Gestión con enfoque de RSE de las empresas del sector salud privado en la Provincia de Cusco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal conocer el estado de la gestión
con enfoque de responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) de las empresas del sector salud
privado de la provincia de Cusco en el año 2015. Se debe señalar que es la primera vez que
se realiza un estudio de esta naturaleza en la provincia de Cusco. La investigación utilizó la
herramienta Indicadores Ethos-Perú 2021, asimismo, está alineada con los diferentes
conceptos, directrices y estándares de gestión de RSE propuestos por investigadores del tema
y organismos internacionales. En la investigación se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo, con
diseño no experimental transeccional y alcance descriptivo. La población estuvo integrada
por todas las pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector salud privado de la provincia de
Cusco, y el muestreo fue no probabilístico.
De acuerdo al estudio realizado, se determinó que en promedio el estado de la gestión
de las empresas se encontró en una etapa intermedia de acciones en RSE (Etapa 2). Esto
significó que las compañías mantenían una postura defensiva ante las exigencias legales, pero
algunas de ellas había iniciado cambios orientados a incorporar prácticas de RSE. En
promedio la nota que obtuvieron fue de 2.7 sobre un máximo de diez. La interpretación de
las notas permitió concluir que los temas de consumidores y clientes; valores, transparencia y
Gobierno corporativo; publico interno; y comunidad se encontraron en una etapa intermedia
de acciones en RSE (Etapa 2). Mientras que los temas de Gobierno y sociedad, proveedores,
y medio ambientes se encontraron en una etapa básica o reactiva a las exigencias legales
(Etapa 1)
The main objective of this research was to know the state of management with a corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach of private health sector companies in the province of Cusco in 2015. It should be noted that this is the first time a study of this nature in the province of Cusco. The research used the Indicators tool Ethos-Peru 2021, is also aligned with the different concepts, guidelines and standards of CSR management proposed by researchers and international organizations. The research used a quantitative approach, with non-experimental transectional design and descriptive scope. The population was composed of all the small and medium enterprises of the private health sector of the province of Cusco, and the sampling was non-probabilistic. According to the study, it was determined that on average the state of the companies' management was in an intermediate stage of actions in CSR (Stage 2). This meant that companies maintained a defensive stance against legal requirements, but some of them had initiated changes aimed at incorporating CSR practices. On average the score they got was 2.7 out of a maximum of ten. The interpretation of the notes allowed concluding that the issues of consumers and customers; values, transparency and corporate governance; internal public; and community were in an intermediate stage of actions in CSR (Stage 2). While the issues of government and society, suppliers, and environments were at a basic stage or reactive to legal requirements (Stage 1)
The main objective of this research was to know the state of management with a corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach of private health sector companies in the province of Cusco in 2015. It should be noted that this is the first time a study of this nature in the province of Cusco. The research used the Indicators tool Ethos-Peru 2021, is also aligned with the different concepts, guidelines and standards of CSR management proposed by researchers and international organizations. The research used a quantitative approach, with non-experimental transectional design and descriptive scope. The population was composed of all the small and medium enterprises of the private health sector of the province of Cusco, and the sampling was non-probabilistic. According to the study, it was determined that on average the state of the companies' management was in an intermediate stage of actions in CSR (Stage 2). This meant that companies maintained a defensive stance against legal requirements, but some of them had initiated changes aimed at incorporating CSR practices. On average the score they got was 2.7 out of a maximum of ten. The interpretation of the notes allowed concluding that the issues of consumers and customers; values, transparency and corporate governance; internal public; and community were in an intermediate stage of actions in CSR (Stage 2). While the issues of government and society, suppliers, and environments were at a basic stage or reactive to legal requirements (Stage 1)
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