Diagnóstico del sistema de gestión de la seguridad vial alineado a la norma ISO 39001 en una empresa constructora de obras viales en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El incremento de los accidentes de tránsito ha generado una creciente preocupación por parte
de las organizaciones públicas y privadas en los últimos años. Si bien cada organización tuvo
nociones sobre las medidas que se debían tomar para mejorar la seguridad vial, no fue hasta
el año 2012 que se tuvo una norma internacional. En este año, la Organización Internacional
de Estandarización (ISO por sus siglas en inglés) promulgó la norma ISO 39001:2012
“Sistemas de gestión de la seguridad vial. Requisitos y recomendaciones de buenas
prácticas”. En el Perú, ha habido iniciativas del Gobierno para mitigar este problema. En el
2017, se publicó el Plan Estratégico Nacional de Seguridad Vial, en este se contempla un
plan estratégico prospectivo en su fase de análisis. Sin embargo, aún no se ha implementado
un sistema de gestión en el país. Por otra parte, las empresas privadas no demuestran el mismo
interés, en la actualidad solo 15 empresas han obtenido la certificación ISO 39001. El
objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es realizar el diagnóstico del sistema de gestión
de la seguridad vial de una empresa constructora de obras viales en el Perú teniendo como
alineamiento la norma ISO 39001. Para ello, se analizaron procesos asociados a los factores
principales de la seguridad vial: factor humano, vehicular, del entorno y organizacional.
Como parte del análisis de estos factores, se utilizó una lista de verificación para evaluar el
cumplimiento inicial de la empresa respecto a la norma ISO 39001. Adicionalmente, se
analizaron los aspectos deficientes evidenciados en la lista de verificación utilizando
información brindada por la empresa. De este diagnóstico inicial, se observó que la empresa
cumplía con el 29% de lo requerido en la norma. A modo de conclusión, se realizó una matriz
de análisis y diagnóstico externo e interno para resumir el diagnóstico de la empresa y detallar
los factores más influyentes.
The increase in road accidents has generated a growing concern on the part of public and private organizations in recent years. Although each organization had notions about the measures that should be taken to improve road safety, it was not until 2012 that there was an international standard. This year, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) promulgated ISO 39001:2012 "Road Safety Management Systems. Requirements and recommendations for good practice". In Peru, there have been government initiatives to mitigate this problem. In 2017, the National Strategic Plan for Road Safety was published, which includes a prospective strategic plan in its analysis phase. However, a management system has not yet been implemented in the country. On the other hand, private companies do not show the same interest, currently only 15 companies have obtained the ISO 39001 certification. The objective of this research work is to diagnose the road safety management system of a road construction company in Peru, having as alignment the ISO 39001 standard. For this purpose, processes associated with the main factors of road safety were analyzed: human, vehicle, environmental and organizational factors. As part of the analysis of these factors, a checklist was used to evaluate the company's initial compliance with the ISO 39001 standard. Additionally, the deficient aspects evidenced in the checklist were analyzed using information provided by the company. From this initial diagnosis, it was observed that the company complied with 29% of the requirements of the standard. As a conclusion, an external and internal analysis and diagnosis matrix was made to summarize the company's diagnosis and detail the most influential factors.
The increase in road accidents has generated a growing concern on the part of public and private organizations in recent years. Although each organization had notions about the measures that should be taken to improve road safety, it was not until 2012 that there was an international standard. This year, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) promulgated ISO 39001:2012 "Road Safety Management Systems. Requirements and recommendations for good practice". In Peru, there have been government initiatives to mitigate this problem. In 2017, the National Strategic Plan for Road Safety was published, which includes a prospective strategic plan in its analysis phase. However, a management system has not yet been implemented in the country. On the other hand, private companies do not show the same interest, currently only 15 companies have obtained the ISO 39001 certification. The objective of this research work is to diagnose the road safety management system of a road construction company in Peru, having as alignment the ISO 39001 standard. For this purpose, processes associated with the main factors of road safety were analyzed: human, vehicle, environmental and organizational factors. As part of the analysis of these factors, a checklist was used to evaluate the company's initial compliance with the ISO 39001 standard. Additionally, the deficient aspects evidenced in the checklist were analyzed using information provided by the company. From this initial diagnosis, it was observed that the company complied with 29% of the requirements of the standard. As a conclusion, an external and internal analysis and diagnosis matrix was made to summarize the company's diagnosis and detail the most influential factors.
Seguridad vial--Perú, Sector público--Planificación, Ingeniería del tránsito
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