Modelo ProLab EstacioNet, una propuesta para solucionar el problema de falta de estacionamiento en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Se ha identificado que Lima y otras ciudades en el Perú han crecido en población y
parque automotor, pero no han crecido en infraestructura, así como en espacios de
estacionamiento. Por lo tanto, actualmente al momento de buscar donde estacionar un vehículo,
surgen diversos riesgos, como no encontrar un espacio de estacionamiento habilitado y no tener
otra alternativa de realizarlo en un lugar que no lo sea, lo que trae consecuencias como multas y
la posibilidad de ser remolcado por una grúa de la municipalidad local generando con esto sobre
costos y pérdida de tiempo para el conductor. Así mismo, existen riesgos de robos, hurtos y
daños a la propiedad, debido a que las calles presentan un alto índice delictivo. Por otro lado,
existen espacios privados subutilizados por ciudadanos, que por lo general requieren de un
ingreso adicional para poder mejorar su calidad de vida.
Teniendo en cuenta estos dos hechos, y por medio de la aplicación de la metodología de
los lienzos meta usuario y el mapa de experiencia usuario, para identificar de forma adecuada el
problema, así como la solución más adecuada, se propone el presente proyecto, llamado
EstacioNet, el cual, por medio del desarrollo de una plataforma digital web y un aplicativo
móvil, permitirá a las personas ofrecer y reservar estacionamientos bajo demanda en diferentes
partes de las ciudades de nuestro país. Al concretar esta solución se estaría logrando cumplir con
los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible 9 y 11.
Con EstacioNet se estima lograr un VAN de S/ 1,643,509 y un TIR de 213% en cinco
años, considerando un crecimiento promedio moderado.
It has been identified that Lima and other cities in Peru have grown in population and vehicle fleet, but they have not grown in infrastructure or parking spaces. Therefore, currently when looking for where to park a vehicle, various risks arise, such as not finding an authorized parking space and not having any other alternative to do it in a place that is not one, which has consequences such as fines and the possibility of being towed by a tow truck from the local municipality, generating additional costs and loss of time for the driver. Likewise, there are risks of robberies, robberies and damage to property, because the streets have a high crime rate. On the other hand, there are private spaces that are underused by citizens, who generally require additional income to improve their quality of life. Taking these two facts into account, and through the application of the methodology of the meta-user canvases and the user experience map, to adequately identify the problem as well as the most appropriate solution, this project is proposed, called EstacioNet. , which through the development of a digital web platform and a mobile application, will allow people to offer and reserve parking on demand in different parts of the cities of our country. By implementing this solution, sustainable development goals 9 and 11 would be achieved. With EstacioNet it is estimated to achieve an NPV of S/ 1,643,509 and an IRR of 213% in five years, considering a moderate average growth.
It has been identified that Lima and other cities in Peru have grown in population and vehicle fleet, but they have not grown in infrastructure or parking spaces. Therefore, currently when looking for where to park a vehicle, various risks arise, such as not finding an authorized parking space and not having any other alternative to do it in a place that is not one, which has consequences such as fines and the possibility of being towed by a tow truck from the local municipality, generating additional costs and loss of time for the driver. Likewise, there are risks of robberies, robberies and damage to property, because the streets have a high crime rate. On the other hand, there are private spaces that are underused by citizens, who generally require additional income to improve their quality of life. Taking these two facts into account, and through the application of the methodology of the meta-user canvases and the user experience map, to adequately identify the problem as well as the most appropriate solution, this project is proposed, called EstacioNet. , which through the development of a digital web platform and a mobile application, will allow people to offer and reserve parking on demand in different parts of the cities of our country. By implementing this solution, sustainable development goals 9 and 11 would be achieved. With EstacioNet it is estimated to achieve an NPV of S/ 1,643,509 and an IRR of 213% in five years, considering a moderate average growth.
Estacionamientos--Servicios digitales, Negocios--Planificación
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