Modelo Prolab: EcoVision Solutions, propuesta sostenible para la reducción de huella de carbono y la sostenibilidad en las PYME´s
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Según el informe del IPCC (2021), las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero
(GEI) continúan aumentando de manera alarmante, agravando el calentamiento global y sus
devastadoras consecuencias para el medio ambiente y la sociedad. En Perú, el problema es
particularmente relevante para las PYME´S, que a menudo priorizan la estabilidad económica
sobre la sostenibilidad ambiental, a pesar de la existencia de un marco legal como la Ley
sobre el Cambio Climático (2018) y herramientas como la plataforma Huella de Carbono
Ecovision Solutions ofrece una solución integral para calcular y gestionar la huella de
carbono, utilizando tecnologías avanzadas y metodologías reconocidas. Proporcionando
servicios de reducción de emisiones, acceso a financiamiento verde, y plataformas de
monitoreo en tiempo real, permitiendo a las PYME´s mejorar su sostenibilidad, cumplir con
regulaciones ambientales y generar ingresos adicionales a través de créditos de carbono. La
viabilidad financiera de Ecovision Solutions es prometedora, basándose en los indicadores
clave obtenidos del análisis financiero. Con una inversión de US$ 191,596.7, el proyecto
presenta un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de US$ 1,131,199.27, demostrando que los ingresos
esperados superan ampliamente los costos iniciales y operativos. El Costo de Oportunidad del
Capital (COK) de 22.08%, sugiriendo que la inversión es altamente rentable. El Costo
Promedio Ponderado del Capital (WACC) se encuentra en 14.30%, indicando que el proyecto
generará un retorno significativo, se alinea con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible ODS 9
y ODS 13, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras y económicas para que las organizaciones
midan y limiten su impacto ambiental de manera efectiva. El flujo de caja social, restando el
costo total del beneficio total, muestra un incremento anual, con un Valor Actual Neto
(VANS) social de $15,858,526.54, reflejando la viabilidad social del proyecto. Ecovision
Solutions no solo proporciona soluciones sostenibles y económicas para la gestión ambiental,
sino que también ofrece beneficios financieros y sociales significativos, posicionándose como
un actor principal en el mercado de servicios de evaluación de impacto ambiental en Perú.
According to the IPCC report (2021), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to increase at an alarming rate, aggravating global warming and its devastating consequences for the environment and society. In Peru, the problem is particularly relevant for SMEs, which often prioritize economic stability over environmental sustainability, despite the existence of a legal framework such as the Law on Climate Change (2018) and tools such as the Huella de Carbon Peru. Ecovision Solutions aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals SDG 9 and SDG 13, offering innovative and economical solutions for organizations to measure and limit their environmental impact effectively. The consultancy combines the adoption of advanced technologies and raising awareness about environmental management, providing both sustainable and economic benefits. This is reflected in the acceptance and positive assessment of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by the pilot companies. The introduction of advanced technology and the green financing access strategy, together with the facilitation of the exchange of carbon credits, provide significant added value to companies. The financial viability of Ecovision Solutions is promising, based on the key indicators obtained from the financial analysis. With an investment of US $191,596.7, the company presents a Net Present Value (NPV) of US $1,131,199.27, demonstrating that the expected income greatly exceeds the initial and operating costs. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 83.81%, considerably high compared to the Opportunity Cost of Capital (COK) of 22.08%, suggesting that the investment is highly profitable. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is at 14.30%, indicating that the company will generate a significant return. The social cash flow, subtracting the total cost from the total benefit, shows an annual increase, with a Social Net Present Value (NPV) of US $15,858,526.54, reflecting the social viability of the project. Ecovision Solutions not only provides sustainable and economical solutions for environmental management, but also offers significant financial and social benefits, positioning itself as a major player in the environmental impact assessment services market in Peru.
According to the IPCC report (2021), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to increase at an alarming rate, aggravating global warming and its devastating consequences for the environment and society. In Peru, the problem is particularly relevant for SMEs, which often prioritize economic stability over environmental sustainability, despite the existence of a legal framework such as the Law on Climate Change (2018) and tools such as the Huella de Carbon Peru. Ecovision Solutions aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals SDG 9 and SDG 13, offering innovative and economical solutions for organizations to measure and limit their environmental impact effectively. The consultancy combines the adoption of advanced technologies and raising awareness about environmental management, providing both sustainable and economic benefits. This is reflected in the acceptance and positive assessment of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) by the pilot companies. The introduction of advanced technology and the green financing access strategy, together with the facilitation of the exchange of carbon credits, provide significant added value to companies. The financial viability of Ecovision Solutions is promising, based on the key indicators obtained from the financial analysis. With an investment of US $191,596.7, the company presents a Net Present Value (NPV) of US $1,131,199.27, demonstrating that the expected income greatly exceeds the initial and operating costs. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 83.81%, considerably high compared to the Opportunity Cost of Capital (COK) of 22.08%, suggesting that the investment is highly profitable. The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is at 14.30%, indicating that the company will generate a significant return. The social cash flow, subtracting the total cost from the total benefit, shows an annual increase, with a Social Net Present Value (NPV) of US $15,858,526.54, reflecting the social viability of the project. Ecovision Solutions not only provides sustainable and economical solutions for environmental management, but also offers significant financial and social benefits, positioning itself as a major player in the environmental impact assessment services market in Peru.
Gases de efecto invernadero--Perú, Pequeña empresa--Aspectos ambientales
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