Importancia de la educación emocional en la educación infantil, según el modelo de Rafael Bisquerra
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio plantea como problema “¿Cuál es el aporte del modelo de Rafael
Bisquerra a la educación emocional en la educación infantil?”. Ante el desarrollo de
un conjunto de problemas sociales y un gran índice de violencia se evidencia una falta
de manejo y control de las emociones, que no están siendo suficientemente atendidos
por el sistema educativo, ni por la sociedad. De acuerdo a esta necesidad surgen los
aportes realizados por Bisquerra, quién a partir de su línea de investigación
relacionada a las emociones plantea que las emociones al ser tan complejas y
teniendo un enfoque multidimensional, es necesario educarlas desde la infancia y a lo
largo de toda la vida. De acuerdo a este apartado, se plantean dos objetivos, el primero
es fundamentar la importancia de la educación emocional en la educación infantil y el
segundo describir los principales aportes del modelo de la educación emocional de
Rafael Bisquerra a la educación infantil. Como parte de este estudio se evidencia el
reconocimiento e importancia de las emociones en el desarrollo evolutivo desde la
infancia, como el desarrollo de un modelo basado en cinco competencias que
permitirán un clima emocional positivo, para una mejor adaptación en el contexto
social y afrontamientos de los retos de vida que favorezcan en el desarrollo de la
personalidad de los niños y niñas. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación es
importante señalar que la presente tesina tiene un enfoque de investigación
cualitativa, es decir una revisión documental.
The present study proposes as a problem "What is the Rafael Bisquerra's model contribution to the emotional education in early childhood education?”. Given the spread of a set of social problems and a high rate of violence, there is evidence of a lack of management and control emotions, which are not being sufficiently heeded by the educational system, nor by society. According to this need, the contributions made by Bisquerra become relevant, who from his line of research related to emotions states that, being emotions so complex and having a multidimensional approach, it is necessary educate them from childhood and throughout life. According to this section, two objectives are proposed, the first is set the importance of emotional education in early childhood education and the second, describe the main contributions of Rafael Bisquerra's emotional education model to early childhood education. As part of this study, the recognition and importance of emotions in evolutionary development from childhood is highlighted, as the development of a model based on five competencies that will allow a positive emotional climate, for a better adaptation in the social context and overcome the challenges of life that favors the development of personality of children. For the development of this research, it is important to note that this thesis has a qualitative research approach, that is, a documentary review.
The present study proposes as a problem "What is the Rafael Bisquerra's model contribution to the emotional education in early childhood education?”. Given the spread of a set of social problems and a high rate of violence, there is evidence of a lack of management and control emotions, which are not being sufficiently heeded by the educational system, nor by society. According to this need, the contributions made by Bisquerra become relevant, who from his line of research related to emotions states that, being emotions so complex and having a multidimensional approach, it is necessary educate them from childhood and throughout life. According to this section, two objectives are proposed, the first is set the importance of emotional education in early childhood education and the second, describe the main contributions of Rafael Bisquerra's emotional education model to early childhood education. As part of this study, the recognition and importance of emotions in evolutionary development from childhood is highlighted, as the development of a model based on five competencies that will allow a positive emotional climate, for a better adaptation in the social context and overcome the challenges of life that favors the development of personality of children. For the development of this research, it is important to note that this thesis has a qualitative research approach, that is, a documentary review.
Bisquerra, Rafael--Crítica e interpretación, Inteligencia emocional--Estudio y enseñanza (Preescolar), Salud mental infantil
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