Consultoría para Alterfin
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente tesis, titulada Consultoría para Alterfin, tiene como objetivo la
identificación de los problemas que están afectando actualmente el desempeño de esta
cooperativa de inversiones belga con la finalidad de proponer alternativas creativas de
solución que aborden directamente las principales causa raíz generadoras de estos problemas
logrando la mejora de los principales indicadores de gestión de la empresa con una inversión
El trabajo realizado se estructuró en varias etapas. Primero se realizó un diagnóstico
interno y externo de la empresa a través de entrevistas con el equipo clave de la empresa, así
como la revisión de diversos documentos internos de gestión e información disponible sobre
el contexto en el cual opera esta institución financiera lo que permitió determinar las
principales fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas de la empresa. A continuación,
haciendo uso de diversas herramientas, y junto al equipo de Alterfin, se identificaron los
principales problemas que actualmente impactan en el resultado de la empresa, así como sus
respectivas causas raíz. Los resultados obtenidos indican que actualmente son dos los
problemas centrales que Alterfin enfrenta cuya causa raíz deben ser abordados para mejorar
su desempeño: a) incumplimiento en las metas anuales de tamaño de cartera de créditos y
total de activos en gestión y, b) incumplimiento en los indicadores de calidad de cartera
(morosidad, castigos y recuperaciones).
En base a estos resultados se ha planteado cuatro alternativas de solución que
constituyen un su conjunto en plan de mejora: a) optimización de las herramientas usadas en
el proceso de evaluación para el otorgamiento de créditos, b) creación de un mecanismo de
administración continua de cartera en riesgo, c) implementación de mejoras en la
metodología y herramientas de monitoreo de riesgo y, d) diseño e implementación de una
política para la gestión de cartera en recuperación. Tras la implementación de este plan de
mejora se espera optimizar directamente los indicadores de desempeño relacionados con la
maximización de la gestión de los activos de la empresa, así como de los indicadores de
calidad de la cartera de créditos proyectando incrementar el resultado neto de la empresa de
los próximos años y, como tal, mejorar los indicadores de rentabilidad sobre activos (ROA)
que se espera se incremente de 0.50% en el año 2023 a 0.78% en el año 2026 y el indicador
de rentabilidad sobre patrimonio (ROE) que se proyecta se incremente de 1.1% en el año
2023 1.8% en el año 2026.
Se estima una inversión de 62,356.25 euros para implementar el plan de mejora
propuesto. En un escenario optimista se proyecta su recuperación en el año 2025 estimando
obtener una tasa de retorno sobre la inversión (ROI) de 733% y un valor actual neto (VAN)
de 338,856 euros de acuerdo con los resultados netos incrementales que se esperan generar en
los próximos 3 años. El proyecto resulta rentable incluso en un escenario medio (ROI: 273%
y VAN: 114,933.00 euros) y un escenario pesimista (ROI: 55% y VAN: 8,331.00 euros)
donde la recuperación de inversión se lograría recién en el año 2026.
Al lograrse los resultados esperados, Alterfin será una empresa mucho más sólida y
con mayor capacidad para seguir cumpliendo su mandato social de “mejorar los medios de
sustento y, en general, las condiciones de vida de las personas y comunidades social y
económicamente desfavorecidas ubicadas principalmente en las zonas rurales de los países de
ingresos bajos y medios en todo el mundo” mientras genera más valor para sus inversionistas.
This thesis, entitled Consulting for Alterfin, aims to identify the problems that are currently affecting the performance of this Belgian investment cooperative to propose creative alternative solutions that directly address the main root causes generating these problems, achieving the improvement of the main management indicators of the company with a viable investment. The work carried out was structured in several stages. First, an internal and external diagnosis of the company was carried out through interviews with the company's key team, as well as the review of various internal management documents and information available on the context in which this financial institution operates, which allowed determining the company's main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. After that, using various tools, and together with the Alterfin team, the main problems that currently impact the company's results were identified, as well as their respective root causes. The results obtained indicate that there are currently two central problems that Alterfin faces whose root causes must be addressed to improve its performance: a) failure to meet the annual goals of loan portfolio size and total assets under management and, b) failure to meet portfolio quality indicators (defaults, write-offs, and recoveries). Based on these results, four alternative solutions have been proposed that constitute a whole improvement plan: a) optimization of the tools used in the evaluation process for granting credits, b) creation of a mechanism for continuous management of portfolios at risk, c) implementation of improvements in the methodology and tools for monitoring risk, and d) design and implementation of a policy for managing portfolios in recovery. Following the implementation of this improvement plan, it is expected to directly optimize the performance indicators related to maximizing the management of the company's assets, as well as the quality indicators of the credit portfolio, projecting to increase the company's net income in the coming years and, as such, improve the return on assets (ROA) indicators, which are expected to increase from 0.50% in 2023 to 0.78% in 2026, and the return on equity (ROE) indicator, which is projected to increase from 1.1% in 2023 to 1.8% in 2026. An investment of 62,356.25 euros is estimated to implement the proposed improvement plan. In an optimistic scenario, its recovery is projected in 2025, estimating a return on investment (ROI) rate of 733% and a net present value (NPV) of 338,856 euros in accordance with the incremental net results expected to be generated in the next 3 years. It is profitable even in a medium scenario (ROI: 273% and NPV: 114,933.00 euros) and in a pessimistic scenario (ROI: 55% and NPV: 8,331.00 euros) where the investment recovery would be achieved only in 2026. By achieving the expected results, Alterfin will be a much stronger company and with a greater capacity to continue fulfilling its social mandate of “improving the livelihoods and, in general, the living conditions of socially and economically disadvantaged people and communities located mainly in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries around the world” while generating more value for its investors.
This thesis, entitled Consulting for Alterfin, aims to identify the problems that are currently affecting the performance of this Belgian investment cooperative to propose creative alternative solutions that directly address the main root causes generating these problems, achieving the improvement of the main management indicators of the company with a viable investment. The work carried out was structured in several stages. First, an internal and external diagnosis of the company was carried out through interviews with the company's key team, as well as the review of various internal management documents and information available on the context in which this financial institution operates, which allowed determining the company's main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. After that, using various tools, and together with the Alterfin team, the main problems that currently impact the company's results were identified, as well as their respective root causes. The results obtained indicate that there are currently two central problems that Alterfin faces whose root causes must be addressed to improve its performance: a) failure to meet the annual goals of loan portfolio size and total assets under management and, b) failure to meet portfolio quality indicators (defaults, write-offs, and recoveries). Based on these results, four alternative solutions have been proposed that constitute a whole improvement plan: a) optimization of the tools used in the evaluation process for granting credits, b) creation of a mechanism for continuous management of portfolios at risk, c) implementation of improvements in the methodology and tools for monitoring risk, and d) design and implementation of a policy for managing portfolios in recovery. Following the implementation of this improvement plan, it is expected to directly optimize the performance indicators related to maximizing the management of the company's assets, as well as the quality indicators of the credit portfolio, projecting to increase the company's net income in the coming years and, as such, improve the return on assets (ROA) indicators, which are expected to increase from 0.50% in 2023 to 0.78% in 2026, and the return on equity (ROE) indicator, which is projected to increase from 1.1% in 2023 to 1.8% in 2026. An investment of 62,356.25 euros is estimated to implement the proposed improvement plan. In an optimistic scenario, its recovery is projected in 2025, estimating a return on investment (ROI) rate of 733% and a net present value (NPV) of 338,856 euros in accordance with the incremental net results expected to be generated in the next 3 years. It is profitable even in a medium scenario (ROI: 273% and NPV: 114,933.00 euros) and in a pessimistic scenario (ROI: 55% and NPV: 8,331.00 euros) where the investment recovery would be achieved only in 2026. By achieving the expected results, Alterfin will be a much stronger company and with a greater capacity to continue fulfilling its social mandate of “improving the livelihoods and, in general, the living conditions of socially and economically disadvantaged people and communities located mainly in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries around the world” while generating more value for its investors.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Instituciones financieras--Control de procesos