Identificación de los factores que contribuyen y limitan la prevención de la anemia mediante la suplementación con los multimicronutrientes en niños menores de 3 años en el Distrito de San Martín de Porres periodo 2017-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Debido a que en el Perú la anemia es un problema de salud Pública severo que
afecta al 43.6% de niñas y niños menores 36 meses de edad, es decir cuatro de
cada diez niños menores de tres años de edad sufre de anemia (INEI:2017). Es
importante mencionar que el mayor número de niñas y niños menores de 3 años,
por el número de casos, Lima se sitúa en el primer lugar con 149.058 niños con
anemia (35.3%). Siendo los distritos con mayor porcentaje de anemia: Primer lugar
San Juan de Lurigancho con 23,432 niños (48.9%). Segundo lugar Ate Vitarte con
13.862 (48.2%).Tercer lugar San Martin de Porres con 11.523 niños (45.3%). (INEI:
El presente trabajo de investigación analiza y evalúa la situación de la
implementación del programa de suplementación con los micronutrientes en el
Centro de Salud Valdiviezo de la Diris Lima Norte del distrito de San Martin de
Porres desde la mirada de todos los actores para identificar por qué el programa de
suplementación con los micronutrientes no está contribuyendo a la reducción de la
anemia infantil. El objetivo general es identificar los factores que estarían limitando o
contribuyendo en la efectividad del “Plan Nacional para la Reducción de la Anemia
2017- 2021”, dirigido a niñas y niños menores de tres años que acuden al Centro de
Salud Valdiviezo del Distrito de San Martin de Porres durante los años 2017 al 2018,
analizando la distribución, acceso y entrega de los micronutrientes; con la finalidad
de establecer estrategias que permitan erradicar la anemia.
La presente investigación es de tipo cualitativa, mediante “Estudio de caso”, el
universo lo conforman un total de 178 niños menores de 3 años que asisten al C.S.
Valdiviezo para ser suplementados con micronutrientes. La muestra es significativa
ha sido seleccionada por juicio y conveniencia, puesto que los sujetos que
proporcionan la información son grupos homogéneos, se ha entrevistado a 24
madres de familia de los niños menores de 3 años, El universo también lo conforma
el personal de salud, que labora en el C.S.El interés es conocer los aspectos de la implementación del programa con los micronutrientes que no están siendo bien canalizados para erradicar de manera
efectiva el problema de la anemia infantil en la jurisdicción del Distrito de San Martín
de Porres.
Because in Peru, anemia is a severe public health problem that affects 43.6% of girls and boys under 36 months of age, that is, four out of every ten children under three years of age suffer from anemia (INEI: 2017 ). It is important to mention that the largest number of girls and boys under 3 years old, due to the number of cases, Lima is in first place with 149,058 children with anemia (35.3%). The districts with the highest percentage of anemia: First place San Juan de Lurigancho with 23,432 children (48.9%). Second place Ate Vitarte with 13,862 (48.2%) Third place San Martin de Porres with 11,523 children (45.3%). (INEI: 2018). This research paper analyzes and evaluates the situation of the implementation of the micronutrient supplementation program in the Valdiviezo Health Center of the Diris Lima North of the San Martin de Porres district from the perspective of all the actors to identify why the Micronutrient supplementation program is not contributing to the reduction of childhood anemia. The general objective is to identify the factors that would be limiting or contributing to the effectiveness of the “National Plan for the Reduction of Anemia 2017-2021”, aimed at children under three years of age who attend the Valdiviezo Health Center of the District of San Martin de Porres during the years 2017 to 2018, analyzing the distribution, access and delivery of micronutrients; with the purpose of establishing strategies to eradicate anemia. This research is of a qualitative type, through "Case Study", the universe is made up of a total of 178 children under 3 who attend C.S. Valdiviezo to be supplemented with micronutrients. The sample is significant has been selected for judgment and convenience, since the subjects that provide the information are homogeneous groups, 24 mothers of children under 3 years of age have been interviewed, The universe is also made up of health personnel, who works at the CS. The interest is to know the aspects of the implementation of the program with micronutrients that are not being well channeled to effectively eradicate the problem of childhood anemia in the jurisdiction of the District of San Martín de Porres.
Because in Peru, anemia is a severe public health problem that affects 43.6% of girls and boys under 36 months of age, that is, four out of every ten children under three years of age suffer from anemia (INEI: 2017 ). It is important to mention that the largest number of girls and boys under 3 years old, due to the number of cases, Lima is in first place with 149,058 children with anemia (35.3%). The districts with the highest percentage of anemia: First place San Juan de Lurigancho with 23,432 children (48.9%). Second place Ate Vitarte with 13,862 (48.2%) Third place San Martin de Porres with 11,523 children (45.3%). (INEI: 2018). This research paper analyzes and evaluates the situation of the implementation of the micronutrient supplementation program in the Valdiviezo Health Center of the Diris Lima North of the San Martin de Porres district from the perspective of all the actors to identify why the Micronutrient supplementation program is not contributing to the reduction of childhood anemia. The general objective is to identify the factors that would be limiting or contributing to the effectiveness of the “National Plan for the Reduction of Anemia 2017-2021”, aimed at children under three years of age who attend the Valdiviezo Health Center of the District of San Martin de Porres during the years 2017 to 2018, analyzing the distribution, access and delivery of micronutrients; with the purpose of establishing strategies to eradicate anemia. This research is of a qualitative type, through "Case Study", the universe is made up of a total of 178 children under 3 who attend C.S. Valdiviezo to be supplemented with micronutrients. The sample is significant has been selected for judgment and convenience, since the subjects that provide the information are homogeneous groups, 24 mothers of children under 3 years of age have been interviewed, The universe is also made up of health personnel, who works at the CS. The interest is to know the aspects of the implementation of the program with micronutrients that are not being well channeled to effectively eradicate the problem of childhood anemia in the jurisdiction of the District of San Martín de Porres.
Desnutrición infantil--Perú--San Martín de Porres (Lima : Distrito)--Prevención, Salud pública--Perú, Programas nacionales de salud--Perú
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