Evidencia sobre la desnaturalización de los instrumentos de control disciplinario de la Oficina de Control de la Magistratura, sede Palacio Nacional de Justicia, periodo 2012-2014
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Oficina de Control de la Magistratura – OCMA, es el ente gubernamental encargado
de llevar a cabo el control disciplinario de los jueces y auxiliares jurisdiccionales en el
desempeño de sus funciones al interior del Poder Judicial peruano; no obstante, en el
año 2013, los representantes de la Sociedad Civil ante la OCMA realizaron
cuestionamientos al denominado rol contralor, indicando principalmente que dicha
función venía siendo realizada con poca efectividad. Bajo esa perspectiva, el autor
aborda el problema proponiendo como hipótesis de investigación que uno de los
factores que podría haber contribuido con dicho fenómeno sería la desnaturalización de
los instrumentos de control disciplinario por parte de los agentes encargados de ejercer
accountabillity en el ámbito judicial, dando como consecuencia la proyección de una
labor poco efectiva en el momento de imponer las sanciones o materializar la función
investigadora sobre los hechos denunciados. En ese sentido, el propósito del presente
estudio es mostrar evidencia que indicaría que durante el periodo 2012-2014 los
responsables de llevar a cabo la función de control en el Poder Judicial podrían haber
emitido pronunciamientos desnaturalizando dichos instrumentos.
The Oficina de Control de la Magistratura – OCMA is the governmental entity in charge of carrying out the disciplinary supervision of judges and jurisdictional assistants on the exercise of their functions within the peruvian Poder Judicial; However, these functions were questioned by the members of the Sociedad Civil ante la OCMA in 2013 due to the lack of effectiveness of the so-called comptroller role. From this perspective, the author approaches the problem by proposing as a research hypothesis that one of the factors that might have contributed to this phenomenon would be the denaturing of the disciplinary supervision instruments by the agents responsible for exercising accountability functions in the judicial sphere, resulting in an ineffective work at the time of imposing sanctions or performing the investigatory function on the reported misconduct of duties. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to show evidence that would indicate that during the period 2012-2014 those responsible for carrying out the supervision function in the Poder Judicial could have issued pronouncements denaturing said instruments.
The Oficina de Control de la Magistratura – OCMA is the governmental entity in charge of carrying out the disciplinary supervision of judges and jurisdictional assistants on the exercise of their functions within the peruvian Poder Judicial; However, these functions were questioned by the members of the Sociedad Civil ante la OCMA in 2013 due to the lack of effectiveness of the so-called comptroller role. From this perspective, the author approaches the problem by proposing as a research hypothesis that one of the factors that might have contributed to this phenomenon would be the denaturing of the disciplinary supervision instruments by the agents responsible for exercising accountability functions in the judicial sphere, resulting in an ineffective work at the time of imposing sanctions or performing the investigatory function on the reported misconduct of duties. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to show evidence that would indicate that during the period 2012-2014 those responsible for carrying out the supervision function in the Poder Judicial could have issued pronouncements denaturing said instruments.
Funcionarios--Régimen disciplinario--Perú, Poder judicial--Perú, Jueces--Perú