Business Consulting para Andrade Cirugía Plástica S.A.S
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Business Consulting para la empresa Andrade Cirugía Plástica, fundada en Colombia,
dedicada a prestar servicios de cirugía, medicina estética, hospitalizaciones y atenciones
complementarias a pacientes nacionales y del extranjero. Durante los últimos años Colombia
ha sido catalogada como un destino referente para el turismo médico estético con gran
proyección de crecimiento, lo cual para la empresa significa una oportunidad para crecer y
trascender en el tiempo. Es por ello que actualmente buscan realizar cambios en su
organización para adaptarse a su entorno teniendo como fortaleza el reconocimiento,
prestigio y más de 30 años de experiencia del Doctor Ernesto Andrade, médico principal e
imagen de la clínica; es considerado uno de los mejores médicos de Colombia, que puede
realizar varios procedimientos en una sola intervención quirúrgica, posee técnicas propias en
el quirófano que disminuyen el tiempo de la intervención y el riesgo para los pacientes.
Con el fin de entender y analizar los procesos de empresa, se revisó el contexto
interno y externo encontrando fortalezas, debilidades, amenazas y oportunidades que
caracterizan la operación en la actualidad. Se recolectó información de estudios científicos,
encuestas de la American Society for Dermatologic Surgery y principalmente de las
entrevistas conducidas al CEO de la empresa y al responsable de Business Intelligence, lo
cual permitió identificar los desafíos que la organización enfrenta. Una vez realizado el
diagnóstico se identificó que el principal problema es su necesidad de adaptar su modelo de
negocio para trascender en el tiempo, por lo que se plantearon alternativas de solución las
cuales fueron analizadas en base a criterios de impacto, factibilidad, costo y tiempo
obteniéndose una idea final a desarrollar como propuesta.
La solución propuesta es crear una nueva unidad de negocio con una propuesta de
valor diferenciada para un segmento de clientes con mayor poder adquisitivo, pacientes de nacionalidad extranjera o latinos en general que residen en el extranjero y están dispuestos a
viajar a Colombia para adquirir tratamientos estéticos y/o quirúrgicos, a la cual se denomina
Proyecto Top One Plastic Surgery (TOPS). Además, al proyectar aumento de la demanda de
servicios, se considera que el proyecto digital se complemente con infraestructura física que
permita cubrir dicha demanda. En ese sentido, se plantea un cronograma de implementación
con responsables y plazos de ejecución principalmente para el desarrollo de la plataforma
digital que sería el principal canal de comunicación en esta iniciativa.
Asimismo, de acuerdo con la evaluación económica y financiera del Proyecto TOPS
se demuestra su viabilidad económica, realizándose tres escenarios de análisis. En el
escenario base, el valor actual neto es $16,298,034,628 Pesos Colombianos (COP), con tasa
interna de retorno de 47.23% y periodo de recuperación de 2 años y tres meses. En el
escenario optimista, el valor actual neto es $36,586,545,448 COP, con tasa interna de retorno
de 54.08% y periodo de recuperación de 1 año y 10 meses. Finalmente, en el escenario
pesimista, el valor actual neto es $16,837,135,649 COP, con tasa interna de retorno de
28.66% y periodo de recuperación de 3 año y tres meses.
Business Consulting for the company Andrade Plastic Surgery, founded in Colombia, dedicated to provide surgery services, aesthetic medicine, hospitalization and complementary care to domestic and foreign patients. During the last years, Colombia has been catalogued as a reference destination for aesthetic medical tourism with great growth projection, which for the company means an opportunity to grow and transcend in time. That is why they are currently seeking to make changes in their organization to adapt to their environment having as a strength the recognition, prestige and more than 30 years of experience of Dr. Ernesto Andrade, main doctor and image of the clinic; he is considered one of the best doctors in Colombia, who can perform several procedures in a single surgery, he has his own techniques in the operating room that reduce the time of the intervention and the risk for patients. In order to understand and analyze the company's processes, the internal and external context was reviewed, finding strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that currently characterize the operation. Information was collected from scientific studies, surveys of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and mainly from interviews conducted with the CEO of the company and the person responsible for Business Intelligence, which allowed us to identify the challenges the organization faces. Once the diagnosis was done, it was identified that the main problem is the need to adapt its business model to transcend in time, so solution alternatives were proposed and analyzed based on criteria of impact, feasibility, cost and time, obtaining a final idea to be developed as a proposal. The proposed solution is to create a new business unit with a differentiated value proposition for a segment of customers with greater purchasing power, patients of foreign nationality or Latinos in general who reside abroad and are willing to travel to Colombia to acquire aesthetic and/or surgical treatments, which is called Top One Plastic Surgery Project (TOPS). In addition, by projecting an increase in the demand for services, it is considered that the digital project should be complemented with physical infrastructure to meet that demand. In this regard, an implementation schedule is proposed with responsible parties and deadlines, mainly for the development of the digital platform that would be the main communication channel in this initiative. According to the economic and financial evaluation of the TOPS Project, its economic viability is demonstrated, with three analysis scenarios. In the base scenario, the net present value is $16,298,034,628 Colombian Pesos (COP), with an internal rate of return of 47.23% and a payback period of 2 years and three months. In the optimistic scenario, the net present value is $36,586,545,448 COP, with an internal rate of return of 54.08% and a payback period of 1 year and 10 months. Finally, in the pessimistic scenario, the net present value is $16,837,135,649 COP, with an internal rate of return of 28.66% and a payback period of 3 years and three months.
Business Consulting for the company Andrade Plastic Surgery, founded in Colombia, dedicated to provide surgery services, aesthetic medicine, hospitalization and complementary care to domestic and foreign patients. During the last years, Colombia has been catalogued as a reference destination for aesthetic medical tourism with great growth projection, which for the company means an opportunity to grow and transcend in time. That is why they are currently seeking to make changes in their organization to adapt to their environment having as a strength the recognition, prestige and more than 30 years of experience of Dr. Ernesto Andrade, main doctor and image of the clinic; he is considered one of the best doctors in Colombia, who can perform several procedures in a single surgery, he has his own techniques in the operating room that reduce the time of the intervention and the risk for patients. In order to understand and analyze the company's processes, the internal and external context was reviewed, finding strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that currently characterize the operation. Information was collected from scientific studies, surveys of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and mainly from interviews conducted with the CEO of the company and the person responsible for Business Intelligence, which allowed us to identify the challenges the organization faces. Once the diagnosis was done, it was identified that the main problem is the need to adapt its business model to transcend in time, so solution alternatives were proposed and analyzed based on criteria of impact, feasibility, cost and time, obtaining a final idea to be developed as a proposal. The proposed solution is to create a new business unit with a differentiated value proposition for a segment of customers with greater purchasing power, patients of foreign nationality or Latinos in general who reside abroad and are willing to travel to Colombia to acquire aesthetic and/or surgical treatments, which is called Top One Plastic Surgery Project (TOPS). In addition, by projecting an increase in the demand for services, it is considered that the digital project should be complemented with physical infrastructure to meet that demand. In this regard, an implementation schedule is proposed with responsible parties and deadlines, mainly for the development of the digital platform that would be the main communication channel in this initiative. According to the economic and financial evaluation of the TOPS Project, its economic viability is demonstrated, with three analysis scenarios. In the base scenario, the net present value is $16,298,034,628 Colombian Pesos (COP), with an internal rate of return of 47.23% and a payback period of 2 years and three months. In the optimistic scenario, the net present value is $36,586,545,448 COP, with an internal rate of return of 54.08% and a payback period of 1 year and 10 months. Finally, in the pessimistic scenario, the net present value is $16,837,135,649 COP, with an internal rate of return of 28.66% and a payback period of 3 years and three months.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Belleza corporal--Negocios
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