Plan estratégico de la industria del mueble de madera en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
De acuerdo con las estadísticas del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, la manufactura
de madera y muebles aportó un escaso 1% al PBI nacional en promedio en el período 2005-
2016. Pese a que Perú cuenta con un bosque forestal privilegiado, sobresaliente a nivel
mundial, este no es usado de manera sostenible debido a diversas presiones sociales y
económicas. Perú necesita expandir las áreas bajo manejo forestal certificado, atendiendo
demandas de mercado comprobadas y crecientes.
El acceso a la tecnología y el desarrollo de capacidades productivas han sido limitadas,
factores importantes de evolución que permitirán ofrecer productos de mayor valor agregado
y de exportación, usando técnicas modernas que permitan aprovechar una mayor cantidad de
especies maderables de cada bosque cosechado. Aún no existe un buen manejo forestal, lo
que ha originado que la industria de muebles de madera se maneje con abastecimientos
impredecibles y con proveedores informales a corto plazo. Sin embargo, esto no ha sido
razón para la desactivación del sector, por el contrario, se muestra una intensión de desarrollo
al agruparse la mayoría de fábricas en un parque industrial, donde se busca mejorar apoyados
por los Gobiernos locales y nacionales, básicamente por ministerios como PRODUCE y
MINCETUR, y dependencias como PROMPERÚ. Actualmente, la región Lima reúne la
mayor cantidad de fábricas relacionadas con el sector y la concentración de estas industrias se
ha dado en uno de los distritos más grandes del país, Villa El Salvador.
El propósito del presente plan estratégico es lograr que la industria del mueble de
madera en Perú sea reconocida en Estados Unidos entre los tres primeros exportadores de
muebles por su calidad de servicio e innovación en el diseño, impulsada por una alta
inversión tecnológica, caracterizada por la conservación de altos estándares de calidad y a la
vanguardia de la innovación y desarrollo tecnológico, logrando la integración de la cadena
productiva con el medio ambiente. Para tal fin se realizó un análisis de la situación general
del país desarrollándose un análisis de los entornos externo e interno.
Después de definir la visión se han desarrollado 6 objetivos de largo plazo y 15 de
corto plazo, que se proyectan alcanzar después de implementar las cinco estrategias
específicas resultantes de las matrices empleadas. Una vez sustentado el plan se impulsará el
aumento en las exportaciones a los Estados Unidos
According to the statistics of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru, the manufacture of wood and furniture contributed a scarce 1% to the national GDP on average in the period 2005-2016. Although Peru has a privileged forest, outstanding worldwide, this is not used in a sustainable way due to various social and economic pressures. Peru needs to expand areas under certified forest management, attending to proven and growing market demands. Access to technology and the development of productive capacities have been limited, important evolutionary factors that will allow to offer products of greater added value and of export, using modern techniques that allow to take advantage of a greater quantity of timber species of each forest harvested. There is still no good forest management, which has led the industry to handle unpredictable supplies and informal suppliers in the short term. However, this has not been a reason for the deactivation of the sector, on the contrary a development is shown as most factories are grouped in an industrial park where they seek to improve supported by local governments, basically by their ministries as PRODUCE, MINCETUR and PROMPERÚ. Currently, the department of Lima brings together the largest number of factories related to the sector and the concentration of these industries has occurred in the country's largest district, Villa El Salvador. The purpose of this strategic plan is to ensure that the Peruvian Wood furniture industry is recognized in the United States as one of the top three exporters of furniture for its service quality and innovation in design, driven by a high technological investment, characterized by the conservation of High standards of quality and at the forefront of innovation and technological development, achieving the integration of the productive chain with the environment. For this purpose an analysis of the general situation of the country was carried out, an analysis of external and internal environment was developed After defining the vision, 6 long-term objectives and 24 short-term objectives have been developed, which are expected to be achieved after implementing the five specific strategies resulting from the matrices employed. Once sustained the plan will boost the increase in exports to the United States
According to the statistics of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru, the manufacture of wood and furniture contributed a scarce 1% to the national GDP on average in the period 2005-2016. Although Peru has a privileged forest, outstanding worldwide, this is not used in a sustainable way due to various social and economic pressures. Peru needs to expand areas under certified forest management, attending to proven and growing market demands. Access to technology and the development of productive capacities have been limited, important evolutionary factors that will allow to offer products of greater added value and of export, using modern techniques that allow to take advantage of a greater quantity of timber species of each forest harvested. There is still no good forest management, which has led the industry to handle unpredictable supplies and informal suppliers in the short term. However, this has not been a reason for the deactivation of the sector, on the contrary a development is shown as most factories are grouped in an industrial park where they seek to improve supported by local governments, basically by their ministries as PRODUCE, MINCETUR and PROMPERÚ. Currently, the department of Lima brings together the largest number of factories related to the sector and the concentration of these industries has occurred in the country's largest district, Villa El Salvador. The purpose of this strategic plan is to ensure that the Peruvian Wood furniture industry is recognized in the United States as one of the top three exporters of furniture for its service quality and innovation in design, driven by a high technological investment, characterized by the conservation of High standards of quality and at the forefront of innovation and technological development, achieving the integration of the productive chain with the environment. For this purpose an analysis of the general situation of the country was carried out, an analysis of external and internal environment was developed After defining the vision, 6 long-term objectives and 24 short-term objectives have been developed, which are expected to be achieved after implementing the five specific strategies resulting from the matrices employed. Once sustained the plan will boost the increase in exports to the United States
Muebles -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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