Percepciones docentes sobre el proceso de retroalimentación del aprendizaje que se brinda a los estudiantes en el nivel inicial de una IE pública de Lima, en un contexto de educación a distancia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La retroalimentación del aprendizaje es un proceso complejo del enfoque formativo de
la evaluación. Dicho proceso consiste en detectar los aprendizajes logrados y los
aspectos de mejora de los estudiantes en relación con los criterios establecidos para
proporcionarles información suficiente a fin de provocar mejoras en su aprendizaje. El
objetivo de la presente investigación es describir las percepciones docentes sobre el
proceso de retroalimentación del aprendizaje que se brinda a los estudiantes en el
nivel inicial en una IE pública ubicada en la ciudad de Lima en la educación a distancia,
teniendo en consideración los aportes teóricos de Hattie y Timperley (2007), Brookhart
(2017) y Anijovich (2019). Se plantea un enfoque metodológico cualitativo y de tipo
descriptivo. Se entrevista a 3 docentes de las aulas de 3 y 5 años. Entre los hallazgos
más relevantes, se obtiene que las docentes emplean estrategias y contenidos
diferenciados para brindar retroalimentación a los estudiantes en la modalidad a
distancia de la educación. Por ejemplo, se evidencia que no todas las docentes
retroalimentan los trabajos de los estudiantes en su totalidad, pues únicamente
brindan comentarios de retroalimentación a quienes no logran el propósito de la
actividad. Asimismo, se aprecia que los enfoques de retroalimentación más
sobresalientes están en el nivel de proceso y de autorregulación, dado que las tres
informantes formulan preguntas metacognitivas como parte de su retroalimentación.
El aporte significativo del estudio consiste en ahondar sobre las percepciones
docentes en la educación a distancia y en el nivel Inicial, ámbito poco abordado.
Learning feedback is a complex process of the formative approach to assessment. It is a process of detecting students' learning achievements and areas for improvement in relation to the established criteria in order to provide them with sufficient information to bring about improvements in their learning. The aim of this research is to describe teachers' perceptions of the learning feedback process provided to students at the initial level in a public IE located in the city of Lima in distance education, taking into consideration the theoretical contributions of Hattie and Timperley (2007), Brookhart (2017) and Anijovich (2019). A qualitative and descriptive methodological approach was used. Three teachers from 3 and 5 year old classrooms were interviewed. Among the most relevant findings, it is found that teachers use different strategies and contents to provide feedback to students in the distance mode of education. For example, it is evident that not all teachers give feedback to students' work in its entirety, as they only give feedback comments to those who do not achieve the purpose of the activity. It is also apparent that the most salient feedback approaches are at the process and selfregulation levels, as all three informants ask metacognitive questions as part of their feedback. The significant contribution of the study is to delve deeper into the perceptions of teachers in distance education and at the pre-school level, an area that has been little addressed.
Learning feedback is a complex process of the formative approach to assessment. It is a process of detecting students' learning achievements and areas for improvement in relation to the established criteria in order to provide them with sufficient information to bring about improvements in their learning. The aim of this research is to describe teachers' perceptions of the learning feedback process provided to students at the initial level in a public IE located in the city of Lima in distance education, taking into consideration the theoretical contributions of Hattie and Timperley (2007), Brookhart (2017) and Anijovich (2019). A qualitative and descriptive methodological approach was used. Three teachers from 3 and 5 year old classrooms were interviewed. Among the most relevant findings, it is found that teachers use different strategies and contents to provide feedback to students in the distance mode of education. For example, it is evident that not all teachers give feedback to students' work in its entirety, as they only give feedback comments to those who do not achieve the purpose of the activity. It is also apparent that the most salient feedback approaches are at the process and selfregulation levels, as all three informants ask metacognitive questions as part of their feedback. The significant contribution of the study is to delve deeper into the perceptions of teachers in distance education and at the pre-school level, an area that has been little addressed.
Educación preescolar--Perú--Lima--Investigaciones, Retroalimentación (Psicología), Educación a distancia--Perú--Lima
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