Planeamiento estratégico del acceso a la educación superior
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación es uno de los componentes en la medición del índice del progreso social
y, es el acceso a la educación superior, donde la calificación obtenida en las últimas
mediciones es considerablemente baja. Esta baja calificación hace necesaria la realización de
un plan estratégico con el objetivo de mejorar la calificación, así como hacer que el país
tenga un crecimiento sostenido en materia educativa.
Se define, en la presente Tesis, el Acceso a la Educación Superior como las
facilidades o dificultades que presenta la población peruana para acceder a educación de nivel
terciario de calidad, en todos sus aspectos: Económicos, sociales, políticos, administrativos,
tecnológicos y demográficos.
Que el Perú solo tenga dos universidades entre las 100 primeras en Latinoamérica
revela una pobre gestión, a pesar de que en los últimos años el país viene avanzando
sostenidamente en materia económica. Dentro de los avances de la educación, se ha
establecido una nueva ley universitaria para mejorar en materia de calidad, así como también
buscar un incremento progresivo del presupuesto asignado al sector.
El presente Planeamiento Estratégico, plantea una visión para la educación superior
peruana, en la cual, esta debe estar ubicada entre los cuatro primeros puestos de américa
latina, para el año 2027. Para lograr esta visión se realizó un análisis de los factores externos
e internos que influyen el sector, determinando ocho estrategias para mejorar la situación
actual del mismo. Mediante la guía de estas estrategias se podrán lograr tanto los objetivos de
corto y largo plazo, que en suma hacen la consecución de la visión planteada.
Finalmente, las fases de formulación e implementación nos indican que es posible
alcanzar la visión del sector educación, planteada para el año 2027. Pero alcanzar estas metas,
en la realidad, implica un esfuerzo de todas las entidades relacionadas al sector educación,
impulsadas por el Ministerio de Educación
The education is one of the components in the measurement of the index of social progress, is the access to higher education, where the qualification obtained in the last measurements, is low. This low qualification makes necessary the realization of a strategic plan with the objective of improving both the qualification, as well as making the country have a sustained growth in the educational matter. It is defined, in the present Thesis, the Access to Higher Education as the facilities or difficulties that the Peruvian population presents to access quality tertiary level education, in all its aspects: Economic, social, political, administrative, technological and demographic That Peru only has two universities among the top 100 in Latin America is a poor management despite the fact that in recent years the country has been advancing steadily in economic matters. To this end, it has established a new university law to improve quality, as well as seeking a progressive increase in the budget allocated to the sector. The present Strategic Planning poses a vision for Peruvian higher education, in which, this must be located between the four first positions of Latin America, for the year 2027. To achieve this vision an analysis of the external and internal factors that influence the sector, was made, determining eight strategies to improve the current situation of the same. Through the guidance of these strategies, both the short and long-term objectives can be achieved, which in short make the attainment of the proposed vision. Finally, the phases of formulation and implementation indicate that it is possible to achieve the vision of the education sector, proposed for the year 2027. But reaching these goals, in reality, implies an effort of all entities related to the education sector, driven by the Ministry of Education
The education is one of the components in the measurement of the index of social progress, is the access to higher education, where the qualification obtained in the last measurements, is low. This low qualification makes necessary the realization of a strategic plan with the objective of improving both the qualification, as well as making the country have a sustained growth in the educational matter. It is defined, in the present Thesis, the Access to Higher Education as the facilities or difficulties that the Peruvian population presents to access quality tertiary level education, in all its aspects: Economic, social, political, administrative, technological and demographic That Peru only has two universities among the top 100 in Latin America is a poor management despite the fact that in recent years the country has been advancing steadily in economic matters. To this end, it has established a new university law to improve quality, as well as seeking a progressive increase in the budget allocated to the sector. The present Strategic Planning poses a vision for Peruvian higher education, in which, this must be located between the four first positions of Latin America, for the year 2027. To achieve this vision an analysis of the external and internal factors that influence the sector, was made, determining eight strategies to improve the current situation of the same. Through the guidance of these strategies, both the short and long-term objectives can be achieved, which in short make the attainment of the proposed vision. Finally, the phases of formulation and implementation indicate that it is possible to achieve the vision of the education sector, proposed for the year 2027. But reaching these goals, in reality, implies an effort of all entities related to the education sector, driven by the Ministry of Education
Educación superior--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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