Las competencias del Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A en el marco de los proyectos de vivienda de interés social promovidos por el Estado Peruano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe aborda las competencias del Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A en los proyectos
de vivienda de interés social promovidos por el Estado Peruano a través del Ministerio de
Vivienda, a partir de la constitución de fideicomisos inmobiliarios con la finalidad de atender
proyectos Techo Propio con problemas de continuidad.
El caso se desarrolla a raíz de la Demanda Arbitral por parte de una empresa promotora quien
suscribió un contrato de fideicomiso con la citada entidad para culminar la ejecución de un
proyecto de vivienda de interés social “Las Garzas”. En la Demanda Arbitral, entre otras
pretensiones, la empresa exige al Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A se constituya como “mejorador”
a fin de aportar recursos para la construcción del proyecto.
Para el análisis se debe considerar en primer lugar que el Programa Techo Propio es un
programa de fomento de la actividad privada inmobiliaria, fue creado mediante Ley N° 27829
y su Reglamento fue aprobado por Decreto Supremo N° 13-2007-VIVIENDA. Su
funcionamiento está regulado en los Reglamentos Operativos vigentes para acceder al Bono
Familiar Habitacional en las diferentes modalidades.
Por su parte, el Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A, cuyo principal rol es la administración y
operatividad del Programa Techo Propio fue creado mediante Ley N° 28579, Ley de
Conversión del Fondo Hipotecario de la Vivienda a Fondo MIVIVIVENDA S.A., sus
competencias se encuentran detalladas en su norma de creación y en el Estatuto Social del
De acuerdo a lo expuesto, del análisis del caso, se desprende la necesidad de que los roles de
los actores que participen del Programa Techo Propio se encuentren adecuadamente definidos
y se circunscriban a la normativa vigente con el objetivo de asegurar que el Bono Familiar
Habitacional cumpla su finalidad. No resulta idóneo que, a efectos de buscar la continuidad de
proyectos, se opten por alternativas que jurídicamente no son posibles.
This report addresses the competences of Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A in social housing projects promoted by the Peruvian State through the Ministry of Housing, based on the constitution of real estate trusts in order to address Techo Propio projects with continuity problems. The case is developed as a result of the Arbitration Claim by a promoter company who signed a trust agreement with the aforementioned entity to complete the execution of a housing project of social interest "Las Garzas". The operation of the Techo Propio Program was created by Law No. 28579, Law on the Conversion of the Mortgage Fund of Housing to a Fondo MIVIVIVENDA S.A ., its powers are detailed in its creation standard and in the Social Statute of Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A. For the analysis, it should be considered first of all that the Techo Propio Program is a program to promote private real estate activity, it was created by Law No. 27829 and its regulations were approved by Supreme Decree No. 13-2007-HOUSING. Its operation is regulated in the Current Operating Regulations to access the Family Housing Bonus in the different modalities. For its part, Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A., whose main role is the administration and operation of the Techo Propio Program, was created by Law No. 28579, Law on the Conversion of the Mortgage Fund for Housing to Fondo MIVIVIVENDA S.A. its powers are detailed in its creation regulation and in the Social Statute of Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A. According to the above, the analysis of the case shows the need for the roles of the actors participating in the Own Roof Program to be adequately defined and limited to current regulations in order to ensure that the Family Housing Bonus fulfills its purpose. It is not ideal that, in order to seek the continuity of projects, alternatives that are not legally possible are chosen.
This report addresses the competences of Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A in social housing projects promoted by the Peruvian State through the Ministry of Housing, based on the constitution of real estate trusts in order to address Techo Propio projects with continuity problems. The case is developed as a result of the Arbitration Claim by a promoter company who signed a trust agreement with the aforementioned entity to complete the execution of a housing project of social interest "Las Garzas". The operation of the Techo Propio Program was created by Law No. 28579, Law on the Conversion of the Mortgage Fund of Housing to a Fondo MIVIVIVENDA S.A ., its powers are detailed in its creation standard and in the Social Statute of Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A. For the analysis, it should be considered first of all that the Techo Propio Program is a program to promote private real estate activity, it was created by Law No. 27829 and its regulations were approved by Supreme Decree No. 13-2007-HOUSING. Its operation is regulated in the Current Operating Regulations to access the Family Housing Bonus in the different modalities. For its part, Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A., whose main role is the administration and operation of the Techo Propio Program, was created by Law No. 28579, Law on the Conversion of the Mortgage Fund for Housing to Fondo MIVIVIVENDA S.A. its powers are detailed in its creation regulation and in the Social Statute of Fondo MIVIVIENDA S.A. According to the above, the analysis of the case shows the need for the roles of the actors participating in the Own Roof Program to be adequately defined and limited to current regulations in order to ensure that the Family Housing Bonus fulfills its purpose. It is not ideal that, in order to seek the continuity of projects, alternatives that are not legally possible are chosen.
Contratos comerciales--Perú, Fideicomiso--Perú, Arbitraje comercial--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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