Informe jurídico sobre la sentencia del Expediente N.º 01606-2018-PHC/TC.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objeto del presente informe es analizar la sentencia recaída en el Expediente
N.º 01606-2018-PHC/TC en la cual el Tribunal Constitucional ordena la
demolición total del muro perimetral construído por la Municipalidad de La Molina
en el límite distrital con Villa María del Triunfo bajo la justificación de garantizar
la seguridad en su distrito y cumplir con la obligación de protección asumida con
la Superintendencia de Bienes Nacionales respecto de la afectación en uso de
un terreno con la finalidad de ser empleado para la construcción e
implementación del Parque Ecológico Recreativo de La Molina.
Ello se debe a que, producto de la construcción del muro, los vecinos de Villa
María del Triunfo vieron vulnerados sus derechos al libre tránsito y, de forma
conexa, los derechos de igualdad y no discriminación. Ello debido a que el muro
tenía una extensión de 4,5 kilómetros y solo contaba con un acceso para el cruce
peatonal. En esa línea, y ante la vulneración de sus derechos, Carlos Francisco
Hinostroza Rodríguez interpuso una demanda de hábeas corpus contra el
alcalde de la Municipalidad de La Molina.
En el informe, se revisarán tres ejes de la sentencia que no se abordaron
idoneamente: el derecho al libre tránsito, el derecho a la seguridad, el derecho a
la igualdad y no discriminación. Para ello, se revisará la Constitución Política del
Perú, el Código Procesal Constitucional, sentencias del Tribunal Constitucional,
doctrina nacional internacional y comparada.
The purpose of this report is to analyze the ruling issued in File No. 01606-2018- PHC/TC in which the Constitutional Court orders the total demolition of the perimeter wall built by the Municipality of La Molina on the district boundary with Villa María del Triunfo under the justification of guaranteeing security in its district and complying with the protection obligation assumed with the Superintendency of National Assets regarding the impact on the use of land with the purpose of being used for the construction and implementation of the Recreational Ecological Park from La Molina. This is because, as a result of the construction of the wall, the residents of Villa María del Triunfo saw their rights to free movement and, relatedly, their rights to equality and non-discrimination violated. This was because the wall had an extension of 4.5 kilometers and only had one access for the pedestrian crossing. Along these lines, and given the violation of his rights, Carlos Francisco Hinostroza Rodríguez filed a habeas corpus lawsuit against the mayor of the Municipality of La Molina. In the report, three axes of the ruling that were not adequately addressed will be reviewed: the right to free movement, the right to security, the right to equality and non-discrimination. For this purpose, the Political Constitution of Peru, the Constitutional Procedural Code, rulings of the Constitutional Court, international and national doctrine will be reviewed.
The purpose of this report is to analyze the ruling issued in File No. 01606-2018- PHC/TC in which the Constitutional Court orders the total demolition of the perimeter wall built by the Municipality of La Molina on the district boundary with Villa María del Triunfo under the justification of guaranteeing security in its district and complying with the protection obligation assumed with the Superintendency of National Assets regarding the impact on the use of land with the purpose of being used for the construction and implementation of the Recreational Ecological Park from La Molina. This is because, as a result of the construction of the wall, the residents of Villa María del Triunfo saw their rights to free movement and, relatedly, their rights to equality and non-discrimination violated. This was because the wall had an extension of 4.5 kilometers and only had one access for the pedestrian crossing. Along these lines, and given the violation of his rights, Carlos Francisco Hinostroza Rodríguez filed a habeas corpus lawsuit against the mayor of the Municipality of La Molina. In the report, three axes of the ruling that were not adequately addressed will be reviewed: the right to free movement, the right to security, the right to equality and non-discrimination. For this purpose, the Political Constitution of Peru, the Constitutional Procedural Code, rulings of the Constitutional Court, international and national doctrine will be reviewed.
Tribunales constitucionales--Perú, Discriminación--Legislación--Perú, Gobierno municipal--Perú--La Molina (Lima : Distrito), Gobierno municipal--Perú--Villa María del Triunfo (Lima : Distrito)