns that would allow it to expand at the desired pace. Based on this analysis, the main root causes of the main problem were determined, which are related to SERVISEGUR's personnel and noncompliance with intern processes. The proposed solution to the main root causes identified was developed, which consists of the implementation of three strategic axes: (a) culture and job satisfaction; (b) recruitment, selection and induction of personnel; and (c) continuous improvement in SERVISEGUR's operations. The recommended implementation plan will be managed using the best practices of the Project Management Institute (2021), proposing a schedule, budget, stakeholder management, change management plan and risk management plan. From the evaluation of the alternative solution presented, the qualitative and quantitative results obtained were determined, with emphasis on the contribution to the sustainable development objectives of the United Nations. Finally, the economic and financial evaluation was carried out, showing that it is financially feasible by obtaining a net present value of S/ 768,111.00.
SERVISEGUR PERÚ SAC is a security and surveillance company with more than five years in the market, has presence in Metropolitan Lima and has about 7 services, as required by the client. Among the main objectives of the General Management are to achieve the positioning of the company, achieve financial stability and have the international certifications that the sector demands. Based on the analysis of the environment and the business diagnosis carried out by the consulting team, SERVISEGUR PERÚ SAC identified the low productivity of its operations as the main problem. Several negative situations were identified, such as the organization's low operating margin, noncompliance with the processes established in its quality management system, and the low capacity to generate returns that would allow it to expand at the desired pace. Based on this analysis, the main root causes of the main problem were determined, which are related to SERVISEGUR's personnel and noncompliance with intern processes. The proposed solution to the main root causes identified was developed, which consists of the implementation of three strategic axes: (a) culture and job satisfaction; (b) recruitment, selection and induction of personnel; and (c) continuous improvement in SERVISEGUR's operations. The recommended implementation plan will be managed using the best practices of the Project Management Institute (2021), proposing a schedule, budget, stakeholder management, change management plan and risk management plan. From the evaluation of the alternative solution presented, the qualitative and quantitative results obtained were determined, with emphasis on the contribution to the sustainable development objectives of the United Nations. Finally, the economic and financial evaluation was carried out, showing that it is financially feasible by obtaining a net present value of S/ 768,111.00.
Servicios de seguridad--Administración, Consultores de empresas--Planificación, Control de procesos