Informe jurídico sobre la casación Nº353-2015-Lima Norte : el derecho del cónyuge frente al del adquirente de buena fe en el caso de la transferencia de bienes sociales inmuebles no registrados
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde su publicación, la Casación N.º 353-2015-Lima Norte ha sido ampliamente estudiada
por la comunidad jurídica del Perú. Sin embargo, este caso mantiene su valor como objeto de
estudio ya que permite analizar cómo se relacionan importantes instituciones y principios del
derecho civil en el contexto de un caso relativo a la nulidad del acto jurídico.
En el presente informe jurídico, se analizan los distintos criterios empleados por los jueces,
desde la primera instancia hasta la sentencia de Casación emitida por la Sala Civil Permanente
de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República (en adelante la Corte Suprema), para evaluar
si en este caso concreto relativo a la transferencia de un inmueble no saneado ni registrado en
el Registro de la Propiedad Inmueble, existió una correcta ponderación entre el derecho de la
cónyuge que no intervino en el acto jurídico de transferencia del bien social y el del adquirente
del inmueble, a quien la Corte Suprema calificó como adquirente de buena fe.
Luego de presentar nuestra propia apreciación sobre los criterios y fundamentos jurídicos
utilizados por los jueces para determinar la nulidad o no del acto jurídico, se concluirá a la luz
de la doctrina nacional y la jurisprudencia, que el mejor remedio jurídico en la solución de este
caso es la nulidad.
Since its publication, the 2015-Cassation Court Resolution N.° 353-Lima Norte has been extensively studied by the legal community of Peru. However, this case remains valuable as a subject of study, as it provides an opportunity to analyze the interaction between key institutions and principles of civil law within the context of a case concerning the nullity of a legal act. This report analyzes the different criteria used by judges, from the first instance to the Cassation Judgment issued by the Supreme Court, to assess whether, in this specific case related to the sale of a property that was neither formalized nor registered in the Land Registry, there was a proper balance between the rights of the spouse who did not participate in the contract and the purchaser of the property, whom the Supreme Court qualified as a bona fide purchaser. Having presented our analysis of the criteria and court decisions taken by the judges to determine the nullity of the contract, we shall conclude, considering the national doctrine and jurisprudence, that the best legal remedy for the solution of this case is the nullity of the contract.
Since its publication, the 2015-Cassation Court Resolution N.° 353-Lima Norte has been extensively studied by the legal community of Peru. However, this case remains valuable as a subject of study, as it provides an opportunity to analyze the interaction between key institutions and principles of civil law within the context of a case concerning the nullity of a legal act. This report analyzes the different criteria used by judges, from the first instance to the Cassation Judgment issued by the Supreme Court, to assess whether, in this specific case related to the sale of a property that was neither formalized nor registered in the Land Registry, there was a proper balance between the rights of the spouse who did not participate in the contract and the purchaser of the property, whom the Supreme Court qualified as a bona fide purchaser. Having presented our analysis of the criteria and court decisions taken by the judges to determine the nullity of the contract, we shall conclude, considering the national doctrine and jurisprudence, that the best legal remedy for the solution of this case is the nullity of the contract.
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Propiedad inmueble--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Sociedad conyugal--Legislación--Perú, Buena fe (Derecho)
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