Concepciones de sexualidad y prácticas en salud sexual de mujeres y hombres adolescentes de quinto de secundaria de colegios privados de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación busca comparar en base al género las concepciones de
sexualidad y las prácticas en salud sexual entre adolescentes de colegios privados de Lima
Metropolitana. El estudio tuvo una metodología cualitativa, se realizaron seis entrevistas
semi estructuradas a adolescentes entre 16 y 17 años (tres mujeres y tres hombres) en
busca de temas en común y diferencias de acuerdo al género. Se encontró que los
adolescentes tienen una concepción en común de la sexualidad como relacional, y difieren
por género en cuanto a la expresión de ésta, pues se posiciona a la mujer como vulnerable
al abuso. Asimismo, mantienen en común una visión de corte biomédico sobre la salud
sexual, lo cual es reforzado por los mensajes de la escuela y la familia. A pesar de eso,
llegaron a reconocer que pueden existir riesgos en el ejercicio de su vida sexual, estos se
presentan de distinta forma por la diferencia en los roles de género. Las mujeres temían
por el vínculo con la pareja sexual mientras que los hombres no consideraban sus
emociones al involucrarse en un acto sexual. Por otro lado, existe una preferencia por el
uso del condón en los varones, ya que culturalmente ellos dominan su uso. La influencia
de la familia se encuentra marcada por los roles tradicionales de género, donde se niega
libertad sexual a la mujer. La influencia familiar es considerada como importante en sus
decisiones, sólo en el caso de las mujeres participantes. Finalmente, los y las participantes
identifican carencias en la información impartida en la escuela.
The present research seeks to compare the conceptions of sexuality and the practices in sexual health among adolescents from private schools in Metropolitan Lima. The study had a qualitative methodology, six semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents between 16 and 17 years (three women and three men) in search of common themes and differences according to gender. It was found that adolescents have a common conception of sexuality as relational, and differ by gender in terms of its expression, since women are positioned as vulnerable to abuse. Likewise, they share a common biomedical vision of sexual health, which is reinforced by the messages from the school and the family. Despite this, they came to recognize that there may be emotional risks when having sexual acts, these are presented in different ways due to the difference in gender roles. Women feared for the bond with the sexual partner while men did not consider their emotions when facing a sexual act. On the other hand, there is a preference for the use of condoms in men, since culturally they dominate their use. The influence of the family is shown as marked by traditional gender roles, where women are denied sexual freedom. The influence of the family is considered important in their decisions, only by the participating women. Finally, the participants recognize that there are shortcomings in the information given in the school.
The present research seeks to compare the conceptions of sexuality and the practices in sexual health among adolescents from private schools in Metropolitan Lima. The study had a qualitative methodology, six semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents between 16 and 17 years (three women and three men) in search of common themes and differences according to gender. It was found that adolescents have a common conception of sexuality as relational, and differ by gender in terms of its expression, since women are positioned as vulnerable to abuse. Likewise, they share a common biomedical vision of sexual health, which is reinforced by the messages from the school and the family. Despite this, they came to recognize that there may be emotional risks when having sexual acts, these are presented in different ways due to the difference in gender roles. Women feared for the bond with the sexual partner while men did not consider their emotions when facing a sexual act. On the other hand, there is a preference for the use of condoms in men, since culturally they dominate their use. The influence of the family is shown as marked by traditional gender roles, where women are denied sexual freedom. The influence of the family is considered important in their decisions, only by the participating women. Finally, the participants recognize that there are shortcomings in the information given in the school.
Adolescentes--Salud reproductiva--Perú, Salud sexual--Perú, Adolescentes--Conducta sexual--Perú, Rol sexual--Aspectos psicológicos
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