Modelo ProLab: aplicación de tecnología educativa de enseñanza basada en inteligencia artificial: “Aprendo en un Click”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación se enmarca en el contexto del programa de Maestría en
Administración Estratégica de Empresas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, donde
se ha desarrollado un enfoque centrado en la creación de un modelo innovador de aplicación de
tecnología educativa respaldado por inteligencia artificial, denominado "Aprendo en un Click".
La motivación detrás de este proyecto surge como respuesta a la preocupante
disminución de los niveles educativos en estudiantes mayores de 15 años, una problemática que
se ha acentuado a raíz de la pandemia y que ha quedado patente en los resultados de la prueba
PISA 2022. Para abordar este desafío, se exploraron también las disparidades educativas entre
zonas urbanas y rurales en Perú, así como el impacto transformador de la pandemia en la
educación convencional, subrayando el crecimiento significativo de la modalidad virtual.
En el análisis detallado de la situación, se identificó una oportunidad estratégica en la
industria educativa para proporcionar un sistema de aprendizaje personalizado a estudiantes de
secundaria y preuniversitarios, con un enfoque específico en la preparación para exámenes de
admisión universitaria. Este proyecto se erige como una respuesta innovadora y adaptable a las
necesidades cambiantes del entorno educativo.
Para respaldar la viabilidad y la efectividad del modelo propuesto, se llevó a cabo un
exhaustivo análisis de mercado, que incluyó la identificación de competidores y la investigación
del perfil de los usuarios potenciales. La metodología empleada incluyó un proceso de
prototipado ágil, que facilitó el desarrollo iterativo del producto, así como la participación de
padres de familia.
Además, se llevó a cabo un análisis minucioso del modelo de negocio, evaluando su
sostenibilidad y viabilidad a largo plazo. Ensayos específicos se llevaron a cabo para poner a prueba las hipótesis planteadas en el diseño del modelo, obteniendo los siguientes resultados. En
la primera hipótesis se muestra que el 90% de los padres que utilizan la plataforma Aprendo en
un click, pueden ayudar a sus hijos a mejorar su aprendizaje y sus habilidades blandas. En la
segunda hipótesis el 100% de los jóvenes alumnos se adaptan de manera rápida al uso de las
plataformas educativas virtuales. Finalmente, en la tercera hipótesis se evidenció que más del 85%
de padres están dispuestos a pagar una suscripción en una plataforma educativa.
En conclusión, esta investigación no solo se enfoca en la creación de un modelo
educativo con inteligencia artificial, sino que abarca un análisis integral de la situación
educativa actual en Perú, proponiendo una solución innovadora y prometedora para elevar los
niveles educativos en un contexto post-pandémico, teniendo en consideración que los índices
de relevancia social tanto para el ODS N°4 es de 40% y para el ODS N°8 es de33.3%, además,
se está proyectando tener costos sociales de entre $2.1 a $4.5 millones de dólares y un beneficio social entre $2.6 a $5.3 millones de dólares, y un VAN social de $2.5 millones de dólares en los primeros 5 años del proyecto. En conclusión, el proyecto proyecta un VANF de
$204,415.36 y un TIR de 20.59%
The present research is framed within the context of the master’s program in strategic business administration at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The focus of this work is on the development of an innovative model for the application of educational technology supported by artificial intelligence, known as "Aprendo en un Click." The motivation behind this project arises in response to the concerning decline in educational levels among students over the age of 15, a challenge that has been exacerbated by the pandemic and is evident in the results of the 2022 PISA test. To address this issue, the study also explores educational disparities between urban and rural areas in Peru, as well as the transformative impact of the pandemic on conventional education, emphasizing the significant growth of virtual modalities. Through a detailed analysis of the situation, an strategic opportunity was identified in the educational industry to provide a personalized learning system for high school and pre- university students, with a specific focus on university admission exam preparation. This project stands as an innovative and adaptable response to the changing needs of the educational environment. To support the viability and effectiveness of the proposed model, a thorough market analysis was conducted, including the identification of competitors and research on the profiles of potential users. The methodology employed included an agile prototyping process, facilitating iterative product development, and active participation of parents in forums designed to validate the proposal and gather valuable feedback. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the business model was carried out, evaluating its sustainability and long-term viability. Specific experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses outlined in the model's design, obtaining the following results. The first hypothesis shows that 90% of parents who use the “Aprendo en un click” platform can help their children improve their learning and soft skills. In the second scenario, 100% of young students adapt quickly to the use of virtual educational platforms. Finally, in the third hypothesis it was evidenced that more than 85% of parents are willing to pay for a subscription on an educational platform. and the results reflected a positive disposition from users towards the platform, as well as clear investment potential. In conclusion, this research not only focuses on the creation of an AI-driven educational model but also encompasses a comprehensive analysis of the current educational situation in Peru, proposing an innovative and promising solution to elevate educational levels in a post- pandemic context, taking into consideration that the social relevance indices for both SDG No. 4 is 40% and SDG No. 8 is 33.3%, in addition, it is projected to have social costs of between $2.1 to $4.5 million dollars and a social benefit between $2.6 to $5.3 million dollars, and a social NPV of $2.5 million dollars in the first 5 years of the project. In conclusion, the project projects an NPV of $204,415.36 and an IRR of 20.59%.
The present research is framed within the context of the master’s program in strategic business administration at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. The focus of this work is on the development of an innovative model for the application of educational technology supported by artificial intelligence, known as "Aprendo en un Click." The motivation behind this project arises in response to the concerning decline in educational levels among students over the age of 15, a challenge that has been exacerbated by the pandemic and is evident in the results of the 2022 PISA test. To address this issue, the study also explores educational disparities between urban and rural areas in Peru, as well as the transformative impact of the pandemic on conventional education, emphasizing the significant growth of virtual modalities. Through a detailed analysis of the situation, an strategic opportunity was identified in the educational industry to provide a personalized learning system for high school and pre- university students, with a specific focus on university admission exam preparation. This project stands as an innovative and adaptable response to the changing needs of the educational environment. To support the viability and effectiveness of the proposed model, a thorough market analysis was conducted, including the identification of competitors and research on the profiles of potential users. The methodology employed included an agile prototyping process, facilitating iterative product development, and active participation of parents in forums designed to validate the proposal and gather valuable feedback. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the business model was carried out, evaluating its sustainability and long-term viability. Specific experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses outlined in the model's design, obtaining the following results. The first hypothesis shows that 90% of parents who use the “Aprendo en un click” platform can help their children improve their learning and soft skills. In the second scenario, 100% of young students adapt quickly to the use of virtual educational platforms. Finally, in the third hypothesis it was evidenced that more than 85% of parents are willing to pay for a subscription on an educational platform. and the results reflected a positive disposition from users towards the platform, as well as clear investment potential. In conclusion, this research not only focuses on the creation of an AI-driven educational model but also encompasses a comprehensive analysis of the current educational situation in Peru, proposing an innovative and promising solution to elevate educational levels in a post- pandemic context, taking into consideration that the social relevance indices for both SDG No. 4 is 40% and SDG No. 8 is 33.3%, in addition, it is projected to have social costs of between $2.1 to $4.5 million dollars and a social benefit between $2.6 to $5.3 million dollars, and a social NPV of $2.5 million dollars in the first 5 years of the project. In conclusion, the project projects an NPV of $204,415.36 and an IRR of 20.59%.
Aplicaciones educativas--Inteligencia artificial, Educación secundaria--Herramientas digitales, Educación preuniversitaria--Herramientas digitales
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