Informe jurídico sobre Resolución Directoral N.º 009-2023- JUS/DGTAIPD
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente Informe Jurídico se procederá a realizar un análisis crítico de la
Resolución Directoral N.º 009-2023-JUS/DGTAIPD y su Expediente, cuya
importancia radica en las circunstancias fácticas concurrentes: el telemarketing
telefónico o las llamadas publicitarias de productos y servicios.
En ese sentido, se procederá a analizar dos grandes aspectos. Primero,
brindaremos un marco teórico- normativo sobre los principales sujetos envueltos
en una relación de encargo comercial, pero con especial incidencia en la
determinación del responsable de tratamiento y las responsabilidades que
asume en cuanto a la obtención y denegatoria del consentimiento. Segundo, se
procederá a analizar la graduación de la sanción y las medidas correctivas
establecidas por la Dirección General de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información
Pública y Protección de Datos Personales, con el fin de revisar lo referente a lo
establecido sobre la configuración de una eximente de responsabilidad, la
aplicación de la intencionalidad como factor agravante en el caso concurrente y,
finalmente, una crítica a las medidas correctivas impuestas.
In this Legal Report, a critical analysis will be made of Directorial Resolution No. 009-2023-JUS/DGTAIPD and its file, whose importance lies in the factual circumstances involved: telemarketing or advertising calls for products and services. In this regard, we will proceed to analyze two main aspects. First, we will provide a theoretical-regulatory framework on the main subjects involved in the main subjects involved in a commercial commissioning relationship, but with special emphasis on the determination of the data controller and the responsibilities he/she assumes with regard to obtaining and withholding consent. Second, we 2 will proceed to analyze the graduation of the sanction and the corrective measures established by the first and second instance resolution authorities, in order to review what is established regarding the configuration of an exonerating factor of liability, the application of intentionality as an aggravating factor in the concurrent case and, finally, a critique of the corrective measures imposed.
In this Legal Report, a critical analysis will be made of Directorial Resolution No. 009-2023-JUS/DGTAIPD and its file, whose importance lies in the factual circumstances involved: telemarketing or advertising calls for products and services. In this regard, we will proceed to analyze two main aspects. First, we will provide a theoretical-regulatory framework on the main subjects involved in the main subjects involved in a commercial commissioning relationship, but with special emphasis on the determination of the data controller and the responsibilities he/she assumes with regard to obtaining and withholding consent. Second, we 2 will proceed to analyze the graduation of the sanction and the corrective measures established by the first and second instance resolution authorities, in order to review what is established regarding the configuration of an exonerating factor of liability, the application of intentionality as an aggravating factor in the concurrent case and, finally, a critique of the corrective measures imposed.
Protección de datos--Legislación--Perú, Ventas por teléfono--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Perú
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