Transferencias monetarias condicionadas y mejora de los indicadores de protección social del Programa Juntos, periodo 2012 – 2015, distrito de Pariahuanca, departamento de Ancash
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Programa Juntos tiene vigencia desde el año 2005 y tiene como objetivo principal el
alivio de las condiciones de pobreza y extrema pobreza en sus beneficiarios. A
diferencia de intervenciones estatales en la década de los 80´s para aliviar la pobreza,
los Programas Sociales de ahora exigen a sus beneficiarios el cumplimiento de ciertas
corresponsabilidades que a su vez permitan o contribuyan a la formación del capital
La finalidad del Programa Juntos es la restitución de derechos básicos en grupos
sociales excluidos históricamente, para alcanzar este fin el Programa pretende que sus
beneficiarios accedan a ciertos servicios o espacios que permitan su protección social
en el mediano y largo plazo.
En la presente investigación se profundizará en el estudio de los procesos de
intervención del Programa y su contribución en el logro de los indicadores de protección
social del Programa, en el ámbito del distrito de Pariahuanca, Departamento de Ancash.
Así mismo se identificará qué factores de Gerencia Social están relacionados a los
procesos de intervención del Programa, que facilitaron el logro de los indicadores de
protección social.
The together programme runs since 2005 and has as main objective the conditions of poverty and extreme poverty relief in its beneficiaries. As opposed to state intervention in the Decade of the 80´s to alleviate poverty, social programs now require compliance with certain co-responsibilities that in turn enable or contribute to the formation of human capital to their beneficiaries. The purpose of the together programme is the return of basic rights in social groups historically excluded, to achieve this end, the programme aims to their beneficiaries to access certain services or areas that allow their social protection in the medium and long term. In the present investigation, it will deepen in the study of the processes of intervention of the programme and its contribution to the achievement of the indicators of social protection program, in the area of the District of Pariahuanca, Department of Ancash. Also identified that factors of Social management are related to processes of intervention of the programme, which facilitated the achievement of the indicators of social protection.
The together programme runs since 2005 and has as main objective the conditions of poverty and extreme poverty relief in its beneficiaries. As opposed to state intervention in the Decade of the 80´s to alleviate poverty, social programs now require compliance with certain co-responsibilities that in turn enable or contribute to the formation of human capital to their beneficiaries. The purpose of the together programme is the return of basic rights in social groups historically excluded, to achieve this end, the programme aims to their beneficiaries to access certain services or areas that allow their social protection in the medium and long term. In the present investigation, it will deepen in the study of the processes of intervention of the programme and its contribution to the achievement of the indicators of social protection program, in the area of the District of Pariahuanca, Department of Ancash. Also identified that factors of Social management are related to processes of intervention of the programme, which facilitated the achievement of the indicators of social protection.
Programas sociales--Perú--Ancash, Programa JUNTOS (Perú), Desarrollo social--Perú--Ancash
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