La influencia de la felicidad en la productividad de una empresa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En la actualidad las empresas analizan sus resultados utilizando diversas variables
contables, financieras o productivas; empero pocas veces profundizan en el sentir de sus
empleados y cómo los aspectos subjetivos, entre ellos la felicidad podrían tener una
influencia positiva en el rendimiento operativo y financiero de la empresa; es decir lo dejan
como constante (Fisher, 2010). Debido a este análisis incompleto, hoy existe la percepción de
que las emociones influyen en la productividad de los empleados; sin embargo no abundan
correlaciones estadísticas que lo evidencien (Whitmore, 2012).
En tal sentido, el objetivo del presente estudio será determinar la influencia que tiene
la felicidad sobre la productividad de una empresa. Para ello se realizó una investigación con
los colaboradores de la Gerencia de Proyectos de la empresa CONCAR, compañía peruana
especializada en infraestructura vial y ferroviaria perteneciente al grupo Graña y Montero, la
cual en los últimos años viene enfrentándose a un escenario económico adverso; esto debido
a la caída generalizada del sector construcción (Espinoza, 2018) y el exceso en la
fiscalización de las obras por parte del Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en
Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público (OSITRAN, 2018); sin embargo esto puede ser
tomado como una oportunidad de mejora, evitando de este modo un mayor decrecimiento en
los niveles de productividad que la vienen aquejando.
Para determinar si la felicidad influye sobre productividad de la empresa se utilizó la
encuesta de la Escala de Felicidad de Lima de Alarcón (2006) por la aceptación e importancia
del instrumento, el cual ha sido utilizado en diversos estudios nacionales e internacionales
relacionados con la felicidad. El cuestionario permitió medir los niveles de felicidad, respecto
a las cuatro dimensiones de la felicidad: (a) sentido positivo de la vida; (b) satisfacción con la
vida; (c) realización personal; y (d) alegría de vivir; relacionándolas con los resultados de productividad obtenidos de la última evaluación de productividad realizada por la empresa
CONCAR a sus colaboradores (CONCAR, 2018).
Para esta investigación se aplicó la encuesta de la Escala de Felicidad de Lima de
Alarcón (2006) a una muestra representativa de 322 personas, la cual fue obtenida
estadísticamente de una población total de 2000 colaboradores de la Gerencia de Proyectos
de la empresa CONCAR. Si bien los resultados generales obtenidos indican que la felicidad
no influye de manera significativa en la productividad de la empresa; se encontró que existe
una asociación significativa pero débil entre felicidad y productividad para el sexo mujer en
las dimensiones de la felicidad (a) realización personal y (b) satisfacción con la vida. Estos
resultados sugieren que se deben realizar nuevas investigaciones con el mismo enfoque
cuantitativo y alcance correlacional, teniendo en cuenta la realidad y las necesidades de las
empresas; esto permitirá la generación de planes estratégicos orientados a mejorar la felicidad
y la productividad de los colaboradores de la empresa (Kotler & Hermawan, 2011).
Nowadays, companies analyze their results using various accounting, financial or productive variables; but seldom they delve into the feelings of their employees and how the subjective aspects, among them, happiness could have a positive influence on the operational and financial performance of the company; that is to say they leave it as constant (Fisher, 2010). Due to this incomplete analysis, there is now a perception that emotions influence employee productivity; however, there are no statistical correlations that evidence him (Whitmore, 2012). In this sense, the objective of this study will be to determine the influence of happiness on productivity in the company. For this, an investigation was carried out with CONCAR’s project management employees, a Peruvian company specialized in road and railway infrastructure belonging to the group Graña and Montero, which in the recent years has been facing an adverse economic scenario, due to the decrease of the civil construction sector (Espinoza, 2018) and the over-control of the works by the Peruvian supervisory Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público (OSITRAN, 2018); however this can be taken as an opportunity to improve, thus avoiding a greater decrease in the levels of productivity that are afflicting it. To determine if happiness influences productivity in the company was used the survey of the Escala de la Felicidad de Lima of Alarcón (2006), this due to the acceptance and importance of the instrument, which has been used in various national studies and international related to happiness. The questionnaire allowed to measure the levels of happiness according to the four dimensions of Happiness: (a) positive sense of life; (b) Satisfaction with life; (c) Personal fulfillment; and (d) Joy of living; combined with the productivity results obtained from the last productivity evaluation carried out by the company CONCAR to its collaborators (CONCAR, 2018). For this research, the survey of the Escala de la Felicidad de Lima of Alarcón (2006) was applied to a representative sample of 322 people obtained statistically from a total population of 2000 collaborators of the project management of the company CONCAR. While overall results indicate that happiness does not significantly influence productivity in the company; it was found that there is a significant but weak correlation between happiness and productivity for women in the dimensions of happiness (a) personal fulfillment and (b) satisfaction with life. These results suggest that new research should be carried out with the same quantitative approach and correlational scope, taking into account the reality and the needs of the companies; this will enable them to generate strategic plans aimed at improving the happiness and productivity of the collaborators in the company (Kotler & Hermawan, 2011).
Nowadays, companies analyze their results using various accounting, financial or productive variables; but seldom they delve into the feelings of their employees and how the subjective aspects, among them, happiness could have a positive influence on the operational and financial performance of the company; that is to say they leave it as constant (Fisher, 2010). Due to this incomplete analysis, there is now a perception that emotions influence employee productivity; however, there are no statistical correlations that evidence him (Whitmore, 2012). In this sense, the objective of this study will be to determine the influence of happiness on productivity in the company. For this, an investigation was carried out with CONCAR’s project management employees, a Peruvian company specialized in road and railway infrastructure belonging to the group Graña and Montero, which in the recent years has been facing an adverse economic scenario, due to the decrease of the civil construction sector (Espinoza, 2018) and the over-control of the works by the Peruvian supervisory Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público (OSITRAN, 2018); however this can be taken as an opportunity to improve, thus avoiding a greater decrease in the levels of productivity that are afflicting it. To determine if happiness influences productivity in the company was used the survey of the Escala de la Felicidad de Lima of Alarcón (2006), this due to the acceptance and importance of the instrument, which has been used in various national studies and international related to happiness. The questionnaire allowed to measure the levels of happiness according to the four dimensions of Happiness: (a) positive sense of life; (b) Satisfaction with life; (c) Personal fulfillment; and (d) Joy of living; combined with the productivity results obtained from the last productivity evaluation carried out by the company CONCAR to its collaborators (CONCAR, 2018). For this research, the survey of the Escala de la Felicidad de Lima of Alarcón (2006) was applied to a representative sample of 322 people obtained statistically from a total population of 2000 collaborators of the project management of the company CONCAR. While overall results indicate that happiness does not significantly influence productivity in the company; it was found that there is a significant but weak correlation between happiness and productivity for women in the dimensions of happiness (a) personal fulfillment and (b) satisfaction with life. These results suggest that new research should be carried out with the same quantitative approach and correlational scope, taking into account the reality and the needs of the companies; this will enable them to generate strategic plans aimed at improving the happiness and productivity of the collaborators in the company (Kotler & Hermawan, 2011).
Felicidad y productividad laboral, Felicidad profesional, Investigación cuantitativa
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