Modelo ProLab, Restyle, plataforma web de compra y venta de ropa de segunda mano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente proyecto tiene como propuesta la disminución del impacto negativo de un
problema social relevante en nuestro entorno que es el impacto al medio ambiente a
través del consumo excesivo de ropa y la generación de esta a través de la industria fast
fashion. Nuestra solución a este problema es Restyle, un entorno digital que tiene como
objetivo promover una economía circular y la generación de una comunidad basada en
dos tipos de usuarios, vendedores y consumidores, que sean parte de un impacto positivo
en nuestro medio ambiente.
La propuesta de valor de Restyle es cambiar la manera de comprar mediante la
transformación de los procesos que intervienen en la compra y cuidando el medio
ambiente; de esta manera, se propone como solución una plataforma web donde se
compra y vende ropa de segunda mano a precios accesibles, cumpliendo con las
tendencias de moda y con la reducción del impacto negativo medioambiental, cuyo
público objetivo son las mujeres entre 18 a 39 años que viven en Lima.
Se desarrollaron tres hipótesis para el proyecto, la primera para validar el interés
en las mujeres de 18 a 39 años en lo que respecta a prendas de segunda mano. En la
segunda hipótesis se validó que este público objetivo desee realizar el proceso de compra
y venta de ropa a través de una plataforma online; ambas hipótesis fueron validadas a
través de encuestas. Mientras que para la tercera hipótesis se realizaron pruebas de
usuario que validaron la deseabilidad del uso de la plataforma Restyle.
Finalmente, el proyecto se considera un modelo de negocio socialmente
sostenible al impactar en dos metas del ODS #6 (6.3 y 6.4), que se enfocan en mejorar la
calidad y el acceso al agua, y en dos metas del ODS #12 (12.2 y 12.5), orientadas a
reducir la huella ambiental de la producción y el consumo. Como resultado, el índice de
relevancia social agregado es del 28%, y el proyecto cuenta con un VAN Social de
S/10’311,916, reflejando su impacto positivo en la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo social.
The purpose of this work is to reduce the negative impact of a relevant social problem in our environment, which is the impact on the environment through the excessive consumption of clothing and its generation through the fast fashion industry. Our solution to this problem is Restyle, a digital environment that aims to promote a circular economy and the generation of a community based on two types of users, sellers and consumers, who are part of a positive impact on our environment. Restyle's value proposition is to change the way they buy by transforming the processes involved in purchasing and taking care of the environment; in this way, a web platform is proposed as a solution where second-hand clothing is bought and sold at affordable prices, complying with fashion trends and reducing the negative environmental impact, whose target audience is women between 18 and 39 years old who live in Lima. Three hypotheses were developed for the project, the first to validate the interest in women aged 18 to 39 in regard to second-hand clothing. In the second hypothesis, it was validated that this target audience wants to carry out the process of buying and selling clothing through an online platform; both hypotheses were validated through surveys. While for the third hypothesis, user tests were carried out that validated the desirability of using the Restyle platform Finally, the project is considered a socially sustainable business model as it impacts two targets of SDG #6 (6.3 and 6.4), which focus on improving water quality and access, and two targets of SDG #12 (12.2 and 12.5), aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of production and consumption. As a result, the aggregated social relevance index is 28%, and the project has a Social NPV of S/10’311,916, reflecting its positive impact on sustainability and social development.
The purpose of this work is to reduce the negative impact of a relevant social problem in our environment, which is the impact on the environment through the excessive consumption of clothing and its generation through the fast fashion industry. Our solution to this problem is Restyle, a digital environment that aims to promote a circular economy and the generation of a community based on two types of users, sellers and consumers, who are part of a positive impact on our environment. Restyle's value proposition is to change the way they buy by transforming the processes involved in purchasing and taking care of the environment; in this way, a web platform is proposed as a solution where second-hand clothing is bought and sold at affordable prices, complying with fashion trends and reducing the negative environmental impact, whose target audience is women between 18 and 39 years old who live in Lima. Three hypotheses were developed for the project, the first to validate the interest in women aged 18 to 39 in regard to second-hand clothing. In the second hypothesis, it was validated that this target audience wants to carry out the process of buying and selling clothing through an online platform; both hypotheses were validated through surveys. While for the third hypothesis, user tests were carried out that validated the desirability of using the Restyle platform Finally, the project is considered a socially sustainable business model as it impacts two targets of SDG #6 (6.3 and 6.4), which focus on improving water quality and access, and two targets of SDG #12 (12.2 and 12.5), aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of production and consumption. As a result, the aggregated social relevance index is 28%, and the project has a Social NPV of S/10’311,916, reflecting its positive impact on sustainability and social development.
Prendas de vestir--Aspectos ambientales, Ropa--Consumo sostenible, Industria de la ropa usada