El régimen jurídico particular del servicio público municipal de agua potable en zonas rurales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Pese a que nuestro ordenamiento jurídico ha establecido que la prestación del
servicio público de agua potable se encuentra dentro de las competencias de las
municipalidades, se evidencia una dicotomía legislativa toda vez que la prestación
de dicho servicio depende del tipo de zona: urbanas o rurales. Dicha dicotomía ha
generado que la prestación del servicio de agua potable en las zonas rurales se
caracterice por el protagonismo de Organizaciones Comunales a diferencia de las
zonas urbanas en las que operan las Empresas Prestadoras de Servicios de
Saneamiento como principal prestador. A partir de ello, el presente trabajo de
investigación responde a la interrogante de cómo el establecimiento de un régimen
jurídico particular para las zonas rurales no coadyuva a concretar la
municipalización del servicio público de agua potable en nuestro ordenamiento
jurídico. Para ello, se ha empleado la revisión de fuentes bibliográficas provenientes
de la doctrina jurídica nacional e internacional y se ha realizado un análisis de la
normativa peruana y la jurisprudencia. Como principales conclusiones se tiene que
el establecimiento del régimen jurídico particular para zonas rurales responde a un
contexto político e histórico y no a un fundamento constitucional y/o legal. Asimismo,
se comprobó que si el servicio de agua potable ya presentaba una singularidad por
ser un servicio municipal, su régimen en zonas rurales lo coloca en una doble
particularidad que trae como resultado la atomización del sector así como la poca
institucionalidad y sostenibilidad.
Despite the fact that our legal system has established that the provision of public drinking water services is within the competencies of the municipalities, there is a legislative dichotomy since the provision of such services depends on the type of area: urban or rural. This dichotomy has generated that the provision of drinking water services in rural areas is characterized by the protagonist presence of Community Organizations as opposed to urban areas where the main provider is the Sanitation Service Providers. Based on this, the present research work answers the question of how the establishment of a particular legal regime for rural areas does not contribute to the realization of the municipalization of the public drinking water service in our legal system. For this purpose, a review of bibliographical sources from national and international legal doctrine has been used and an analysis of Peruvian regulations and jurisprudence has been carried out. The main conclusions are that the establishment of the particular legal regime for rural areas responds to a political and historical context and not to a constitutional and legal basis. Likewise, it was found that if the drinking water service already presented particularities for being a municipal service, its regime in rural areas places it in a double particularity that results in the atomization of the sector and the lack of institutionalization and sustainability.
Despite the fact that our legal system has established that the provision of public drinking water services is within the competencies of the municipalities, there is a legislative dichotomy since the provision of such services depends on the type of area: urban or rural. This dichotomy has generated that the provision of drinking water services in rural areas is characterized by the protagonist presence of Community Organizations as opposed to urban areas where the main provider is the Sanitation Service Providers. Based on this, the present research work answers the question of how the establishment of a particular legal regime for rural areas does not contribute to the realization of the municipalization of the public drinking water service in our legal system. For this purpose, a review of bibliographical sources from national and international legal doctrine has been used and an analysis of Peruvian regulations and jurisprudence has been carried out. The main conclusions are that the establishment of the particular legal regime for rural areas responds to a political and historical context and not to a constitutional and legal basis. Likewise, it was found that if the drinking water service already presented particularities for being a municipal service, its regime in rural areas places it in a double particularity that results in the atomization of the sector and the lack of institutionalization and sustainability.
Servicios de aguas--Legislación--Perú, Servicios municipales--Perú--Zonas rurales, Servicios públicos--América Latina