Informe sobre expediente de relevancia jurídica N°497-2012-TC, E- 2488, procedimiento administrativo sancionador seguido por el Tribunal de Contrataciones del OSCE contra Tesacom Peru SAC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo trata de un procedimiento administrativo sancionador iniciado por
la denuncia de un tercero ante el Tribunal de Contratación del Estado contra la empresa
Tesacom Perú S.A.C, por la presunta presentación de documentación falsa y/o inexacta en
el proceso de selección de menor cuantía N°016-2010-MGP/DIRTEL, convocada por la
Marina de Guerra del Perú. La investigación se justifica en el problema persistente que
atraviesan los postores, proveedores y contratistas por el supuesto de hecho relacionada a la
presentación de información falsa y/o inexacta, toda vez que se encuentra impedimento para
contratar con el Estado. Para el presente Expediente E-2488, en la redacción final del literal
d) del artículo 10 de la Ley de Contrataciones, Decreto Legislativo N°1017, establece que
están impedidos de contratar “...los funcionarios públicos, empleados de confianza y
servidores públicos, según la ley especial de la materia”, supuesto de hecho al parecer
aplicable al oficial en situación de disponibilidad señor Jorge Adrián Dorrego Arias. El
objetivo del trabajo es mostrar la existencia de una falta de motivación de la Sala del Tribunal
de Contrataciones, así como la vulneración al principio de tipicidad del procedimiento
administrativo. Del mismo modo, analizar respecto de la vinculatoriedad de las opiniones
emitidas por la Dirección Técnico Normativa del OSCE, y la naturaleza jurídica del militar
en situación de disponibilidad. Con todo ello, abarcamos tres ramas del derecho: derecho
administrativo, derecho constitucional y derecho laboral. Así, con este trabajo concluimos
que no se le debió sancionador a la Empresa TESACOM PERU S.AC., pues el supuesto de
hecho no calza realmente con el administrado, pero notamos que esta falta de redacción
puede ser perverso con miras la transparencia y eficiencia en las contrataciones del Estado.
This work deals with an administrative sanctioning procedure initiated by the complaint of a third party before the State Contracting Court against the company Tesacom Perú S.A.C, for the alleged presentation of false and/or inaccurate documentation in the selection process for a minor amount N °016-2010- MGP/DIRTEL, summoned by the Peruvian Navy. The investigation is justified by the persistent problem that bidders, suppliers and contractors are going through due to the alleged fact related to the presentation of false and/or inaccurate information, since there is an impediment to contracting with the State. For this File E-2488, in the final wording of literal d) of article 10 of the Contracting Law, Legislative Decree No. 1017, it establishes that “... public officials, trusted employees and servants are prohibited from contracting public, according to the special law of the matter”, a factual assumption that appears to apply to the officer on duty, Mr. Jorge Adrian Dorrego Arias. The objective of the work is to show the existence of a lack of motivation of the Chamber of the Contracting Court, as well as the violation of the principle of typicality of the administrative procedure. Likewise, analyze the binding nature of the opinions issued by the OSCE Technical Regulatory Directorate, and the legal nature of the military personnel in a situation of availability. With all this, we cover three branches of law: administrative law, constitutional law and labor law. Thus, with this work we conclude that no sanction should have been imposed on the Company TESACOM PERU S.A.C., since the factual assumption does not really fit with the administration, but we note that this lack of wording can be perverse with a view to transparency and efficiency in state contracting.
This work deals with an administrative sanctioning procedure initiated by the complaint of a third party before the State Contracting Court against the company Tesacom Perú S.A.C, for the alleged presentation of false and/or inaccurate documentation in the selection process for a minor amount N °016-2010- MGP/DIRTEL, summoned by the Peruvian Navy. The investigation is justified by the persistent problem that bidders, suppliers and contractors are going through due to the alleged fact related to the presentation of false and/or inaccurate information, since there is an impediment to contracting with the State. For this File E-2488, in the final wording of literal d) of article 10 of the Contracting Law, Legislative Decree No. 1017, it establishes that “... public officials, trusted employees and servants are prohibited from contracting public, according to the special law of the matter”, a factual assumption that appears to apply to the officer on duty, Mr. Jorge Adrian Dorrego Arias. The objective of the work is to show the existence of a lack of motivation of the Chamber of the Contracting Court, as well as the violation of the principle of typicality of the administrative procedure. Likewise, analyze the binding nature of the opinions issued by the OSCE Technical Regulatory Directorate, and the legal nature of the military personnel in a situation of availability. With all this, we cover three branches of law: administrative law, constitutional law and labor law. Thus, with this work we conclude that no sanction should have been imposed on the Company TESACOM PERU S.A.C., since the factual assumption does not really fit with the administration, but we note that this lack of wording can be perverse with a view to transparency and efficiency in state contracting.
Sanciones administrativas--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Responsabilidad administrativa, Derecho procesal administrativo
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