Modelo de negocio para el capital de trabajo de comerciantes de mercados de abastos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento detalla y sustenta el proyecto de innovación basado en la metodología del Design Thinking para el desarrollo de la propuesta de valor orientada a atender la falta de acceso a créditos de capital de trabajo oportuno, seguro y adaptado a la realidad de los comerciantes de mercados minoristas de abastos en Lima Metropolitana. Mitigar este problema resulta relevante dado su impacto sobre la continuidad y crecimiento de los negocios para dichos comerciantes, condición que repercute en su propio bienestar, en el de su familia y, consecuentemente, en el desarrollo económico del país.
La propuesta consiste en la creación de un producto financiero alternativo con soporte en la tecnología y de procesos disruptivos, que permiten ofrecer tasas competitivas a los pequeños comerciantes. El producto se caracteriza por una evaluación ágil que incrementa las posibilidades de acceso al crédito mitigando los riesgos en la recaudación. Además de la flexibilidad en los cronogramas de pago para convertirse en un aliado financiero de los comerciantes. Así como la creación de una comunidad que impulse el valor dentro de los negocios mediante el intercambio de información y experiencias de éxito de sus miembros.
Para concluir, el prototipo final obtuvo una deseabilidad del 70 % de la muestra de comerciantes. Mientras que la viabilidad de la propuesta se fundamenta en el análisis financiero efectuado con un horizonte de cinco años y cuatro meses. El Valor Presente Neto (VAN) que se obtiene es de S/ 656,149.65 y una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) de 23.94 % que supera al COK de 20.23 %.
This document details and supports the innovation project based on the Design Thinking methodology for the development of the value proposition, aimed at addressing the lack of access to timely, secure, and adapted working capital loans for retail market traders in Metropolitan Lima. Mitigating this problem is relevant given its impact on the continuity and growth of these traders' businesses, a condition that has repercussions on their own and their families' well-being and, consequently, on the country's economic development. The proposal consists of the creation of an alternative financial product supported by technology with disruptive processes that allow offering competitive rates to small merchants. The product is characterized by an agile evaluation that increases the possibilities of access to credit, mitigating collection risks. In addition to flexibility in payment schedules, seeking to become a financial ally for merchants. As well as the creation of a community that drives value within the business, through the exchange of information and successful experiences of its members. To conclude, the final prototype obtained a desirability of 70 % of the merchant sample. While the feasibility of the proposal is based on the financial analysis carried out with a horizon of 5 years and 4 months. The Net Present Value (NPV) obtained is S/ 656,149.65, and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 23.94 % which exceeds the COK of 20.23 %.
This document details and supports the innovation project based on the Design Thinking methodology for the development of the value proposition, aimed at addressing the lack of access to timely, secure, and adapted working capital loans for retail market traders in Metropolitan Lima. Mitigating this problem is relevant given its impact on the continuity and growth of these traders' businesses, a condition that has repercussions on their own and their families' well-being and, consequently, on the country's economic development. The proposal consists of the creation of an alternative financial product supported by technology with disruptive processes that allow offering competitive rates to small merchants. The product is characterized by an agile evaluation that increases the possibilities of access to credit, mitigating collection risks. In addition to flexibility in payment schedules, seeking to become a financial ally for merchants. As well as the creation of a community that drives value within the business, through the exchange of information and successful experiences of its members. To conclude, the final prototype obtained a desirability of 70 % of the merchant sample. While the feasibility of the proposal is based on the financial analysis carried out with a horizon of 5 years and 4 months. The Net Present Value (NPV) obtained is S/ 656,149.65, and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 23.94 % which exceeds the COK of 20.23 %.
Sistema financiero--Innovaciones tecnológicas--Lima Metropolitana, Comercio minorista--Lima Metropolitana, Microfinanzas--Crédito