Estrategias docentes para el desarrollo de la creatividad desde el lenguaje gráf́ico-plástico en un aula de 5 años de una institución educativa privada de Surco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La creatividad es una habilidad que posee toda persona de manera innata, y que se
refleja en los diferentes ámbitos, desde las formas de aprendizaje, interacción y la
relación con el mundo. No obstante, en muchas ocasiones, no se le da la
importancia necesaria, a pesar de tener múltiples beneficios en las diferentes
dimensiones. Es por ello que, el presente trabajo de tesis tiene como principal
objetivo analizar las estrategias docentes para el desarrollo de la creatividad desde
el lenguaje gráfico-plástico de los niños de cinco años de una institución educativa
privada del distrito de Surco. Es una investigación de enfoque cualitativo y nivel
descriptivo, la cual se redacta partiendo del recojo de información de las fuentes;
como las revistas académicas, libros y tesis. Los sujetos informantes son dos
docentes de las aulas de 5 años de una institución educativa privada. La técnica
empleada para el recojo y procesamiento de la información es la entrevista
semiestructurada y la observación no participante. Los resultados obtenidos denotan
las definiciones que los docentes tienen sobre la creatividad y la gráfico-plástica, las
cuales permiten constatar e identificar aquellas estrategias docentes empleadas en
las sesiones de aprendizaje. Por último, se brindan recomendaciones para seguir
fomentando estrategias gráfico-plásticas, llevándolo, además, a un trabajo
colaborativo con los padres de familia.
Creativity is an ability that every person innately possesses, and that is reflected in different areas, from the ways of learning, interaction and relationship with the world. However, in many occasions, it is not given the necessary importance, despite having multiple benefits in children. That is why, in the present thesis work, its main objective is to analyze the teaching strategies for the development of creativity from the plastic graphic language of five-year-old children of a private educational institution in the district of Surco. It is a research of qualitative approach and descriptive level, which is written based on the collection of information from sources such as academic journals, books and theses. The informant subjects are two teachers of the 5-year classrooms of a private educational institution. The technique used for the collection and processing of information is the semi-structured interview and non-participant observation. The results obtained denote the definitions that teachers have about creativity and plastic graphics, which allow us to verify and identify those teaching strategies used in the learning sessions. Finally, recommendations are offered to continue promoting graphic-plastic strategies, also leading to a collaborative work with parents.
Creativity is an ability that every person innately possesses, and that is reflected in different areas, from the ways of learning, interaction and relationship with the world. However, in many occasions, it is not given the necessary importance, despite having multiple benefits in children. That is why, in the present thesis work, its main objective is to analyze the teaching strategies for the development of creativity from the plastic graphic language of five-year-old children of a private educational institution in the district of Surco. It is a research of qualitative approach and descriptive level, which is written based on the collection of information from sources such as academic journals, books and theses. The informant subjects are two teachers of the 5-year classrooms of a private educational institution. The technique used for the collection and processing of information is the semi-structured interview and non-participant observation. The results obtained denote the definitions that teachers have about creativity and plastic graphics, which allow us to verify and identify those teaching strategies used in the learning sessions. Finally, recommendations are offered to continue promoting graphic-plastic strategies, also leading to a collaborative work with parents.
Educación preescolar--Perú--Santiago de Surco (Lima : Distrito), Personal docente--Capacitación, Dibujo--Estudio y enseñanza
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