Sindicalismo y sus implicancias en las empresas del sector alimentos y bebidas en Lima y Pucallpa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación se centró en determinar las implicancias del
sindicalismo en las empresas de alimentos y bebidas de Lima y Pucallpa a finales
de 2009. La población estuvo conformada por 1040 trabajadores de los cuales se
extrajo una muestra de 409 trabajadores repartidos en dos muestras: la muestra 1
de Alicorp con 260 trabajadores (63.57%) y la muestra 2 de Cervecería San Juan-
Backus con 149 trabajadores (36.43%). Los integrantes de cada muestra fueron
seleccionados a través de la técnica de Muestreo Aleatorio Simple. Así mismo, se
obtuvieron las muestras 3 y 4 de gerentes de Alicorp y de Cervecería San Juan -
Backus con 6 integrantes cada una, donde los integrantes de ambas muestras
fueron seleccionadas con Muestreo Intencional, es decir, a criterio de los
En este estudio, se llegó a establecer que los trabajadores de Alicorp expresan un
nivel bajo y, en Cervecería San Juan - Backus, manifiestan tener un nivel bajo y
muy bajo de satisfacción laboral. Respecto de las variables condiciones de trabajo,
en Alicorp, está en el nivel de regular y bueno, y en la empresa cervecera es
regular. Con respecto a las motivación laboral y las relaciones personales, en
Alicorp, se determinó que estaba en la categoría de bueno y, en Cervecería San
Juan – Backus, es regular. En lo referente al ambiente laboral, este se encontraba
en regular y bueno en ambas empresas. Así mismo, los gerentes de Alicorp
opinaron que los dirigentes no solo buscan su bienestar personal, mientras que en
la empresa cervecera manifiestan que sí. Esta misma postura se presenta en la
pregunta acerca de si tomar represalia con los dirigentes sindicales favorece a la
empresa. Finalmente, con respecto a la pregunta si existe la posibilidad de
despido masivo por estar afiliado, ambas empresas dicen que no existe dicha
posibilidad de despido.
The present investigation was focused on determining the trade union involvements in the Food and Beverage companies in Lima and Pucallpa in late 2009. The statistical population consisted of 1040 workers of which were extracted a sample of 409 workers divided into two samples: Sample 1 Alicorp with 260 workers (63.57%), sample 2 San Juan-Backus Brewery with 149 workers (36.43%). The members of each sample were selected through Simple Random Sampling. Likewise, the samples 3 and 4 were obtained from Alicorp and San Juan Backus Brewery managers with 6 members each, where members of both samples were selected with intentional sampling that means, at the investigators discretion. In this study it is found that Alicorp workers express a low level and San Juan-Backus Brewery, express to have low level and very low work satisfaction, with regard to working conditions variables, Alicorp is in the regular and good level and the beer company is regular. With respect to work motivation and personal relationships, in Alicorp was determined that it was in the good category and in San Juan-Backus Brewery is regular. Regarding, the work environment in both companies were in regular and good level. Likewise, Alicorp Managers commented that the leaders NOT only seek their personal welfare, while the Brewery company express that YES. The same attitude is shown in the question, retaliate with the trade union leader favors the company. Finally, with regard to the question there is the possibility of massive layoffs by being affiliated, both companies say there is NO such possibility of dismissal.
The present investigation was focused on determining the trade union involvements in the Food and Beverage companies in Lima and Pucallpa in late 2009. The statistical population consisted of 1040 workers of which were extracted a sample of 409 workers divided into two samples: Sample 1 Alicorp with 260 workers (63.57%), sample 2 San Juan-Backus Brewery with 149 workers (36.43%). The members of each sample were selected through Simple Random Sampling. Likewise, the samples 3 and 4 were obtained from Alicorp and San Juan Backus Brewery managers with 6 members each, where members of both samples were selected with intentional sampling that means, at the investigators discretion. In this study it is found that Alicorp workers express a low level and San Juan-Backus Brewery, express to have low level and very low work satisfaction, with regard to working conditions variables, Alicorp is in the regular and good level and the beer company is regular. With respect to work motivation and personal relationships, in Alicorp was determined that it was in the good category and in San Juan-Backus Brewery is regular. Regarding, the work environment in both companies were in regular and good level. Likewise, Alicorp Managers commented that the leaders NOT only seek their personal welfare, while the Brewery company express that YES. The same attitude is shown in the question, retaliate with the trade union leader favors the company. Finally, with regard to the question there is the possibility of massive layoffs by being affiliated, both companies say there is NO such possibility of dismissal.
Sindicatos--Perú, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú
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