Business Consulting para una empresa minera subterránea al sur del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La empresa minera, reconocida a nivel mundial por su destacada producción de zinc,
juega un papel crucial en la economía peruana, representando el 10% de la producción total
de Zinc del país y contribuyendo significativamente al valor de las exportaciones. Sin
embargo, enfrenta desafíos, especialmente en la gestión de costos, que se identificó como el
principal problema. El análisis interno reveló el incremento de costos y reducción del ritmo
de producción, afectando la rentabilidad. La falta de control en el sostenimiento con shotcrete
se destaca como una de las causas principales del aumento del costo operativo, por lo que la
propuesta de implementar el Sistema Lidar a través de iPhones emerge como una solución
estratégica para optimizar la gestión del shotcrete y reducir costos. La inversión de 12 mil
dólares es insignificante frente al impacto económico anual proyectado de 2.6 millones de
dólares en ahorros. El Valor Actual Neto (VAN) de la inversión se calcula en 5,950 KUSD,
con una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 7,386%. Además, se espera un retorno de la
inversión en el primer año de implementación.
La empresa se posiciona como un actor clave en la industria peruana, destacando su
compromiso integral con la sostenibilidad y su posición única como productor de polímeros
de bajo costo. Su enfoque en la captura de valor y la adopción de prácticas responsables
demuestran una comprensión sólida de la creación de valor en la industria. El análisis externo
destaca la relevancia estratégica de la minería en Perú, y la empresa se sitúa estratégicamente
en la cadena de suministro, mostrando solidez en negociaciones con proveedores. A pesar de
los desafíos del entorno, demuestra adaptabilidad y compromiso con comunidades locales. En conclusión, la implementación del Sistema Lidar es una oportunidad estratégica para abordar los desafíos identificados, mejorar la eficiencia operativa y garantizar la sostenibilidad
The mining company, globally recognized for its outstanding zinc production, plays a crucial role in the Peruvian economy, representing 10% of the country's total zinc production and significantly contributing to the value of exports. However, it faces challenges, especially in cost management, identified as the main issue. Internal analysis revealed increased costs and reduced production rates, impacting profitability. The lack of control in shotcrete support stands out as one of the main causes of the increased operating cost, thus proposing the implementation of the Lidar System through iPhones as a strategic solution to optimize shotcrete management and reduce costs. The $12,000 investment is insignificant compared to the projected annual economic impact of $2.6 million in savings. The Net Present Value (NPV) of the investment is calculated at $5,950 KUSD, with an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 7,386%. Additionally, a return on investment is expected in the first year of implementation. The company positions itself as a key player in the Peruvian industry, emphasizing its comprehensive commitment to sustainability and its unique position as a producer of low-cost polymers. Its focus on value capture and adoption of responsible practices demonstrate a solid understanding of value creation in the industry. External analysis highlights the strategic relevance of mining in Peru, and the company strategically positions itself in the supply chain, demonstrating strength in negotiations with suppliers. Despite environmental challenges, it shows adaptability and commitment to local communities. In conclusion, the implementation of the Lidar System is a strategic opportunity to address identified challenges, improve operational efficiency, and ensure financial sustainability
The mining company, globally recognized for its outstanding zinc production, plays a crucial role in the Peruvian economy, representing 10% of the country's total zinc production and significantly contributing to the value of exports. However, it faces challenges, especially in cost management, identified as the main issue. Internal analysis revealed increased costs and reduced production rates, impacting profitability. The lack of control in shotcrete support stands out as one of the main causes of the increased operating cost, thus proposing the implementation of the Lidar System through iPhones as a strategic solution to optimize shotcrete management and reduce costs. The $12,000 investment is insignificant compared to the projected annual economic impact of $2.6 million in savings. The Net Present Value (NPV) of the investment is calculated at $5,950 KUSD, with an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 7,386%. Additionally, a return on investment is expected in the first year of implementation. The company positions itself as a key player in the Peruvian industry, emphasizing its comprehensive commitment to sustainability and its unique position as a producer of low-cost polymers. Its focus on value capture and adoption of responsible practices demonstrate a solid understanding of value creation in the industry. External analysis highlights the strategic relevance of mining in Peru, and the company strategically positions itself in the supply chain, demonstrating strength in negotiations with suppliers. Despite environmental challenges, it shows adaptability and commitment to local communities. In conclusion, the implementation of the Lidar System is a strategic opportunity to address identified challenges, improve operational efficiency, and ensure financial sustainability
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Industria minera--Perú, Explotación subterránea (Minería)--Perú