El uso de imaginarios sociales en la estrategia comunicacional del Frente Democrático en la campaña electoral de 1990 y el impacto en su derrota electoral
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación se centra en el desarrollo de la campaña televisiva del Frente
Democrático - Fredemo durante las elecciones presidenciales de 1990; si bien dicho proceso
tiene un resultado ampliamente conocido, esta tesis busca hacer una reflexión en torno a la
relevancia que tienen los imaginarios sociales dentro de una campaña electoral, tomando como
referencia tres spots elaborados por el Fredemo. De esta forma, la hipótesis principal es que los
imaginarios sociales contenidos en los spots usados por el Fredemo derivaron en su derrota
electoral porque se basaron en un desconocimiento de las necesidades simbólicas de la
población, incluyendo en sus spots el uso de estereotipos del peruano rural, de los sectores
populares, y de los servidores públicos, generando un mal intercambio simbólico entre la oferta
de la campaña y las necesidades del elector. Con el fin de corroborar la referida apreciación, se
procedió a un proceso investigación cualitativo, recurriendo tanto a un análisis documental
como a la realización de cuatro entrevistas con especialistas en temas electorales, con el fin de
reafirmar nuestra postura, siguiendo la teoría de los cuatro polos de la comunicación política
propuesta por Gosselin. Así, tras la recolección de datos, y su posterior análisis, se demostró
las consecuencias negativas que trajeron los imaginarios sociales producidos por los spots
analizados, los que colaboraron con la derrota electoral del Fredemo. De esta forma, quedó en
evidencia la importancia de contemplar los imaginarios sociales para la elaboración de una
campaña política, procurando satisfacer las necesidades simbólicas de la población.
This research focuses on the development of the television campaign of the “Frente Democrático” - Fredemo during the presidential elections of 1990; although this procedure has a widely known result, this thesis seeks to reflect on the relevance of social imaginaries within an electoral campaign, taking as a reference three spots produced by Fredemo. In this way, the main hypothesis is that the social imaginaries contained in the television spots used by Fredemo led to its electoral defeat because they were based on lack of knowledge of the symbolic needs of the population, including in their spots the use of stereotypes of the Peruvian country people, popular sectors, and civil servants, generating a bad symbolic exchange between the offer of the campaign and the needs of the voter. In order to corroborate the aforementioned assessment, a qualitative research process was carried out, using both a documentary analysis and four interviews with specialists in electoral issues, in order to reaffirm our position, following the theory of the four poles proposed by Gosselin. Thus, after an arduous data collection process, and its subsequent analysis, the negative consequences brought by the social imaginaries produced by the analyzed spots, which collaborated with the electoral defeat of Fredemo, were corroborated. In this way, the importance of contemplating the social imaginaries for the elaboration of a political campaign became evident, trying to satisfy the needs, not only material of the population, but also those of a symbolic nature.
This research focuses on the development of the television campaign of the “Frente Democrático” - Fredemo during the presidential elections of 1990; although this procedure has a widely known result, this thesis seeks to reflect on the relevance of social imaginaries within an electoral campaign, taking as a reference three spots produced by Fredemo. In this way, the main hypothesis is that the social imaginaries contained in the television spots used by Fredemo led to its electoral defeat because they were based on lack of knowledge of the symbolic needs of the population, including in their spots the use of stereotypes of the Peruvian country people, popular sectors, and civil servants, generating a bad symbolic exchange between the offer of the campaign and the needs of the voter. In order to corroborate the aforementioned assessment, a qualitative research process was carried out, using both a documentary analysis and four interviews with specialists in electoral issues, in order to reaffirm our position, following the theory of the four poles proposed by Gosselin. Thus, after an arduous data collection process, and its subsequent analysis, the negative consequences brought by the social imaginaries produced by the analyzed spots, which collaborated with the electoral defeat of Fredemo, were corroborated. In this way, the importance of contemplating the social imaginaries for the elaboration of a political campaign became evident, trying to satisfy the needs, not only material of the population, but also those of a symbolic nature.
Comunicación en política--Perú, Propaganda política--Perú, Ciencias sociales, Elecciones--Perú--1990
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