Modelo Prolab: JuntaTECH
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En este resumen ejecutivo se describe la problemática sobre la falta de acceso a viviendas
adecuadas por razones económicas, materiales con altos precios y problemas crediticios. Por
este motivo, se propuso una alternativa de solución en base a una metodología que permitió el
diseño de una opción de negocio sustentable. Como resultado del análisis, se planteó el uso
de JuntaTECH, una herramienta dirigida a las familias del sector en Trujillo-Perú, quienes
están interesadas en un financiamiento para remodelar los techos de sus viviendas sin afectar
sus ahorros. Con el objetivo de validar la propuesta de solución y comprobar las hipótesis
planteadas, se aplicaron encuestas a los potenciales usuarios del proyecto. De igual modo, se
realizaron simulaciones para comprobar su factibilidad, especialmente para lograr la
determinación de la ganancia vinculada al costo de marketing para captar nuevos clientes y se
logró obtener una rentabilidad de S/. 9.27 por cada sol invertido. Igualmente, se realizó la
validación financiera a través de una simulación y se obtuvo un VAN de S/4’277,011.14, una
TIR de 284% y una TIRM de 122%; un indicador de Beneficio / Costo de 44.38 y un
indicador de período de recuperación de 0.61. Estos resultados confirmaron que este proyecto
generaría una rentabilidad considerable. Además, JuntaTECH es un modelo de negocio
sostenible y rentable, ya que se encuentra alineado a dos de los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo
Sostenible, específicamente en el ODS 11 y ODS 3 y se obtuvo como VAN Social
S/21’047,250, a una tasa de descuento de 8%, representando este valor actual neto, el 20%
del valor del proyecto para la sociedad, demostrándose que este proyecto tiene viabilidad
This executive summary describes the problem of lack of access to adequate housing due to economic reasons, high-priced materials and credit problems. For this reason, an alternative solution was proposed based on a methodology that allowed the design of a sustainable business option. As a result of the analysis, the use of JuntaTECH was proposed, a tool aimed at families from socioeconomic levels C and D in the districts of La Esperanza and El Porvenir, in Trujillo-Perú, who are interested in financing to remodel the roofs of their houses without affecting their savings. In order to validate the solution proposal and verifying the proposed hypotheses, surveys were applied to potential users of the project. Likewise, simulations were carried out to verify its feasibility, especially to achieve the determination of the profit linked to the marketing cost to attract new customers, and a profitability of S/. 9.27 for each sol invested was obtained. Likewise, financial validation was carried out through a simulation and a NPV of S/4'277,011.14, an IRR of 284% and a MIRR of 122% were obtained; a Profit/Cost indicator of 44.38 and a payback period indicator of 0.61. These results confirmed that this project would generate considerable profitability. Furthermore, JuntaTECH is a sustainable and profitable business model, since it is aligned with two of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 11 and SDG 3, and a Social NPV S/21,047,250 was obtained, at a discount rate of 8%, this net current value represents 20% of the value of the project for society, demonstrating that this project has social viability.
This executive summary describes the problem of lack of access to adequate housing due to economic reasons, high-priced materials and credit problems. For this reason, an alternative solution was proposed based on a methodology that allowed the design of a sustainable business option. As a result of the analysis, the use of JuntaTECH was proposed, a tool aimed at families from socioeconomic levels C and D in the districts of La Esperanza and El Porvenir, in Trujillo-Perú, who are interested in financing to remodel the roofs of their houses without affecting their savings. In order to validate the solution proposal and verifying the proposed hypotheses, surveys were applied to potential users of the project. Likewise, simulations were carried out to verify its feasibility, especially to achieve the determination of the profit linked to the marketing cost to attract new customers, and a profitability of S/. 9.27 for each sol invested was obtained. Likewise, financial validation was carried out through a simulation and a NPV of S/4'277,011.14, an IRR of 284% and a MIRR of 122% were obtained; a Profit/Cost indicator of 44.38 and a payback period indicator of 0.61. These results confirmed that this project would generate considerable profitability. Furthermore, JuntaTECH is a sustainable and profitable business model, since it is aligned with two of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, specifically SDG 11 and SDG 3, and a Social NPV S/21,047,250 was obtained, at a discount rate of 8%, this net current value represents 20% of the value of the project for society, demonstrating that this project has social viability.
Vivienda--Perú--Trujillo (La Libertad : Provincia), Desarrollo sustentable
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