Consulting report – Servicios Delivery EIRL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este informe de consultoría ofrece un análisis exhaustivo y recomendaciones
estratégicas para, un mercado en línea emergente para productores locales de
calzado en El Porvenir, Trujillo, Perú. En primer lugar, se presenta la organización y su
contexto operativo, allanando el camino para profundizar posteriormente en el problema
clave. Identificando de este modo el reto principal que consiste en convencer a los
productores locales de calzado para que vendan en línea a través de
A continuación, se lleva a cabo una revisión exhaustiva de la bibliografía, que incluye
siete áreas temáticas diferentes relacionadas con la investigación establecida y las
perspectivas de la industria para proporcionar una base sólida para la siguiente exploración.
Seguidamente, se emplean metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas para realizar un análisis
en profundidad del problema, evaluando no sólo las entrevistas con el propietario de la
empresa y los resultados de una encuesta realizada entre los productores locales de calzado,
sino también bibliografía y otros datos cuantitativos. Posteriormente, es llevado a cabo un
examen exhaustivo de las causas profundas y son identificadas las principales: cultura,
tecnología y limitación de recursos.
En consecuencia, se desarrollan alternativas de solución y se evalúan cuidadosamente
en función de criterios predefinidos. Este análisis pone de manifiesto que cuatro soluciones
son las más viables: diseño de procesos sencillos y apoyo con los envíos, inicio con
productores estratégicos y demostración de éxito, y capacitación presencial para el uso de la
tecnología y ganancias rápidas con un mínimo de ventas garantizado. Seguidamente, es
elaborado un plan de implantación detallado para cada solución en el que se esbozan los
factores clave del éxito. Asimismo, para medir el logro de la reducción de las brechas
digitales y la mejora de la competitividad de los productores locales, se presentan los
resultados esperados, incluidos los indicadores clave de rendimiento. Finalmente, este informe ofrece recomendaciones prácticas para impulsar el crecimiento de y la
capacitación digital dentro de la industria local del calzado.
This consulting report offers a comprehensive analysis and strategic recommendations for, an emerging online marketplace for local footwear producers in El Porvenir, Trujillo, Peru. First, the organization and its operational context are introduced, paving the way for a deeper exploration of the key problem afterward. By doing so, the report identifies the core challenge of convincing local footwear producers to sell online through Next, a thorough literature review is conducted, including seven different related topic areas from established research and industry insights to provide a solid foundation for the following exploration. It is succeeded by a qualitative and quantitative methodology employed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem, evaluating not only interviews with the company owner as well as insights from a survey among local footwear producers but also literature and other quantitative data. A comprehensive root-cause examination is followed with an identification of the main causes – culture, technology, and resource constraints. Consequently, solution alternatives are developed and carefully evaluated highlighting four solutions to be the most viable ones – Easy Process Design and Shipping Support, Start with Strategic Producers and Showcase Success, Live training for Technology Usage and Quick Wins with Guaranteed Sales Minimum. Accordingly, a detailed implementation plan for each solution is developed outlining key success factors. In addition, to measure the success of bridging digital gaps and enhancing local producers’ competitiveness, expected outcomes including key performance indicators are presented. Finally, this report provides actionable recommendations to drive’s growth and digital empowerment within the local footwear industry.
This consulting report offers a comprehensive analysis and strategic recommendations for, an emerging online marketplace for local footwear producers in El Porvenir, Trujillo, Peru. First, the organization and its operational context are introduced, paving the way for a deeper exploration of the key problem afterward. By doing so, the report identifies the core challenge of convincing local footwear producers to sell online through Next, a thorough literature review is conducted, including seven different related topic areas from established research and industry insights to provide a solid foundation for the following exploration. It is succeeded by a qualitative and quantitative methodology employed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem, evaluating not only interviews with the company owner as well as insights from a survey among local footwear producers but also literature and other quantitative data. A comprehensive root-cause examination is followed with an identification of the main causes – culture, technology, and resource constraints. Consequently, solution alternatives are developed and carefully evaluated highlighting four solutions to be the most viable ones – Easy Process Design and Shipping Support, Start with Strategic Producers and Showcase Success, Live training for Technology Usage and Quick Wins with Guaranteed Sales Minimum. Accordingly, a detailed implementation plan for each solution is developed outlining key success factors. In addition, to measure the success of bridging digital gaps and enhancing local producers’ competitiveness, expected outcomes including key performance indicators are presented. Finally, this report provides actionable recommendations to drive’s growth and digital empowerment within the local footwear industry.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Calzado--Industria y comercio--Perú--La Libertad--Trujillo
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