Planeamiento estratégico para la industria de supermercados del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El crecimiento de la economía peruana, el aumento del ingreso per cápita de los pobladores,
así como el fácil acceso al crédito han permitido que los consumidores puedan expandir sus
opciones de compra y realizarlas dentro del canal moderno, especialmente en el ámbito de
Lima Metropolitana. Sin embargo, a pesar de este crecimiento, el canal tradicional de
compras, representado principalmente por las bodegas y los mercados, continúa liderando la
participación de mercado en la preferencia por los productos de consumo masivo y de
primera necesidad. La industria de supermercados en el Perú tiene un potencial que depende
del crecimiento sostenido del país y de que los ingresos de las familias peruanas se
mantengan acordes con este. Asimismo, el crecimiento de la industria de supermercados está
determinado por un cambio de la cultura de compra de la población y de la dinámica de
empleo entre los miembros de las familias peruanas. La elaboración de un plan estratégico al
2026 tiene como propósito determinar las estrategias que permitan aprovechar las
oportunidades de la coyuntura peruana, de manera que se logre el crecimiento de la industria
y que se incremente la penetración de mercado. Estas estrategias, que se encuentran alineadas
con la visión y misión propuestas para la industria de supermercados, están orientadas a
ampliar el acceso a una opción de compra moderna que contribuya a mejorar la calidad de
vida de las familias peruanas
During the last decade, the modern grocery retail in Peru has seen a progressive increase of the number of stores, particularly in the metropolitan area of Lima, allowing access to a modern option of retail to more consumers. This growth has a strong correlation with the economic growth of the country, the increase of the per-capita income, and the access to consumer credit among the Peruvian families. Despite these factors, that are a common denominator in the growth of the modern grocery retail in different countries, the growth of this industry in Peru depends on more particular factors that are related to the culture and the dynamic of employment of their population. This strategic planning for the modern grocery retail in Peru for the year 2026, analyses the opportunities that the local economic factors provides to this industry, and establishes the strategies to continue with its growth. Although it is necessary for the country to maintain the pace of the economic growth that keeps a steady per-capita income, the modern grocery retail in Peru also needs for the culture of purchase to develop into a more modern approach that will adapt to the dynamics of the Peruvian families as more members of their households enter the labor force. The proposed strategies are aligned with the vision, and aimed for the industry to provide to more Peruvian families with access to a modern option of grocery retail that will improve their quality of life
During the last decade, the modern grocery retail in Peru has seen a progressive increase of the number of stores, particularly in the metropolitan area of Lima, allowing access to a modern option of retail to more consumers. This growth has a strong correlation with the economic growth of the country, the increase of the per-capita income, and the access to consumer credit among the Peruvian families. Despite these factors, that are a common denominator in the growth of the modern grocery retail in different countries, the growth of this industry in Peru depends on more particular factors that are related to the culture and the dynamic of employment of their population. This strategic planning for the modern grocery retail in Peru for the year 2026, analyses the opportunities that the local economic factors provides to this industry, and establishes the strategies to continue with its growth. Although it is necessary for the country to maintain the pace of the economic growth that keeps a steady per-capita income, the modern grocery retail in Peru also needs for the culture of purchase to develop into a more modern approach that will adapt to the dynamics of the Peruvian families as more members of their households enter the labor force. The proposed strategies are aligned with the vision, and aimed for the industry to provide to more Peruvian families with access to a modern option of grocery retail that will improve their quality of life
Supermercados -- Perú, Comercio minorista -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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