La actividad empresarial del Estado peruano, a partir del caso de la empresa pública Petróleos del Perú S.A. - PETROPERÚ y una propuesta legal para su funcionamiento en el economía peruana, conforme al artículo 60º de la Constitución
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio de la actividad empresarial del Estado peruano resulta un desafío al analizar el régimen
de la empresa pública, en el marco de nuestro régimen económico y el cumplimiento de los requisitos
mínimos legales que se consideran necesarios para operar como tal, para lo cual, se requiere una
clara definición de su tipología jurídica. La complejidad aumenta al estudiar casos excepcionales,
como el de Petróleos del Perú S.A.- PETROPERÚ, que está sujeto a un régimen legal especial
debido a sus características particulares y, además, opera en un sector estratégico de la economía.
En este contexto, el objetivo de esta investigación es identificar la tipología jurídica de las empresas
públicas, centrándose en el caso específico de PETROPERÚ y su papel en la economía peruana
según lo establecido en el artículo 60° de la Constitución. Como resultado principal, se concluye que
PETROPERÚ efectivamente ejerce actividad empresarial dentro del marco legal vigente, aunque se
destacan ciertos aspectos que requieren atención, como la aplicación del principio de subsidiariedad,
el tratamiento legal igualitario entre empresas públicas y privadas, la rotación de directivos, la
adopción de prácticas asociadas a la OCDE y el Buen Gobierno Corporativo. Estos aspectos
subrayan la necesidad de que PETROPERÚ implemente medidas orientadas a mejorar su eficiencia,
transparencia y rentabilidad.
The study of the State's business activity poses a challenge when examining the regulatory framework of public enterprises in Peru, within the context of our economic system and the compliance with the minimum legal requirements considered necessary for their operation. This necessitates a precise delineation of their legal classification. The intricacy is further compounded when analyzing unique cases such as Petróleos del Perú S.A. - PETROPERÚ, which operates under a distinct legal framework due to its distinctive attributes and operates within a pivotal sector of the economy. Against this backdrop, the primary objective of this study is to ascertain the legal categorization of public enterprises, with a specific focus on PETROPERÚ and its economic role as stipulated in Article 60 of the Constitution. The principal finding of this inquiry is the affirmation that PETROPERÚ conducts its business operations in accordance with extant legal statutes. Nevertheless, specific areas warranting attention are highlighted, including the application of the principle of subsidiarity, equitable legal treatment vis-à-vis both public and private enterprises, executive turnover, incorporation of OECDendorsed practices, and adherence to principles of Good Corporate Governance. These observations underscore the imperative for PETROPERÚ to institute measures geared towards enhancing its operational efficiency, transparency, and financial viability.
The study of the State's business activity poses a challenge when examining the regulatory framework of public enterprises in Peru, within the context of our economic system and the compliance with the minimum legal requirements considered necessary for their operation. This necessitates a precise delineation of their legal classification. The intricacy is further compounded when analyzing unique cases such as Petróleos del Perú S.A. - PETROPERÚ, which operates under a distinct legal framework due to its distinctive attributes and operates within a pivotal sector of the economy. Against this backdrop, the primary objective of this study is to ascertain the legal categorization of public enterprises, with a specific focus on PETROPERÚ and its economic role as stipulated in Article 60 of the Constitution. The principal finding of this inquiry is the affirmation that PETROPERÚ conducts its business operations in accordance with extant legal statutes. Nevertheless, specific areas warranting attention are highlighted, including the application of the principle of subsidiarity, equitable legal treatment vis-à-vis both public and private enterprises, executive turnover, incorporation of OECDendorsed practices, and adherence to principles of Good Corporate Governance. These observations underscore the imperative for PETROPERÚ to institute measures geared towards enhancing its operational efficiency, transparency, and financial viability.
Derecho administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Empresas públicas--Legislación--Perú, Hidrocarburos--Legislación--Perú