Posicionamiento de Automotores Gildemeister como marca empleador para atraer personal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente tesis está desarrollada en base a una consultoría realizada para la empresa
Gildemeister el año 2019, cuyo fin fue elaborar una propuesta que atienda el interés
específico planteado por la compañía. Gildemeister es el representante exclusivo de las
marcas Hyundai, Jaguar, Land Rover, autos Volvo, motos BMW, Baic, Mahindra, JMC,
Brilliance y Jimbei. La empresa fue fundada en Chile el año 1986 e inició sus operaciones en
mayo del 2003 en Perú, cuenta con tres divisiones comerciales: Automotores Gildemeister,
Manasa y Motormundo. Además de la importación, también se dedica a la venta y servicio de
post venta a través de su canal retail. La empresa cuenta con 750 colaboradores, y tres
divisiones corporativas: Importador, Ventas y Premium.
El trabajo realizado tiene como punto de partida, el entendimiento del interés de la
compañía y las expectativas respecto a la consultoría, y a partir de ello consensuar los
objetivos de la misma. En ese sentido, y con la participación del personal directivo de
recursos humanos, se evidencia que, como parte de la estrategia de desarrollo de
Gildemeister, existe un especial interés en aumentar la retención y atracción personal joven,
de alto rendimiento, y que se identifique con la compañía. Con el interés claramente
entendido, se hizo una revisión de literatura y de información disponible que aporte al
planteamiento del objetivo, y es así que se llega al concepto de marca empleador y al
concepto de propuesta de valor al empleado.
La marca empleador se describe como el proceso de creación de una identidad y la
gestión de la imagen de una empresa, centrado en el capital humano como uno de los activos
más importantes de la organización, dirigido a empleados actuales o potenciales, a fin de
generar el compromiso con la empresa, y potenciar la eficiencia y la productividad (Ambler y
Barrow, 1996; Mosley, 2007). Y directamente relacionado, el concepto de propuesta de valor
al empleado, que es el conjunto de compromisos y vínculos que caracterizan y distinguen la relación empleado y empleador, lo que ofrece la organización para lograr la satisfacción del
colaborador, y como la comunica (Goncer, 2014; Mercer, 2015). Finalmente, y según
Hernández (2012), la marca empleador se construye en función de la propuesta de valor al
Con ello en mente, y en consenso con el Sr. Juan Carlos Milla de León, gerente de
recursos humanos corporativo, se definió el objetivo principal de la consultoría, el cual es
desarrollar una propuesta de valor al empleado que permita posicionar a Gildemeister como
marca empleador en el mercado laboral peruano. Asimismo, se definieron dos objetivos
específicos, el primero, identificar los atributos más valorados en el mercado laboral peruano
con foco en jóvenes profesionales y estudiantes de último ciclo con perfiles afines a las
especialidades de mantenimiento mecánico y gestión comercial, y el segundo, por
requerimiento de Gildemeister, que es determinar la variación del nivel de recordación de la
marca Gildemeister en 2019, con respecto al estudio realizado por Arellano Marketing en el
La planificación de la consultoría, para el logro del objetivo principal, sigue un
proceso de desarrollo de marca empleador dividido en cuatro fases, conceptual, de diseño, de
integración y de evaluación (Mandhaya y Shah, 2010). La fase de diseño se centra en la
creación de la propuesta de valor al empleado, para lo cual se ha tomado como referencia los
modelos de recompensa total y Mercer, ambos basados en los atributos valorados por el
mercado laboral. Respecto a los objetivos secundarios, se planificó recopilar la información
necesaria a través de entrevistas en profundidad y encuestas con preguntas cerradas tipo
Likert, dirigidas específicamente al público objetivo. De esta forma se recolectaron datos
relacionados a los atributos más valorados en el ámbito laboral por la muestra consultada, y a
su vez datos sobre el nivel de recordación de la marca Gildemeister, que a su vez esta
asociada al prestigio e imagen de la empresa, siendo en si mismo otro atributo. Producto del análisis de la información y ejecución progresiva de cada una de las
etapas del trabajo, se consolidan los cimientos que soportan la propuesta de la consultoría
para lograr el desarrollo de la marca empleador Gildemeister, la cual esta expresada en
acciones correspondientes en cada una de las fases. En la fase conceptual, se han planteado
acciones que aseguren que la gestión de la marca empleador Gildemeister, sea coherente con
la visión de la compañía, asegurando que se conserven los valores y el ADN Gildemeister. En
la fase de diseño, se ha estructurado una propuesta de valor al empleado, que contiene los
atributos más valorados por el mercado laboral de interés, asimismo se plantean acciones
complementarias para profundizar en el desarrollo de los elementos que así lo requieren. La
propuesta de valor está enfocada en atender las expectativas de los estudiantes de último año,
para los cuales se plantea ofrecer un programa de desarrollo profesional dentro de
Gildemeister, y a su vez atender las expectativas de los jóvenes profesionales ya activos y con
resultados positivos comprobados, para los cuales el enfoque esta más centrados en los
beneficios. En la fase de integración, se plantean acciones con el objetivo de comunicar
efectivamente la propuesta de valor diseñada en la fase anterior, tanto internamente como
externamente, considerando principalmente contacto directo en eventos sociales, patrocinios
en ferias laborales universitarios, patrocinios en eventos comerciales, y explotando los
medios digitales y redes sociales en el día a día. Esta fase es muy importante, ya que de ello
depende el entendimiento y trascendencia de la propuesta de valor, y consecuentemente, el
posicionamiento de Gildemeister como marca empleador. Por último, en la fase de
evaluación, se realiza el análisis económico de la propuesta, de donde se obtiene un VNA de
S/ 667,078, y una TIR de 59.30%, en un horizonte de cinco años, y directamente asociados a
las mejoras en eficiencia y productividad en las áreas de ventas y servicios de mantenimiento.
Finalmente, dentro de los factores de éxito de la propuesta, se tienen el
involucramiento de la organización, coherencia, sostener y honrar en el tiempo lo que ofrece la propuesta de valor al empleado creada, y la comunicación efectiva interna y externa. De
esta forma se logrará el posicionamiento de Gildemeister como marca empleador en el
mercado laboral peruano, lo cual debe suceder de forma orgánica y no forzada. A su vez
todos estos esfuerzos se traducen en una serie de beneficios tangibles e intangibles para la
compañía, como son el prestigio, y aunque no relacionado directamente influye en la
preferencia de compra; y contar con colaboradores satisfechos, motivados y comprometidos,
se materializa en mejor desempeño, y por ende eficiencia, alto rendimiento.
This thesis is developed based on a consultancy carried out for the company Gildemeister in 2019, the purpose was to prepare a proposal that addresses the specific interest of the company. Gildemeister is the exclusive representative of Hyundai, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo cars, BMW, Baic, Mahindra, JMC, Brilliance and Jimbei. This Chilean company was founded in 1986 and began operations in Peru in May, 2003. It has three commercial divisions: Gildemeister, Manasa and Motormundo. In addition to the importation of vehicles, it also offers sales and after-sales services through its retail channel. The company has 750 employees and three corporate divisions: Importer, Sales and Premium. The work has as a starting point, the understanding of the interest of the company and the expectations regarding the consultancy, and from there agree on the objectives of the same. In this sense, and with the participation of the human resources management staff, it is evident that, as part of Gildemeister's development strategy, there is a special interest in increasing the retention and attraction of young, high-performance personnel, and that is identified with the company. With the interest clearly understood, a review of the literature and available information was performed that contributes to the objective approach, and that is how the concept of the employer brand and the concept of value proposition to the employee were reached. The employer brand is described as the process of creating an identity and managing the image of a company, focused on human capital as one of the most important assets of the organization, aimed at current or potential employees, in order to generate commitment to the company, and enhancing efficiency and productivity (Ambler and Barrow, 1996; Mosley, 2007). And directly related, the concept of value proposition to the employee, which is the set of commitments and links that characterize and distinguish the relationship between employee and employer, what the organization offers to achieve employee satisfaction, and how it communicates (Goncer, 2014; Mercer, 2015). Finally, and according to Hernández (2012), the employer brand is built based on the value proposition to the employee. With this in mind, and in consensus with Mr. Juan Carlos Milla de León, corporate human resources manager, the main objective of the consultancy was defined, which is to develop a value proposition for the employee that allows Gildemeister to be positioned as a employer brand in the Peruvian labor market. Likewise, two specific objectives were defined, the first, to identify the most valued attributes in the Peruvian labor market with a focus on young professionals and final-cycle students with profiles related to the specialties of mechanical maintenance and commercial management, and the second, by requirement of Gildemeister, which is to determine the variation in the level of recall of the Gildemeister brand in 2019, with respect to the study carried out by Arellano Marketing in 2017. The planning of the consultancy, to achieve the main objective, follows an employer brand development process divided into four phases: conceptual, design, integration and evaluation (Mandhaya and Shah, 2010). The design phase focuses on creating the value proposition for the employee, for which the total reward and Mercer models have been taken as a reference, both based on the attributes valued by the labor market. Regarding the secondary objectives, it was planned to collect the necessary information through in-depth interviews and surveys with closed Likert-type questions, specifically directed at the target audience. In this way, data related to the most valued attributes in the workplace by the sample consulted was collected, as well as data on the level of recall of the Gildemeister brand, which in turn is associated with the prestige and image of the company, being in itself another attribute. Product of the analysis of the information and progressive execution of each of the stages of the work, the foundations that support the proposal of the consultancy are consolidated to achieve the development of the employer brand Gildemeister, which is expressed in corresponding actions in each of the phases. In the conceptual phase, actions have been proposed to ensure that the management of the Gildemeister employer brand is consistent with the company's vision, ensuring that the Gildemeister values and DNA are preserved. In the design phase, a value proposition has been structured for the employee, which contains the attributes most valued by the labor market of interest, as well as complementary actions to deepen the development of the elements that require it. The value proposition is focused on meeting the expectations of final year students, for whom it is proposed to offer a professional development program within Gildemeister, and in turn meeting the expectations of young professionals already active and with proven positive results. for which the focus is more focused on benefits. In the integration phase, actions are proposed with the objective of effectively communicating the value proposition designed in the previous phase, both internally and externally, mainly considering direct contact at social events, sponsorships at university job fairs, sponsorships at commercial events, and exploiting digital media and social networks on a day-to-day basis. This phase is very important, since the understanding and significance of the value proposition depends on it, and consequently, the positioning of Gildemeister as an employer brand. Finally, in the evaluation phase, the economic analysis of the proposal is carried out, from which a NPV of S / 667,078 is obtained, and an IRR of 59.30%, in a horizon of five years, and directly associated with the improvements in efficiency and productivity in the areas of sales and maintenance services. Finally, within the success factors of the proposal, there are the involvement of the organization, coherence, sustaining and honoring over time what the value proposition offers to the employee created, and effective internal and external communication. In this way, the positioning of Gildemeister as a employer brand will be achieved.
This thesis is developed based on a consultancy carried out for the company Gildemeister in 2019, the purpose was to prepare a proposal that addresses the specific interest of the company. Gildemeister is the exclusive representative of Hyundai, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo cars, BMW, Baic, Mahindra, JMC, Brilliance and Jimbei. This Chilean company was founded in 1986 and began operations in Peru in May, 2003. It has three commercial divisions: Gildemeister, Manasa and Motormundo. In addition to the importation of vehicles, it also offers sales and after-sales services through its retail channel. The company has 750 employees and three corporate divisions: Importer, Sales and Premium. The work has as a starting point, the understanding of the interest of the company and the expectations regarding the consultancy, and from there agree on the objectives of the same. In this sense, and with the participation of the human resources management staff, it is evident that, as part of Gildemeister's development strategy, there is a special interest in increasing the retention and attraction of young, high-performance personnel, and that is identified with the company. With the interest clearly understood, a review of the literature and available information was performed that contributes to the objective approach, and that is how the concept of the employer brand and the concept of value proposition to the employee were reached. The employer brand is described as the process of creating an identity and managing the image of a company, focused on human capital as one of the most important assets of the organization, aimed at current or potential employees, in order to generate commitment to the company, and enhancing efficiency and productivity (Ambler and Barrow, 1996; Mosley, 2007). And directly related, the concept of value proposition to the employee, which is the set of commitments and links that characterize and distinguish the relationship between employee and employer, what the organization offers to achieve employee satisfaction, and how it communicates (Goncer, 2014; Mercer, 2015). Finally, and according to Hernández (2012), the employer brand is built based on the value proposition to the employee. With this in mind, and in consensus with Mr. Juan Carlos Milla de León, corporate human resources manager, the main objective of the consultancy was defined, which is to develop a value proposition for the employee that allows Gildemeister to be positioned as a employer brand in the Peruvian labor market. Likewise, two specific objectives were defined, the first, to identify the most valued attributes in the Peruvian labor market with a focus on young professionals and final-cycle students with profiles related to the specialties of mechanical maintenance and commercial management, and the second, by requirement of Gildemeister, which is to determine the variation in the level of recall of the Gildemeister brand in 2019, with respect to the study carried out by Arellano Marketing in 2017. The planning of the consultancy, to achieve the main objective, follows an employer brand development process divided into four phases: conceptual, design, integration and evaluation (Mandhaya and Shah, 2010). The design phase focuses on creating the value proposition for the employee, for which the total reward and Mercer models have been taken as a reference, both based on the attributes valued by the labor market. Regarding the secondary objectives, it was planned to collect the necessary information through in-depth interviews and surveys with closed Likert-type questions, specifically directed at the target audience. In this way, data related to the most valued attributes in the workplace by the sample consulted was collected, as well as data on the level of recall of the Gildemeister brand, which in turn is associated with the prestige and image of the company, being in itself another attribute. Product of the analysis of the information and progressive execution of each of the stages of the work, the foundations that support the proposal of the consultancy are consolidated to achieve the development of the employer brand Gildemeister, which is expressed in corresponding actions in each of the phases. In the conceptual phase, actions have been proposed to ensure that the management of the Gildemeister employer brand is consistent with the company's vision, ensuring that the Gildemeister values and DNA are preserved. In the design phase, a value proposition has been structured for the employee, which contains the attributes most valued by the labor market of interest, as well as complementary actions to deepen the development of the elements that require it. The value proposition is focused on meeting the expectations of final year students, for whom it is proposed to offer a professional development program within Gildemeister, and in turn meeting the expectations of young professionals already active and with proven positive results. for which the focus is more focused on benefits. In the integration phase, actions are proposed with the objective of effectively communicating the value proposition designed in the previous phase, both internally and externally, mainly considering direct contact at social events, sponsorships at university job fairs, sponsorships at commercial events, and exploiting digital media and social networks on a day-to-day basis. This phase is very important, since the understanding and significance of the value proposition depends on it, and consequently, the positioning of Gildemeister as an employer brand. Finally, in the evaluation phase, the economic analysis of the proposal is carried out, from which a NPV of S / 667,078 is obtained, and an IRR of 59.30%, in a horizon of five years, and directly associated with the improvements in efficiency and productivity in the areas of sales and maintenance services. Finally, within the success factors of the proposal, there are the involvement of the organization, coherence, sustaining and honoring over time what the value proposition offers to the employee created, and effective internal and external communication. In this way, the positioning of Gildemeister as a employer brand will be achieved.
Consultores de empresas, Industria automotriz, Capital humano--Administración