Modelo prolab: Synapsis plan de negocios para la creación de un centro de atención psicológica juvenil
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En Perú, la salud mental de niños y adolescentes se ha convertido en una
preocupación urgente, con tasas significativas de depresión, estrés y ansiedad,
exacerbadas por la pandemia. Datos del Ministerio de Salud revelan un aumento del
12% en casos de depresión en 2021. Para abordar esta crisis, se propone Synapsis, una
clínica de salud mental que atenderá a niños y adolescentes de 6 a 17 años, ofreciendo
tratamientos tanto en un local físico como de forma online. Este proyecto tiene como
objetivo establecer un centro privado que permita brindar atención prioritaria en salud
mental a esta población vulnerable.
La estrategia de crecimiento de Synapsis implica aumentos progresivos en la
captación de clientes durante los primeros cinco años de operación. Las proyecciones
financieras respaldan este proyecto al establecer un Valor Actual Neto Financiero
(VANF) de S/ 3,698,675 y una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 209%. Esto respalda
la viabilidad financiera del proyecto y su capacidad para cumplir con las expectativas de
los accionistas y acreedores.
En resumen, Synapsis se presenta como una solución efectiva para abordar la
crisis de salud mental en niños y adolescentes peruanos. Además, se ha elaborado una
correcta estructuración de servicios, adaptados a las necesidades y perfiles de cada
paciente, lo cual posibilita la oferta de servicios tanto presenciales como en línea.
Finalmente, el proyecto cuenta con proyecciones financieras sólidas y se centra en un
crecimiento sostenible, posicionándolo como un actor clave en la mejora de la salud
mental en el país.
In Peru, the mental health of children and adolescents has become an urgent concern, with significant rates of depression, stress, and anxiety exacerbated by the pandemic. Ministry of Health data reveals a 12% increase in depression cases in 2021. To address this crisis, Synapsis is proposed, a mental health clinic that will cater to children and adolescents aged 6 to 17, offering treatments both in a physical location and online. This project aims to establish a private center to provide priority mental health care to this vulnerable population. Synapsis growth strategy involves progressive increases in client acquisition during the first five years of operation. Financial projections support this project by establishing a Net Financial Present Value (NFPV) of S/ 3,698,675 and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 209%. This supports the financial viability of the project and its ability to meet the expectations of shareholders and creditors. In summary, Synapsis is presented as an effective solution to address the mental health crisis in Peruvian children and adolescents. Furthermore, a proper structuring of services has been developed, tailored to the needs and profiles of each patient, enabling the provision of both in-person and online services. Finally, the project has robust financial projections and focuses on sustainable growth, positioning it as a key player in improving mental health in the country.
In Peru, the mental health of children and adolescents has become an urgent concern, with significant rates of depression, stress, and anxiety exacerbated by the pandemic. Ministry of Health data reveals a 12% increase in depression cases in 2021. To address this crisis, Synapsis is proposed, a mental health clinic that will cater to children and adolescents aged 6 to 17, offering treatments both in a physical location and online. This project aims to establish a private center to provide priority mental health care to this vulnerable population. Synapsis growth strategy involves progressive increases in client acquisition during the first five years of operation. Financial projections support this project by establishing a Net Financial Present Value (NFPV) of S/ 3,698,675 and an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 209%. This supports the financial viability of the project and its ability to meet the expectations of shareholders and creditors. In summary, Synapsis is presented as an effective solution to address the mental health crisis in Peruvian children and adolescents. Furthermore, a proper structuring of services has been developed, tailored to the needs and profiles of each patient, enabling the provision of both in-person and online services. Finally, the project has robust financial projections and focuses on sustainable growth, positioning it as a key player in improving mental health in the country.
Salud mental, Servicios de salud, Adolescentes--Perú, Niños--Perú