Informe Jurídico sobre Resolución Sub Directoral N° 001-2007- MTPE/2/12.310 y la Resolución Directoral N° 01-2007-MTPE/2/12.3 del Expediente N° 09-2007-MTPE/2/12.310, Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo vs. Telefónica Móviles S.A., procedimiento administrativo sancionador por infracción al ordenamiento jurídico sociolaboral
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe versa sobre el Expediente N° 09-2007-MTPE/2/12.310, el
cual se originó en el marco de una inspección laboral realizada por el Ministerio
de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo (MTPE) a las oficinas de Telefónica Móviles
S.A. Este es un caso que se desarrolla con anterioridad a la creación de la
SUNAFIL, motivo por el cual fue el Ministerio quien realizó la actividad de
inspección y sanción a través de sus respectivas áreas.
De este modo, mediante un procedimiento administrativo sancionador, el MTPE
multó a Telefónica por la comisión de una serie de infracciones a la normativa
sociolaboral, por lo que la empresa alegó diversas de contravenciones al
Por ello, el presente informe versará sobre el análisis del caso, a fin de
determinar la existencia de defectos e irregularidades en el procedimiento
sancionador y en los actos administrativos emitidos, así como la contravención
de los principios delimitadores de la potestad sancionadora de la Administración
y el principio de primacía de la realidad.
En tal sentido, empleando la normativa aplicable en la época de los hechos del
caso, se identificará que, si bien es existe un caso de desnaturalización
contractual sancionable, la autoridad administrativa no ha llevado un debido
procedimiento sancionador, vulnerando sus principios. También, el acta de
infracción, así como las resoluciones de primera y segunda instancia han
carecido de una debida motivación y no han considerado los argumentos del
administrado, entre otras irregularidades que se detallarán.
This report deals with File No. 09-2007-MTPE/2/12.310, which originated in the context of a labour inspection carried out by the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (MLEP) at the offices of Telefónica Móviles S.A. This case took place before the creation of SUNAFIL, which is why the Ministry carried out the inspection and sanctioning activity through its respective areas. In this way, through an administrative sanctioning procedure, the MLEP fined Telefónica for the commission of a series of infractions to the social and labour regulations, for which the company alleged several violations of the procedure. Therefore, this report will deal with the analysis of the case, in order to determine the existence of defects and irregularities in the sanctioning procedure and the administrative acts issued, as well as the contravention of the delimiting principles of the sanctioning power of the Administration and the principle of the primacy of reality. In that sense, using the regulations applicable at the time of the facts of the case, it will be identified that, although there is a case of contractual denaturalization punishable, the administrative authority has not carried out a due sanctioning procedure, in violation of its principles. Also, the infraction report, as well as the first and second instance resolutions have lacked due motivation and have not considered the arguments of the administrative authority, among other irregularities that will be detailed.
This report deals with File No. 09-2007-MTPE/2/12.310, which originated in the context of a labour inspection carried out by the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion (MLEP) at the offices of Telefónica Móviles S.A. This case took place before the creation of SUNAFIL, which is why the Ministry carried out the inspection and sanctioning activity through its respective areas. In this way, through an administrative sanctioning procedure, the MLEP fined Telefónica for the commission of a series of infractions to the social and labour regulations, for which the company alleged several violations of the procedure. Therefore, this report will deal with the analysis of the case, in order to determine the existence of defects and irregularities in the sanctioning procedure and the administrative acts issued, as well as the contravention of the delimiting principles of the sanctioning power of the Administration and the principle of the primacy of reality. In that sense, using the regulations applicable at the time of the facts of the case, it will be identified that, although there is a case of contractual denaturalization punishable, the administrative authority has not carried out a due sanctioning procedure, in violation of its principles. Also, the infraction report, as well as the first and second instance resolutions have lacked due motivation and have not considered the arguments of the administrative authority, among other irregularities that will be detailed.
Debido proceso--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Legislación--Perú, Inspección de trabajo--Legislación--Perú, Telecomunicaciones--Legislación--Perú
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