Planeamiento estratégico de Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Se ha desarrollado el planeamiento estratégico para el Perú, utilizando la metodología
denominada Proceso Estratégico y que fue creada por D’Alessio (2015). Este país se
encuentra ubicado en el centro occidente de América del Sur, con acceso a importantes
mercados de Asia y de América Latina, así como a Estados Unidos. El Perú está organizado
en 24 regiones y una provincia constitucional, que a su vez se dividen en provincias y
distritos, albergando a más de 31 millones de habitantes, población que crece al 1.3% anual.
A pesar de contar con grandes recursos naturales, el Perú se ha enfocado en la producción y
exportación de bienes primarios, como minerales, frutas y verduras. Pero es necesario que se
haga más énfasis en la manufactura de estos productos, para no depender de los precios
internacionales de commodities. Así se hará frente a las amenazas del entorno, como
desaceleración económica en los principales mercados del mundo, utilizando fortalezas como
los acuerdos y tratados comerciales que se han establecido. Para el año 2030, el Perú será la
segunda economía en América del Sur, y lo logrará mediante la implementación de las
siguientes estrategias: : (a) diversificar el puerto del Callao; (b) penetrar en el mercado de
atención a buques y movilización de carga en contenedores secos y refrigerados; (c)
diversificar la oferta turística; (d) penetrar en el mercado norteamericano de frutas y verduras;
(e) desarrollar productos agroindustriales; (f) integrarse verticalmente hacia adelante
estableciendo distribuidores en los principales mercados que se abastecen de productos
agrícolas, café y té peruano, entre otros bienes; (g) desarrollar los nuevos proyectos mineros;
(h) desarrollar vías de comunicación terrestre para conectar las distintas ciudades del país con
las fronteras, así como con los puertos y aeropuertos; (i) desarrollar servicios de educación
secundaria para áreas rurales; (j) integrarse con organismos multilaterales para aumentar la
inversión en ciencia y tecnología; y (k) continuar desarrollando la descentralización y el
trabajo cooperativo entre distritos, provincias y regiones
This strategic planning has been developed for Peru, using the methodology called Strategic Process which has been created by D'Alessio (2015). This country is located at the center of South America, with access to important markets in Asia and Latin America, as well as the United States. Peru is organized in 24 regions and a constitutional province, which in turn are divided into provinces and districts, housing more than 31 million inhabitants, a population that grows at 1.3% per year. Despite having large natural resources, Peru has focused on the production and export of primary goods, such as minerals, fruits and vegetables. But more emphasis needs to be placed on the manufacturing of these products, so as not to depend on international commodity prices. This will address the threats of the environment, such as economic slowdown in the main markets of the world, using strengths such as agreements and trade agreements that have been established. By 2030, Peru will be the second economy in South America, which will be achieved through the implementation of the next strategies: (a) diversify the port of Callao; (b) penetrate the market for ship-handling and cargo mobilization in dry and refrigerated containers; (c) diversify the tourism supply; (d) penetrate the US fruit and vegetable market; (e) developing agro-industrial products; (f) integrate vertically forward by establishing distributors in the main markets that are supplied with agricultural products, coffee and Peruvian tea, among other goods; (g) develop new mining projects; (h) to develop terrestrial communication ways to connect the different cities of the country with the borders, as well as with the ports and airports; (i) develop secondary education services for rural areas; (j) integrate with multilateral agencies to increase investment in science and technology; and (k) continue to develop decentralization and cooperative work among districts, provinces and regions
This strategic planning has been developed for Peru, using the methodology called Strategic Process which has been created by D'Alessio (2015). This country is located at the center of South America, with access to important markets in Asia and Latin America, as well as the United States. Peru is organized in 24 regions and a constitutional province, which in turn are divided into provinces and districts, housing more than 31 million inhabitants, a population that grows at 1.3% per year. Despite having large natural resources, Peru has focused on the production and export of primary goods, such as minerals, fruits and vegetables. But more emphasis needs to be placed on the manufacturing of these products, so as not to depend on international commodity prices. This will address the threats of the environment, such as economic slowdown in the main markets of the world, using strengths such as agreements and trade agreements that have been established. By 2030, Peru will be the second economy in South America, which will be achieved through the implementation of the next strategies: (a) diversify the port of Callao; (b) penetrate the market for ship-handling and cargo mobilization in dry and refrigerated containers; (c) diversify the tourism supply; (d) penetrate the US fruit and vegetable market; (e) developing agro-industrial products; (f) integrate vertically forward by establishing distributors in the main markets that are supplied with agricultural products, coffee and Peruvian tea, among other goods; (g) develop new mining projects; (h) to develop terrestrial communication ways to connect the different cities of the country with the borders, as well as with the ports and airports; (i) develop secondary education services for rural areas; (j) integrate with multilateral agencies to increase investment in science and technology; and (k) continue to develop decentralization and cooperative work among districts, provinces and regions
Planificación estratégica -- Perú
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