Planeamiento estratégico de la agricultura en la Región Ancash
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Siguiendo la metodología del proceso estratégico, que ha sido creada por D’Alessio (2015),
se elaboró el presente planeamiento estratégico para la agricultura en la región Ancash. De
acuerdo con ello, se continuará produciendo y exportando los principales productos, que son
espárragos, palta y alfalfa; pero con tecnología y mano de obra calificada. Esto generará más
productividad y rentabilidad. Así, para el año 2027, el sector ocupará el tercer lugar a nivel
nacional, con alta productividad y valor agregado; exportará diversos productos y operará de
manera sostenible con el fin de promover el desarrollo económico de la población. Dicho
escenario se encuentra alineado con objetivos de largo plazo, como aumentar la superficie
agrícola y las hectáreas con sistema de riego. Para alcanzar esta visión y sus respectivos
objetivos, se implementarán las siguientes estrategias intensivas, que fueron seleccionadas
mediante un análisis profundo: (a) desarrollar el mercado asiático de paltas, (b) penetrar el
mercado de alfalfa en los Estados Unidos, (c) penetrar el mercado nacional con diversos
productos, (d) desarrollar la producción y comercialización de yuca, oca y olluco; (e)
desarrollar productos manufacturados de palta, (f) desarrollar conservas de espárragos, (g)
desarrollar papas congeladas, listas para freír; y (h) desarrollar productos manufacturados de
alimentos balanceados para animales a partir de maíz amarillo duro
This strategic planning for the agriculture in the Ancash region has been created based on the Strategic Process methodology, developed by D'Alessio (2015). The sector will continue to produce and export its main goods, which are asparagus, avocado and alfalfa, but with technology and skilled labor, generating more productivity and profitability. By the year 2027, the sector will own the third place at the national level, with high productivity and added value, exporting diverse products and operating in a sustainable way to promote the economic development of the population. This is in line with long-term objectives such as increasing the agricultural area and the hectares with irrigation system. In order to achieve this vision and its respective objectives, intensive strategies will be implemented, which were selected through in-depth analysis: (a) developing the Asian avocado market, (b) penetrate the alfalfa market in the United States, (c) penetrate the national market with various products, (d) to develop the production and marketing of cassava, oca and olluco; (e) developing avocado products, (f) developing preserved asparagus, (g) develop frozen, readyto- fry potatoes; and (h) developing processed animal feed products from hard yellow maize
This strategic planning for the agriculture in the Ancash region has been created based on the Strategic Process methodology, developed by D'Alessio (2015). The sector will continue to produce and export its main goods, which are asparagus, avocado and alfalfa, but with technology and skilled labor, generating more productivity and profitability. By the year 2027, the sector will own the third place at the national level, with high productivity and added value, exporting diverse products and operating in a sustainable way to promote the economic development of the population. This is in line with long-term objectives such as increasing the agricultural area and the hectares with irrigation system. In order to achieve this vision and its respective objectives, intensive strategies will be implemented, which were selected through in-depth analysis: (a) developing the Asian avocado market, (b) penetrate the alfalfa market in the United States, (c) penetrate the national market with various products, (d) to develop the production and marketing of cassava, oca and olluco; (e) developing avocado products, (f) developing preserved asparagus, (g) develop frozen, readyto- fry potatoes; and (h) developing processed animal feed products from hard yellow maize
Agricultura -- Perú -- Ancash, Planificación estratégica
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