Informe sobre Expediente de relevancia jurídica 105-2018/CCD, E-2816, denuncia de la Asociación de Consumidores Indignados contra Uber B.V. y Uber Perú S.A.C. por actos de competencia desleal en la modalidad de violación de normas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico analiza la denuncia presentada por la Asociación de
Consumidores Indignados del Perú contra Uber Perú S.A. y Uber B.V. ante el Instituto
Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual,
por la presunta comisión de actos de competencia desleal en la modalidad de violación
de normas. El expediente tiene un problema jurídico medular que radica en evaluar la
naturaleza jurídica de la actividad realizada por el agente económico que administra la
aplicación “Uber” y, en consecuencia, si para su ejecución requiere contar con el título
habilitante emitido por la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima para la prestación del
servicio de taxi. Adicionalmente, se identifican otros dos problemas jurídicos principales,
vinculados a la legitimidad para obrar de Uber Perú S.A. dentro del procedimiento y la
notificación al extranjero realizada a Uber B.V.
Para el análisis de estos problemas jurídicos, en el presente informe se ahonda en
diferentes figuras jurídicas como la legitimidad para obrar pasiva, la aplicación de la
primacía de la realidad, el derecho a ser notificado como parte del derecho a la defensa,
la ventaja competitiva significativa, entre otros. Asimismo, se profundiza en el concepto,
características, clasificaciones y regulación en el Perú del fenómeno de la economía
colaborativa y sus actores, los usuarios, prestadores de bienes o servicios y plataformas
colaborativas. En las conclusiones, se confirman las hipótesis iniciales referidas a que
la actividad económica llevada a cabo por una plataforma colaborativa no es equiparable
al servicio subyacente, Uber Perú S.A. no tiene legitimidad para obrar pasiva dentro del
procedimiento y la notificación al extranjero no siguió las modalidades legalmente
This legal paper analyses the complaint failed by the Association of Outraged Consumers of Peru against Uber B.V. and Uber Peru S.A. before the National Institute for the Defence of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property, for the alleged commission of acts of unfair competition in the form of a violation of regulations. The file contains a key legal problem which consists in analysing the legal nature of the economic activity carried out of the economic agent operating the “Uber” app and, as a consequence, whether its execution requires the enabling authorization issued by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima for the provision of taxi services. Furthermore, two other legal problems are noted, linked to the passive standing of Uber Peru S.A. within the procedure and the notification abroad to Uber B.V. For the analysis of these legal problems, this legal paper delves into the analysis of a range of legal concepts, such as the passive standing, the right to be notified as part of the right of defence, the significant competitive advantage, among others. Moreover, an in-depth analysis is made regarding the definition, characteristics, classifications and regulation in Peru of collaborative economy phenomena, and its participants, users, providers and collaborative platforms. Among conclusions, the first research hypothesis are confirmed, referred to the inequivalence between the activity carried out by a collaborative platform and the underlying service, the absence of passive standing of Uber Peru S.A. and the failure to comply with the legally prescribed procedures for the notification of Uber B.V. abroad.
This legal paper analyses the complaint failed by the Association of Outraged Consumers of Peru against Uber B.V. and Uber Peru S.A. before the National Institute for the Defence of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property, for the alleged commission of acts of unfair competition in the form of a violation of regulations. The file contains a key legal problem which consists in analysing the legal nature of the economic activity carried out of the economic agent operating the “Uber” app and, as a consequence, whether its execution requires the enabling authorization issued by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima for the provision of taxi services. Furthermore, two other legal problems are noted, linked to the passive standing of Uber Peru S.A. within the procedure and the notification abroad to Uber B.V. For the analysis of these legal problems, this legal paper delves into the analysis of a range of legal concepts, such as the passive standing, the right to be notified as part of the right of defence, the significant competitive advantage, among others. Moreover, an in-depth analysis is made regarding the definition, characteristics, classifications and regulation in Peru of collaborative economy phenomena, and its participants, users, providers and collaborative platforms. Among conclusions, the first research hypothesis are confirmed, referred to the inequivalence between the activity carried out by a collaborative platform and the underlying service, the absence of passive standing of Uber Peru S.A. and the failure to comply with the legally prescribed procedures for the notification of Uber B.V. abroad.
Competencia económica desleal--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Tecnología y derecho--Perú
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